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Below are the achievements for Far Cry 3, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.
Far Cry 3 Achievement List:
There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.
Free Fall (5)
Freefall more than 100 m and live (Single Player only).
Nothing complicated in here: you will have to perform a free fall and fly at least 100 meters down. If you plan to survive, try to fall into the water and not on the ground. If you live – the achievement is yours.
Inked Up (5)
Earn 5 skill tattoos.
After every level up you will be granted with a skill point that can be spent on, well, skills. Every time you add a new skill to your character, he gets a tattoo. In others words, become Level 5 and earn 5 tattoos.
Fully Inked (30)
Earn every tattoo by learning all the skills.
After every level up you will be granted with a skill point that can be spent on, well, skills. Every time you add a new skill to your character, he gets a tattoo. In order to unlock this achievement you are supposed to learn all the skills and cover your hero’s entire body with skill tattoos. I got this unlocked after finishing off Hoyt. I also cleared all outposts which gave me 1500xp for being a silent assassin and I gathered all memory cards as well as done all beacons and found 12 relics. I’m telling you this because some tattoos require you to complete certain things and only afterwards they appear on your body.
Money to Burn (15)
Spend $5000 at the shop.
Don’t worry about getting this one cause it will come to you naturally. Your task is to spend $5000 at the shop or weapon vending machines. You will find those in every safe house. As for the shops, they are located on your map. By the way – you do not have to spend that sum at once. When the total number of money spent reaches $5000 – you will get your 15G achievement points.
Aftermarket Junkie (20)
Buy all attachments and paint jobs for one weapon.
Every weapon in the in the game has some attachments and paint jobs. Those things make pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc. look and work better. The easiest way to unlock this achievement is to customize your 1911 Pistol that you will have to buy for $60 at the very start of the game. 1911 Pistol has only 6 skins/paint jobs and no attachments. Every Paint Job will cost you $200 which means you will have to have no less than $1200 on your account to get them all at once. Buy this 6 Skins and the Achievement is yours.
Rebel With a Cause (10)
Liberate 3 outposts.
To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. Usually, the number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. You can clear outposts the way you want and it can be stealth kills or blasting massacre but here’s a nice way to get thing done fast and productive. Firstly, you will have to tag enemies in order to see them on your map. This can be done by pressing “UP” on the D-pad to get in a zoom mode and pushing “RB”. Now, when you see their movement, you can pop up unexpectedly and take the guards down with stealth kills. As an interesting alternative you can find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. This will help you to avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying.
Island Liberator (40)
Liberate all outposts.
All in all there are 34 Outposts in the game and you need to liberate them all. To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. Usually, the number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. You can clear outposts the way you want and it can be stealth kills or blasting massacre but here’s a nice way to get thing done fast and productive. Firstly, you will have to tag enemies in order to see them on your map. This can be done by pressing “UP” on the D-pad to get in a zoom mode and pushing “RB”. Now, when you see their movement, you can pop up unexpectedly and take the guards down with stealth kills. As an interesting alternative you can find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. This will help you to avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying.
Unheard (20)
Liberate an outpost without triggering an alarm.
To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Most of the Outposts are pretty small, 4 or 5 enemies tops. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. The number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. In order keep things quiet and avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying, you should turn off the alarm off first. Find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. Getting a Bow or a Silencer for a weapon will greatly help on this achievement. By the way, you can get the crossbow free after liberating the Rook Point Tower.
Full Bars (20)
Activate 9 radio towers.
All in all there are 18 Radio Towers in the game but your task is to find at least 9. The great thing about Radio Towers is that they unlock more weapons for free and also expand your outlooks on the world by showing more of the map. And the best part – nobody secures them. So, all you need to do is to find a tower, climb on it and get your award.
Archeology 101 (20)
Gather a total of 60 relics.
All in all there are 120 Relics in the game but in order to unlock this achievement you will have to gather 60 only. It won’t be hard to locate them as far as they are marked on your mini-map as small vases. Though, it will take some time to gather them on a map that big. By the way, for every Relic you are going to get 250 XP. Also, it might be a good idea to go to the store and buy All “ITEM MAPS”. Well, it definitely won’t spoil the fun of searching.
Dead Letters (20)
Gather all "Letters of the Lost".
All in all there are 20 letters in the game and you need to collect them all. This won’t be hard as long as you have a map for every area. You can buy those at the Shop / Vendor. Here’s the list of letters that you need to find. And do not worry – the order they appear in your hands doesn’t matter.
