Xbox 360 Far Cry 3 - Unlockable and signature weapons guide


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Radio Tower Unlockable Weapons

**NOTE - This is a work in progress thread. If you know of any errors or additions, please post them and I'll update the thread.**
Activate the Radio Towers to unlock these weapons for free, otherwise, you can purchase most of them from weapons dealers

1 Radio Towers Activated
  • 6P9 (Handgun) $680 – Can be used while on zip lines and very accurate, also can equip a suppressor, illuminated sights and an extended clip, as well as have two items equipped at the same time
  • STG-90 (Assault Rifle) $700 - This assault rifle has a high rate of fire and average damage

2 Radio Towers Activated
  • Skorpion (SMG) $425 – Can be equipped with a suppressor and can be used while on the zip line

3 Radio Towers Activated
  • Recurve Bow (Special Weapon) $925 – Can be used with flaming and explosive arrows for an extra punch
  • SVD (Sniper Rifle) $1,100 – Available at the start of the game. Quick fire rate, slower accuracy and shorter range.

4 Radio Towers Activated
  • PKM (LMG) $1,125
  • 1887 (Shotgun) $860

5 Radio Towers Activated
  • Flamethrower (Special Weapon) $2,400
  • M133 (Shotgun) $660
  • A2000 (SMG) $600

6 Radio Towers Activated
  • RPG-7 (Launcher)
  • M-700 (Sniper Rifle) $1,800

7 Radio Towers Activated
  • U100 (LMG) $1,950

8 Radio Towers Activated
  • MP5 (SMG) $900

9 Radio Towers Activated
  • GL-94 (Launcher)
  • F1 (Assault Rifle) $1,450 - This 3-round burst assault rifle can be equipped with a suppressor, an extended clip and optical, red dot and reflex sights

10 Radio Towers Activated
  • MS16 (Assault Rifle) $1,700

11 Radio Towers Activated
  • 44 Magnum (Handgun) $950

12 Radio Towers Activated
  • Vector .45 ACP (SMG) $1,420
  • D50 (Handgun) $1,300 – The most powerful handgun, but cannot accommodate a suppressor

13 Radio Towers Activated
  • ACE (Assault Rifle) $2,250
  • SPAS-12 (Shotgun) $1,600

14 Radio Towers Activated
  • MKG (LMG) $2,800
  • BZ19 (SMG) $1,800

15 Radio Towers Activated
  • Z93 (Sniper Rifle) $3,400

18 Radio Towers Activated
  • Bushman (Assault Rifle) $3,800 – Signature version of the P416 with optical scope, suppressor, extended clip and custom paint job

Other Miscellaneous Unlockable Weapons

Note: The Flare Gun is available for $500 in the beginning of the game and is only a one shot item. The repair tool can be found in the weapons shop under ‘Specials’ and will cost you $400.

Unlocked automatically when Jason escapes the Vaas’ camp
  • 1911 (Handgun) $60 – No accessories available for the 1911

Perform a stealth takedown on a militant
  • AK47 (Assault Rifle) $375 – Can be equipped with an extended clip and marksman, optical, red dot and reflex sights in multiplayer and co-op modes only

10 Relics Discovered
  • Bull Shotgun (Shotgun) $3,010 – Signature version of the M133 with a custom paint job and an extended shell capacity

20 Relics Discovered
  • AMR (Sniper Rifle) $4,800 – Signature version of the Z93 with an extended clip, high powered scope and custom paint job.

Uplay Reward Code Redeemed
  • Cannon (Revolver) $2,790 – Signature version of the .44 Magnum with an extended barrel, optical sight, 6 round barrel and custom paint job

6 Letters of the Lost Discovered
  • Japanese Tanto (Dagger – Upgrade to Machete) $0 – Automatically put in inventory

6 Trials of Rakyat Completed
  • Ripper (LMG) $4,200 – Signature version of the MKG with optical scope, extended clip and custom paint job.

10 Memory Cards Found
  • Shredder (SMG) $3,275 – Signature version of the Vector .45 ACP with reflex sight, extended clip, suppressor and custom paint job

17 Enemy Posts Liberated
  • Shadow (Handgun) $2,600 – Special version of the 1911, this handgun has an extended clip, suppressor and open reflex sight

  • P416 (Assault Rifle)
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