Xbox One Evolve Poised to Be The "Defining" Xbox One/PS4 Game of 2014, 2K Says

Evolve is one of the best games on XBOX ONE.

There are four players that act as good guys and the fifth player is a bad guy. Basically 4 alien monster hunters and 1 monster. The roles of the good guys are support, assault, medic and trapper. The monster just plays a monster, which is player five.

Styles of maps on the game are jungles, indusustrials etc. Both vegetation and man made are your obstacle courses. Try to remember the maps as soon as possible! If you don't then you won't know where the monster might evolve. Be aware that the monster can evolve anywhere and into smaller creatures, hence the name EVOLVE.

Anyways I don't want to spoil the game for you but it's quiet the treat! If you want to know a detailed view of it message me and I could talk you through parts of the game. Maybe your stuck with the Kraken? I can guide you through it, let me know thanks!
It looks good but will see. Don't believe the hype; remember Watch_Dogs?
Just yesterday I was writing about how I got burned with Murdered Soul Suspect when the game was a lot less fun than the gameplay/trailers made it appear.
Let's hope this is not the case with Evolve. The game looks genuinely fun and having more co-op games to play is always a good thing.