Ingame Number 01: Satos Letter - Coordinates - X:435.3 - Y:645.7
Ingame Number 02: Hyogos Letter - Coordinates - X:362.6 - Y:709.6
Ingame Number 03: Moris Letter - Coordinates - X:460.3 - Y:766.7
Ingame Number 04: Rens Letter - Coordinates - X:379.7 - Y:740.7
Ingame Number 05: Mogis Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:530.2 - Y:741.7
Ingame Number 06: Mogis Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:600.7 - Y:620.9
Ingame Number 07: Mogis Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:682.3 - Y:811.2
Ingame Number 08: Mogis Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:629.6 - Y:645.6
Ingame Number 09: Tadaos Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:632.5 - Y:601.5
Ingame Number 10: Tadaos Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:703.0 - Y:575.3
Ingame Number 11: Shinjis Letter - Coordinates - X:798.9 - Y:749.8
Ingame Number 12: Hayatos Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:800.9 - Y:756.1
Ingame Number 13: Hayatos Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:777.8 - Y:618.8
Ingame Number 14: Hayatos Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:602.5 - Y:457.5
Ingame Number 15: Hayatos Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:470.8 - Y:418.3
Ingame Number 16: Masahiros Letter - Coordinates - X:528.6 - Y:399.8
Ingame Number 17: Hurks Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:407.8 - Y:498.9
Ingame Number 18: Hurks Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:375.0 - Y:314.6
Ingame Number 19: Hurks Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:237.4 - Y:425.5
Ingame Number 20: Hurks Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:497.0 - Y:501.3
Memory to Spare (20)
Gather all the memory cards.
All in all there are 20 memory Cards in the game on both Islands. This won’t be hard as long as you have a map for every area. You can buy those at the Shop / Vendor. The order cards appear in your hands doesn’t matter.
Jungle Journal (20)
Unlock 50 entries in the Survivor Guide.
In order to access the Survivor Guide you will have to press “Start”, scroll down to “Handbook” and press the “A” button. Now press “RB” which will open up your survival guide. Basically, this is an encyclopedia of new things that you find on the island. It can be almost anything starting with a new animal, person, enemy faction and finishing with locations, weapons and whatsoever. Now, when you find something new, you will get a notification on the screen about your discovery. Press the “Start” button in order to read a bit more detailed information about the item. Also, if you press the “RB” button in the Survival Guide again, you will access the collectables menu. If you plan to get this fast, use and see everything around you and rather sooner than later the achievement will be yours.
Bagged and Tagged (10)
Complete a Path of the Hunter quest.
Together with the main missions you will be offered some side quests to make things a bit more entertaining. For example, “Path of the Hunter” quests are just that kind of missions and their main idea is to make you kill different animals using a particular weapon. When you agree to complete side quests, you will be redirected to the area and right before the hunting territory you will see a gun required for this or that kind of animal. For example, the very first “Path of the Hunter” quest will ask you to kill 5 rabid dogs with a shotgun. When you get to the area be sure to check the mini-map as the hunting area will show up as a greyed out section. When you kill the last animal, you will get your achievement.
Road Trip (10)
Complete a Supply Drop quest.
Supply drop quests are unlocked when you liberate outposts. When you’re done, there will appear an icon on your map. Head towards the icon on the map, hop on the quadbike and follow the instructions. The very first Supply Drop quest is really easy.
In Cold Blood (10)
Complete a WANTED Dead quest.
WANTED Dead quests are unlocked when you liberate outposts. The main idea of a quest like this is to go to a specific area and kill an NPC commander with the knife. Of course, he won’t be just standing there waiting for your move and you can be sure to face some resistance from the loyal guards. But, the good news is that you can complete a Wanted Dead quest either like Splinter Cell and stealth kill the guards. Or you can run and gun into the area taking out the guards first and then running in for the takedown of the main target. It’s all up to you. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that the NPC commander has to die from a knife.
Let the Trials Begin (10)
Beat any Trial of the Rakyat score.
The “Trials of the Raykat” happen to be series of challenges with online leaderboards and score requirements. Your task is to beat at least someone on the board and do not end up last. The very first “Trial of the Rakyat” mission can be found in the Northern direction of the main starting village. Your task is to eliminate targets that will appear one by one on the map. And remember that Silent and Takedown kills will bring you more bonus points which is actually what we came for, right? The only thing you need to keep in mind is that if you reach the score requirements, you still need to finish the challenge alive for the score to count
Poker Bully (20)
Win $1500 playing poker.
You will be able to play your very first poker game with a 250 buy-in right after liberating the top left Outpost called Valka Docks. Well, some say that you are supposed to win $1500 in one attempt, others claim that your victories are summed up and when you win $1500 in total, only then you will get this achievement. While it’s nearly impossible to win $1500 with 250 buy-in, I am glad to announce that you do not have to be a magician and you can play a few times to get things done. You can find your progress under Handbook. Press the “X” for Statistics and select World. Losses do NOT count against you. By the way, there is also a $1500 poker game as part of the campaign but it will appear on your map a lot later. But, if you want to unlock the “Poker Bully” achievement fast, here’s what you need to do:
1. Start a Poker Game and select “Expert Mode”;
2. Act crazy and go All-in from the very beginning;
Now, if you win, exit the Poker game and Save your progress. Repeat everything from the very beginning. But if you lose, go to the Manu without exiting the Poker Game and reload from the last checkpoint. Naturally, your chances to win are 25%-50% that is not bad at all.
