Xbox One Faulty system


New Member
Feb 8, 2014
hi just to express my disapointment with miscrosoft customer service. my problem is that i bought xo . after month of using it broke and i had arranged advence exchange and within 2 days i had my xo replaced. u could say nice and smoth but no . replacment i did recive for my surprise also not working ( problem with graphic card as when i play dr3 and go from room to a street with loads of details half or whole screen goes black or litle scquare starts to flickering all over screen , same with cod ghosts .) so i did get in touch with them . what c/s said to me is they will contact me to arrange ad exhc. was waited 6 days (been told that it will take max 4 days ) did contact them again . what i hear is that should arrange ad echange myself on website . went to do it amd got mesage that there is a problem with website and i should contact online support . online support told me to ring phone support . they give me to numbers . rang them both an d what i hear is please contact online support. does any body had same problem ? and if yes how did work out for u .
i did check different hdmi cable , and tv . so it system
Sorry to hear about your problems. Sounds frustrating. Did you connect it straight to a tv with the supplied HDMI cable? I had some flicker issues and it was the HDMI cable. I mean it is possible you got two bad systems, but it is also possible you have a couple of crappy HDMI cables lying around your house, like I did.

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