Xbox 360 Far Cry 3 reviews

How would you rate Far Cry 3?

  • 5 - Excellent

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  • 4

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • 3

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  • 2

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  • 1 - Not worth playing

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Aug 26, 2012
Below you can find the reviews for Far Cry 3. If you have any questions that the reviews didn't answer, start a new thread on the forum. Played the game already? Rate it above and tell us why you did or didn’t like it. Better yet, write your own user review!

4.5 out of 5 - Joystiq
Read the full review here: Direct Link
It has excellent, explicit design layered on top of system-based chaos – which is a fancy way of saying that just about everything in Far Cry 3 feels like a reward. Even a dead goat.

9 out of 10 - Game Spot
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Far Cry 3's intelligent and elegant open-world structure balances exciting action with the joys of free-form adventuring, making it one of the best shooters of the year.

9 out of 10 - IGN
Read the full review here: Direct Link
The allure of Far Cry has always been the open-ended tactical choices available during each encounter, and the variety of ways you could take down targets. With dynamic variables like aggressive wildlife and roaming pirates, your stealth and aggro options open up more than ever.

8.5 out of 10 - Official Xbox Magazine
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Don't let an uninspired online experience keep you from Far Cry 3, though. You'll have to go it alone to see all its wild thrills, but those unique situations and over-the-top conflagrations are undoubtedly worth some lonely time spent tramping through the jungle.
I really like this game. It has its glitches and the graphics aren't amazing, but it's pretty decent. I definitely think this game deserves its 'M' rating though. Parents, don't buy this for your young teen kids. Do your research before buying whatever they ask for. Do your friggin homework. It pisses me off when my 11 year old son wants to get the game because his buddy has it. This game has a RAPE SCENE for craps sake. For adults, go for it. For Christmas presents for the kiddos, be a responsible adult and pass on it.

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