Hunter Hunted (10)
Lure and kill a predator.
If you’ve paid just a little attention to your map you’ve probably noticed that it shows general location of animals. Those will be different animals starting with Komodo Dragons and finishing with tigers. By the way, speaking of Komodo Dragons: the very first Outpost that you will probably liberate is located right in the Komodo Dragon area which means that rather sooner than later you are going to meet those predators. The task is simple: kill at least one predator and get your 10G achievement points.
Poacher (20)
Hunt and skin a rare animal.
While playing the game you will have to deal with some “Path of the Hunter” quests that will ask you to kill rare animals. It’s very easy to identify if the quest is rare as far as it has a very big red RARE sign across it. You can find one at Camp Murder among many other places. Also, here’s an easy way to unlock this achievement:
1. Liberate the Rusty Yard in Badtown (X:579.4/Y:752.0);
2. Accept the Path of Hunter Quest from the Noticeboard;
3. Quest: Hunt a Rare White Belly Tapir with a Bow;
4. Check your equipment: it must be Hunter's Instinct (Amber Leaf) & Custom Bow
5. Quest Location: South of the Rusty Yard (X:565.5/Y:731.5);
6. Tapir Location: (X:559.0/Y732.1).
7. Do not forget to use your Hunter's Instinct and skin the animal when it’s dead.
Artsy Craftsy (10)
Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment.
The easiest way to do that is to craft pouches you need to hold items in. Go to the “Crafting” menu in order to see the “recipe” for crafting. Now, get back to the map and look for the icon that equals the animal required. For easier tracking you might wanna use your unique and special camera. Do that 5 more times and unlock the achievement.
Needle Exchange (15)
Craft 25 syringes.
Use “Crafting Menu” to find out what materials you need to craft a syringe. Usually, they are made out of plants that are shown on the mini-map. Also, when you leave or reenter the area, plants re-spawn so there won’t be any problems collecting those you need. Craft 25 syringes and get 15G achievement points.
The Good Stuff (15)
Craft a special syringe.
You will be able to unlock the first Recipe for a special Syringe right after you collect your 30th Relic. The recipe for your first special Syringe that is called “Untouchable” is pretty simple: find 2 White Leaves, 5 Blue Leaves and 5 Green Leaves. After that go to the “Crafting menu” and craft your very first special syringe. "Untouchable" special syringe makes you immune to all damages.
Say Hi to the Internet (10)
Find the lost Hollywood star.
You will find the first lost Hollywood star on the first Island in the lower right Corner. When you see 2 People hanging on a Tree, turn your head left and you should see a head buried in the sand. Go to the Head and press the “X” Button. The location for this is X: 620.3 - Y: 557.1
Heartless Pyro (10)
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower (Single Player only).
To unlock this achievement you will have to buy a flamethrower that will cost you $2400 (it’s under “Specials” in the store). Also, I would strongly recommend buying the larger fuel tank for some extra $250. Now, you need to find 50 enemies and kill them with the Flamethrower. While it’s nearly impossible to find them all partying in one place, there is a place where bad guys re-spawn: it’s the airport on the second Island. You will always find 10 or 15 guys walking around. Besides, there will be another 5 or so at the outpost. Fast travel there, kill as many guys as you can, fast travel back, buy more ammo and get back again to kill more.
Love the Boom (10)
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with one explosion (Single Player only).
The best and guaranteed way to unlock this achievement is to use either C4 or a grenade. Well, you can also try to get it with the help of RPG but some people say that sometimes it gets glitchy and even after 4 simultaneous kills “Love the boom” achievement remains locked. It doesn’t matter how you do that and where you do that. If you see 4 guys standing together do not hesitate and throw a grenade at them. But the easiest way to get those 10G achievement points is to go to an Outpost and let the guards trigger the alarm. Now, when the most important thing is done, kill the guards and wait for the reinforcement. When it arrives, throw a grenade, detonate C4 or blow it up with the RPG.
[video=youtube;RbrIrfO_DYQ] [/video]
Rock Always Wins (10)
Fully distract 25 enemies with rocks (Single Player only).
I do find this achievement kind of boring but if you do not bother getting it immediately, this can actually come to you naturally. You need to FULLY distract 25 enemies with rocks. By saying “Fully” game creators mean that the target you are fooling around with has to be completely in a calm state. Now, throw a rock and let the guy investigate it. When he’s done and things get back to normal, do the very same thing and distract 24 more fellows. And yes, you can distract the very same guy for 25 times, if you want. And remember: your enemy has to go from the calm state, become suspicious and get to the calm state again. Only this will count as 1 Full Distract.
Island Paparazzi (15)
Tag 25 enemies using the camera (Single Player only).
This will likely come to you naturally considering the fact that using camera in the game is very convenient for tagging enemies and following their movement. To get out your camera you will need to press “UP” on the D-pad. To tag an enemy, simply hover over an enemy. Then you will see skulls above the NPCs indicating that you’ve tagged your enemies. If you have problems tagging enemies on a distance, use zoom in/out by pressing “LT” or “RT” correspondingly.
Fearless or Stupid (15)
Dive more than 60m (Single Player only).
It’s an easy one as long as you have Deep Dive Injection. Find a boat or a jetski and swim into the deep water. Now, pick the Deep Dive Syringe in your inventory and inject it. You will get 45 seconds of harmless underwater diving. Jump into the water and swim until the achievement pops up.
Never Saw it Coming (20)
Kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute (Single Player only).
Well, this is a nice one. Reminds me of the best action movies. You need to kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute. The easiest one in here is a zipline because you can figure out a perfect timing with it. But beforehand you will have to buy the Death From Above skill. Now, go to the Outpost that is known as "The Neck's Diner" (it’s located in the very bottom right of your map). First of all, it has zipline out there and secondly – a stationary enemy. Though, if you have any problems getting the enemy in line, throw a rock to draw his attention and get the placement right. Now, press “A” to clip on the zipline and press “A” again when close to the target to perform a takedown.
Improper Use (5)
Kill an enemy with the Repair Tool (Single Player only).
I would call this one of the most inhumane ways of killing your enemies. Though, the task is pretty simple. First of all, you will need a Repair tool that can be found in under Specials in the store. It will cost you $400 or you can get it for free for liberating enough Radio Towers. Now, get the repair tool in your hand and sneak to your potential target. Well, you can run to it as well but sneaking will make things easier. Press and hold fire button a bit and this should set your enemy on fire. Congratulations – the “Improper Use” achievement is now yours.
Toxophilite (10)
Kill a target from 70m or more with the bow (Single Player only).
Obviously, for this one you will need a bow. You can get a Recurve Bow under Specials in the store for $925 or earn one for liberating Radio Towers. The best place to perform this is on an Outpost but is not obligatory. Use your camera to tag the target and on your left you will be told about the distance. Make sure that there are at least 70 meters between you. Use Recurve Bow scale and set it somewhere between 60 and 80 m point. Now aim and shoot the target. Also, you can make the whole 70 meter mass a lot easier and equip your Bow with the special arrows, the one with explosives. You can craft them during the game. At this point the only thing that has to be precise is the distance. Fire at will and rather sooner than later you will kill someone with the explosion.
Here We Come (20)
Complete "Ready or Not" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Ready or Not” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Return to Sender (20)
Complete "Sidetracked" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Sidetracked” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Rocking the Boat (20)
Complete "Overboard" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Overboard” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Hide and Seek (20)
Complete "Lights Out" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Lights Out” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Late Night Pick-up (20)
Complete "Rush Hour" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Rush Hour” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Getting Even (20)
Complete "Payback" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Payback” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Secret Achievements
First Blood (10)
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
Story Related and can’t be missed. This is the first achievement you are going to get for completing the Prologue. Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
Magic Mushroom (20)
Return to the doctor with the cave mushrooms.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Head through the cave, enjoy quite a nice magic trip, collect some mushrooms at the end of the cave and get them back to Dr. Earnhart.
Worst Date Ever (20)
Rescue Liza from the burning building.
Story Related and can’t be missed. You are supposed to get this one after rescuing Lisa from the temple and raiding the prison compound.
One of Us (20)
Complete the Rakyat initiation.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and complete the Rakyat initiation.
Hands Off My Stoner (20)
Rescue Oliver from the pirates.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and save Oliver from the pirates. Here’s a video guide if you find things complicated.
Retake Wallstreet (20)
Rescue Keith from Buck.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and rescue Keith from Buck.
Have I Told You? (50)
Survive the encounter with Vaas and escape.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and survive the encounter with Vaas. Escape afterwards.
Taken for Granted (50)
Kill Vaas.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and kill Vaas.
Higher Than a Kite (20)
Use your wingsuit to reach the Southern island.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and use your wingsuit to reach the Southern island.
Deep Cover (20)
Complete Riley's interrogation.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and complete Riley's interrogation.
Poker Night (50)
Kill Hoyt.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and kill Hoyt.
What a Trip (100)
Attend the final ceremony.
Story Related and can’t be missed. It will pop out at the end of credits roll. This might take a while cause lots of people have been working on this game and that is why credits flow for about 10 minutes.
Far Cry 3 Achievement List:
There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.
Free Fall (5)
Freefall more than 100 m and live (Single Player only).
Nothing complicated in here: you will have to perform a free fall and fly at least 100 meters down. If you plan to survive, try to fall into the water and not on the ground. If you live – the achievement is yours.
Inked Up (5)
Earn 5 skill tattoos.
After every level up you will be granted with a skill point that can be spent on, well, skills. Every time you add a new skill to your character, he gets a tattoo. In others words, become Level 5 and earn 5 tattoos.
Fully Inked (30)
Earn every tattoo by learning all the skills.
After every level up you will be granted with a skill point that can be spent on, well, skills. Every time you add a new skill to your character, he gets a tattoo. In order to unlock this achievement you are supposed to learn all the skills and cover your hero’s entire body with skill tattoos. I got this unlocked after finishing off Hoyt. I also cleared all outposts which gave me 1500xp for being a silent assassin and I gathered all memory cards as well as done all beacons and found 12 relics. I’m telling you this because some tattoos require you to complete certain things and only afterwards they appear on your body.
Money to Burn (15)
Spend $5000 at the shop.
Don’t worry about getting this one cause it will come to you naturally. Your task is to spend $5000 at the shop or weapon vending machines. You will find those in every safe house. As for the shops, they are located on your map. By the way – you do not have to spend that sum at once. When the total number of money spent reaches $5000 – you will get your 15G achievement points.
Aftermarket Junkie (20)
Buy all attachments and paint jobs for one weapon.
Every weapon in the in the game has some attachments and paint jobs. Those things make pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc. look and work better. The easiest way to unlock this achievement is to customize your 1911 Pistol that you will have to buy for $60 at the very start of the game. 1911 Pistol has only 6 skins/paint jobs and no attachments. Every Paint Job will cost you $200 which means you will have to have no less than $1200 on your account to get them all at once. Buy this 6 Skins and the Achievement is yours.
Rebel With a Cause (10)
Liberate 3 outposts.
To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. Usually, the number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. You can clear outposts the way you want and it can be stealth kills or blasting massacre but here’s a nice way to get thing done fast and productive. Firstly, you will have to tag enemies in order to see them on your map. This can be done by pressing “UP” on the D-pad to get in a zoom mode and pushing “RB”. Now, when you see their movement, you can pop up unexpectedly and take the guards down with stealth kills. As an interesting alternative you can find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. This will help you to avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying.
Island Liberator (40)
Liberate all outposts.
All in all there are 34 Outposts in the game and you need to liberate them all. To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. Usually, the number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. You can clear outposts the way you want and it can be stealth kills or blasting massacre but here’s a nice way to get thing done fast and productive. Firstly, you will have to tag enemies in order to see them on your map. This can be done by pressing “UP” on the D-pad to get in a zoom mode and pushing “RB”. Now, when you see their movement, you can pop up unexpectedly and take the guards down with stealth kills. As an interesting alternative you can find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. This will help you to avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying.
Unheard (20)
Liberate an outpost without triggering an alarm.
To "Liberate" an Outpost all you need to do is to kill all the enemies at the outpost. After that the flag will change and it will move to your possession. Most of the Outposts are pretty small, 4 or 5 enemies tops. Liberating outposts also unlocks new quests in the area. Hostile outposts are marked on your map with a red flag and usually these are small compounds with a group of guards. The number of guards and their location near the outpost varies but as a rule you will find some guards on the ground and some in elevated positions with sniper rifles. In order keep things quiet and avoid reinforcements being called once the bullets start flying, you should turn off the alarm off first. Find the alarm switch in the compound and disable it by holding “X”. Getting a Bow or a Silencer for a weapon will greatly help on this achievement. By the way, you can get the crossbow free after liberating the Rook Point Tower.
Full Bars (20)
Activate 9 radio towers.
All in all there are 18 Radio Towers in the game but your task is to find at least 9. The great thing about Radio Towers is that they unlock more weapons for free and also expand your outlooks on the world by showing more of the map. And the best part – nobody secures them. So, all you need to do is to find a tower, climb on it and get your award.
Archeology 101 (20)
Gather a total of 60 relics.
All in all there are 120 Relics in the game but in order to unlock this achievement you will have to gather 60 only. It won’t be hard to locate them as far as they are marked on your mini-map as small vases. Though, it will take some time to gather them on a map that big. By the way, for every Relic you are going to get 250 XP. Also, it might be a good idea to go to the store and buy All “ITEM MAPS”. Well, it definitely won’t spoil the fun of searching.
Dead Letters (20)
Gather all "Letters of the Lost".
All in all there are 20 letters in the game and you need to collect them all. This won’t be hard as long as you have a map for every area. You can buy those at the Shop / Vendor. Here’s the list of letters that you need to find. And do not worry – the order they appear in your hands doesn’t matter.
Ingame Number 01: Satos Letter - Coordinates - X:435.3 - Y:645.7
Ingame Number 02: Hyogos Letter - Coordinates - X:362.6 - Y:709.6
Ingame Number 03: Moris Letter - Coordinates - X:460.3 - Y:766.7
Ingame Number 04: Rens Letter - Coordinates - X:379.7 - Y:740.7
Ingame Number 05: Mogis Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:530.2 - Y:741.7
Ingame Number 06: Mogis Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:600.7 - Y:620.9
Ingame Number 07: Mogis Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:682.3 - Y:811.2
Ingame Number 08: Mogis Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:629.6 - Y:645.6
Ingame Number 09: Tadaos Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:632.5 - Y:601.5
Ingame Number 10: Tadaos Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:703.0 - Y:575.3
Ingame Number 11: Shinjis Letter - Coordinates - X:798.9 - Y:749.8
Ingame Number 12: Hayatos Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:800.9 - Y:756.1
Ingame Number 13: Hayatos Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:777.8 - Y:618.8
Ingame Number 14: Hayatos Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:602.5 - Y:457.5
Ingame Number 15: Hayatos Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:470.8 - Y:418.3
Ingame Number 16: Masahiros Letter - Coordinates - X:528.6 - Y:399.8
Ingame Number 17: Hurks Letter #1 - Coordinates - X:407.8 - Y:498.9
Ingame Number 18: Hurks Letter #2 - Coordinates - X:375.0 - Y:314.6
Ingame Number 19: Hurks Letter #3 - Coordinates - X:237.4 - Y:425.5
Ingame Number 20: Hurks Letter #4 - Coordinates - X:497.0 - Y:501.3
Memory to Spare (20)
Gather all the memory cards.
All in all there are 20 memory Cards in the game on both Islands. This won’t be hard as long as you have a map for every area. You can buy those at the Shop / Vendor. The order cards appear in your hands doesn’t matter.
Jungle Journal (20)
Unlock 50 entries in the Survivor Guide.
In order to access the Survivor Guide you will have to press “Start”, scroll down to “Handbook” and press the “A” button. Now press “RB” which will open up your survival guide. Basically, this is an encyclopedia of new things that you find on the island. It can be almost anything starting with a new animal, person, enemy faction and finishing with locations, weapons and whatsoever. Now, when you find something new, you will get a notification on the screen about your discovery. Press the “Start” button in order to read a bit more detailed information about the item. Also, if you press the “RB” button in the Survival Guide again, you will access the collectables menu. If you plan to get this fast, use and see everything around you and rather sooner than later the achievement will be yours.
Bagged and Tagged (10)
Complete a Path of the Hunter quest.
Together with the main missions you will be offered some side quests to make things a bit more entertaining. For example, “Path of the Hunter” quests are just that kind of missions and their main idea is to make you kill different animals using a particular weapon. When you agree to complete side quests, you will be redirected to the area and right before the hunting territory you will see a gun required for this or that kind of animal. For example, the very first “Path of the Hunter” quest will ask you to kill 5 rabid dogs with a shotgun. When you get to the area be sure to check the mini-map as the hunting area will show up as a greyed out section. When you kill the last animal, you will get your achievement.
Road Trip (10)
Complete a Supply Drop quest.
Supply drop quests are unlocked when you liberate outposts. When you’re done, there will appear an icon on your map. Head towards the icon on the map, hop on the quadbike and follow the instructions. The very first Supply Drop quest is really easy.
In Cold Blood (10)
Complete a WANTED Dead quest.
WANTED Dead quests are unlocked when you liberate outposts. The main idea of a quest like this is to go to a specific area and kill an NPC commander with the knife. Of course, he won’t be just standing there waiting for your move and you can be sure to face some resistance from the loyal guards. But, the good news is that you can complete a Wanted Dead quest either like Splinter Cell and stealth kill the guards. Or you can run and gun into the area taking out the guards first and then running in for the takedown of the main target. It’s all up to you. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that the NPC commander has to die from a knife.
Let the Trials Begin (10)
Beat any Trial of the Rakyat score.
The “Trials of the Raykat” happen to be series of challenges with online leaderboards and score requirements. Your task is to beat at least someone on the board and do not end up last. The very first “Trial of the Rakyat” mission can be found in the Northern direction of the main starting village. Your task is to eliminate targets that will appear one by one on the map. And remember that Silent and Takedown kills will bring you more bonus points which is actually what we came for, right? The only thing you need to keep in mind is that if you reach the score requirements, you still need to finish the challenge alive for the score to count
Poker Bully (20)
Win $1500 playing poker.
You will be able to play your very first poker game with a 250 buy-in right after liberating the top left Outpost called Valka Docks. Well, some say that you are supposed to win $1500 in one attempt, others claim that your victories are summed up and when you win $1500 in total, only then you will get this achievement. While it’s nearly impossible to win $1500 with 250 buy-in, I am glad to announce that you do not have to be a magician and you can play a few times to get things done. You can find your progress under Handbook. Press the “X” for Statistics and select World. Losses do NOT count against you. By the way, there is also a $1500 poker game as part of the campaign but it will appear on your map a lot later. But, if you want to unlock the “Poker Bully” achievement fast, here’s what you need to do:
1. Start a Poker Game and select “Expert Mode”;
2. Act crazy and go All-in from the very beginning;
Now, if you win, exit the Poker game and Save your progress. Repeat everything from the very beginning. But if you lose, go to the Manu without exiting the Poker Game and reload from the last checkpoint. Naturally, your chances to win are 25%-50% that is not bad at all.
Hunter Hunted (10)
Lure and kill a predator.
If you’ve paid just a little attention to your map you’ve probably noticed that it shows general location of animals. Those will be different animals starting with Komodo Dragons and finishing with tigers. By the way, speaking of Komodo Dragons: the very first Outpost that you will probably liberate is located right in the Komodo Dragon area which means that rather sooner than later you are going to meet those predators. The task is simple: kill at least one predator and get your 10G achievement points.
Poacher (20)
Hunt and skin a rare animal.
While playing the game you will have to deal with some “Path of the Hunter” quests that will ask you to kill rare animals. It’s very easy to identify if the quest is rare as far as it has a very big red RARE sign across it. You can find one at Camp Murder among many other places. Also, here’s an easy way to unlock this achievement:
1. Liberate the Rusty Yard in Badtown (X:579.4/Y:752.0);
2. Accept the Path of Hunter Quest from the Noticeboard;
3. Quest: Hunt a Rare White Belly Tapir with a Bow;
4. Check your equipment: it must be Hunter's Instinct (Amber Leaf) & Custom Bow
5. Quest Location: South of the Rusty Yard (X:565.5/Y:731.5);
6. Tapir Location: (X:559.0/Y732.1).
7. Do not forget to use your Hunter's Instinct and skin the animal when it’s dead.
Artsy Craftsy (10)
Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment.
The easiest way to do that is to craft pouches you need to hold items in. Go to the “Crafting” menu in order to see the “recipe” for crafting. Now, get back to the map and look for the icon that equals the animal required. For easier tracking you might wanna use your unique and special camera. Do that 5 more times and unlock the achievement.
Needle Exchange (15)
Craft 25 syringes.
Use “Crafting Menu” to find out what materials you need to craft a syringe. Usually, they are made out of plants that are shown on the mini-map. Also, when you leave or reenter the area, plants re-spawn so there won’t be any problems collecting those you need. Craft 25 syringes and get 15G achievement points.
The Good Stuff (15)
Craft a special syringe.
You will be able to unlock the first Recipe for a special Syringe right after you collect your 30th Relic. The recipe for your first special Syringe that is called “Untouchable” is pretty simple: find 2 White Leaves, 5 Blue Leaves and 5 Green Leaves. After that go to the “Crafting menu” and craft your very first special syringe. "Untouchable" special syringe makes you immune to all damages.
Say Hi to the Internet (10)
Find the lost Hollywood star.
You will find the first lost Hollywood star on the first Island in the lower right Corner. When you see 2 People hanging on a Tree, turn your head left and you should see a head buried in the sand. Go to the Head and press the “X” Button. The location for this is X: 620.3 - Y: 557.1
Heartless Pyro (10)
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower (Single Player only).
To unlock this achievement you will have to buy a flamethrower that will cost you $2400 (it’s under “Specials” in the store). Also, I would strongly recommend buying the larger fuel tank for some extra $250. Now, you need to find 50 enemies and kill them with the Flamethrower. While it’s nearly impossible to find them all partying in one place, there is a place where bad guys re-spawn: it’s the airport on the second Island. You will always find 10 or 15 guys walking around. Besides, there will be another 5 or so at the outpost. Fast travel there, kill as many guys as you can, fast travel back, buy more ammo and get back again to kill more.
Love the Boom (10)
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with one explosion (Single Player only).
The best and guaranteed way to unlock this achievement is to use either C4 or a grenade. Well, you can also try to get it with the help of RPG but some people say that sometimes it gets glitchy and even after 4 simultaneous kills “Love the boom” achievement remains locked. It doesn’t matter how you do that and where you do that. If you see 4 guys standing together do not hesitate and throw a grenade at them. But the easiest way to get those 10G achievement points is to go to an Outpost and let the guards trigger the alarm. Now, when the most important thing is done, kill the guards and wait for the reinforcement. When it arrives, throw a grenade, detonate C4 or blow it up with the RPG.
[video=youtube;RbrIrfO_DYQ] [/video]
Rock Always Wins (10)
Fully distract 25 enemies with rocks (Single Player only).
I do find this achievement kind of boring but if you do not bother getting it immediately, this can actually come to you naturally. You need to FULLY distract 25 enemies with rocks. By saying “Fully” game creators mean that the target you are fooling around with has to be completely in a calm state. Now, throw a rock and let the guy investigate it. When he’s done and things get back to normal, do the very same thing and distract 24 more fellows. And yes, you can distract the very same guy for 25 times, if you want. And remember: your enemy has to go from the calm state, become suspicious and get to the calm state again. Only this will count as 1 Full Distract.
Island Paparazzi (15)
Tag 25 enemies using the camera (Single Player only).
This will likely come to you naturally considering the fact that using camera in the game is very convenient for tagging enemies and following their movement. To get out your camera you will need to press “UP” on the D-pad. To tag an enemy, simply hover over an enemy. Then you will see skulls above the NPCs indicating that you’ve tagged your enemies. If you have problems tagging enemies on a distance, use zoom in/out by pressing “LT” or “RT” correspondingly.
Fearless or Stupid (15)
Dive more than 60m (Single Player only).
It’s an easy one as long as you have Deep Dive Injection. Find a boat or a jetski and swim into the deep water. Now, pick the Deep Dive Syringe in your inventory and inject it. You will get 45 seconds of harmless underwater diving. Jump into the water and swim until the achievement pops up.
Never Saw it Coming (20)
Kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute (Single Player only).
Well, this is a nice one. Reminds me of the best action movies. You need to kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute. The easiest one in here is a zipline because you can figure out a perfect timing with it. But beforehand you will have to buy the Death From Above skill. Now, go to the Outpost that is known as "The Neck's Diner" (it’s located in the very bottom right of your map). First of all, it has zipline out there and secondly – a stationary enemy. Though, if you have any problems getting the enemy in line, throw a rock to draw his attention and get the placement right. Now, press “A” to clip on the zipline and press “A” again when close to the target to perform a takedown.
Improper Use (5)
Kill an enemy with the Repair Tool (Single Player only).
I would call this one of the most inhumane ways of killing your enemies. Though, the task is pretty simple. First of all, you will need a Repair tool that can be found in under Specials in the store. It will cost you $400 or you can get it for free for liberating enough Radio Towers. Now, get the repair tool in your hand and sneak to your potential target. Well, you can run to it as well but sneaking will make things easier. Press and hold fire button a bit and this should set your enemy on fire. Congratulations – the “Improper Use” achievement is now yours.
Toxophilite (10)
Kill a target from 70m or more with the bow (Single Player only).
Obviously, for this one you will need a bow. You can get a Recurve Bow under Specials in the store for $925 or earn one for liberating Radio Towers. The best place to perform this is on an Outpost but is not obligatory. Use your camera to tag the target and on your left you will be told about the distance. Make sure that there are at least 70 meters between you. Use Recurve Bow scale and set it somewhere between 60 and 80 m point. Now aim and shoot the target. Also, you can make the whole 70 meter mass a lot easier and equip your Bow with the special arrows, the one with explosives. You can craft them during the game. At this point the only thing that has to be precise is the distance. Fire at will and rather sooner than later you will kill someone with the explosion.
Here We Come (20)
Complete "Ready or Not" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Ready or Not” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Return to Sender (20)
Complete "Sidetracked" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Sidetracked” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Rocking the Boat (20)
Complete "Overboard" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Overboard” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Hide and Seek (20)
Complete "Lights Out" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Lights Out” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Late Night Pick-up (20)
Complete "Rush Hour" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Rush Hour” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Getting Even (20)
Complete "Payback" Co-op map (Online/Offline).
Together with a Single Mode, Far Cry 3 offers a cooperative one where you can play the game with up to 4 players at once. In this mode, you get to play as one of four characters: Leonard, Tisha, Mikhail or Callum. Also cooperative mode features Six Chapters of Gameplay that you will have to finish with your friends. Just play the “Payback” Co-op map and you will get your achievement.
Secret Achievements
First Blood (10)
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
Story Related and can’t be missed. This is the first achievement you are going to get for completing the Prologue. Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
Magic Mushroom (20)
Return to the doctor with the cave mushrooms.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Head through the cave, enjoy quite a nice magic trip, collect some mushrooms at the end of the cave and get them back to Dr. Earnhart.
Worst Date Ever (20)
Rescue Liza from the burning building.
Story Related and can’t be missed. You are supposed to get this one after rescuing Lisa from the temple and raiding the prison compound.
One of Us (20)
Complete the Rakyat initiation.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and complete the Rakyat initiation.
Hands Off My Stoner (20)
Rescue Oliver from the pirates.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and save Oliver from the pirates. Here’s a video guide if you find things complicated.
Retake Wallstreet (20)
Rescue Keith from Buck.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and rescue Keith from Buck.
Have I Told You? (50)
Survive the encounter with Vaas and escape.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and survive the encounter with Vaas. Escape afterwards.
Taken for Granted (50)
Kill Vaas.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and kill Vaas.
Higher Than a Kite (20)
Use your wingsuit to reach the Southern island.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and use your wingsuit to reach the Southern island.
Deep Cover (20)
Complete Riley's interrogation.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and complete Riley's interrogation.
Poker Night (50)
Kill Hoyt.
Story Related and can’t be missed. Proceed through the mission and kill Hoyt.
What a Trip (100)
Attend the final ceremony.
Story Related and can’t be missed. It will pop out at the end of credits roll. This might take a while cause lots of people have been working on this game and that is why credits flow for about 10 minutes.
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