Favorite food to eat while gaming


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2013
I tend to eat a lot of chips and fruit snacks when gaming. I'll eat some candy now and then. It is mainly finger foods for me while gaming. I don't want to incorporate silverware into the exercise because it would only complicate the matter. Do you also tend to eat finger foods while gaming?
I tend to think the least messy the fingerfood is, the better. Obviously, you want to go for something like Doritos or Cheetos, but I hate how messy they make your hands and you're trying to use the controller at the same time and keep it reasonably clean. Sitting a moistened paper towel nearby can help. I prefer a minimally messy chip, like pita chips with hummus, or grapes. Which also end up being a bit more healthy. When friends are over, I like to make games into pseudo-drinking games, I don't set rules per se, like "drink if you die" but I find that if you're drinking alcohol and you have a lull in the game, like you're waiting to respawn, you end up taking a drink to occupy yourself in the moment. You can accidentally end up quite drunk this way, haha -- believe me!
That is a good point about using finger foods that are not messy. I've dirtied many a controller while eating cheetos, cheddar popcorn and greasy foods. I also like hummus with chips and grapes. Those work during video game playing. I have not tried drinking games though. I don't think I'll go down that road.
If i'm eating something that requires a plate, I won't do it when gaming unless I have to. Most of the time I prefer to watch an episode of a tv show when eating a proper meal.

When gaming I tend to eat things like biscuits and such. I have to be careful what I eat though as I can't have dairy and there is milk in a lot more things than you would think :o
I used to snack a lot while playing, but now I like to keep my controllers clean. This creates situations where I'll have a quick Doritos binge, wash my hands, and continue playing. I suppose any food I can eat quickly is my favorite, so perhaps pizza or tacos.
Smartfood Popcorn is the best food for gaming. If I don't have any of that, I usually like to chew gum. It helps keep my concentration up and it doesn't make a huge mess, either. Another thing, which might sound kind of weird, is that I love to eat pomegranate when gaming. If you don't know what it is, it's a red fruit with juicy seeds inside that you eat. Perfect fruit, haha.
If I know I'm going to be sitting down for a nice long gaming session, I like to always stop by Taco Bell and buy enough stuff to last me for a few days. I know this sounds disgusting, but it's a lot easier to heat up a burrito every few hours than it is to deal with having to eat a real meal while playing

I don't have a lot of true gaming moments because of real life priorities, but when I do decide to, I'll almost always get fast food that I can heat up throughout the whole session
The thought of buying taco bell and then refrigerating it sounds gross! Haha, i get what you mean though because i also like to heat up burritos if i know im going to have a long gaming session and sometimes i like to make some small sandwiches on bagels. I dont really like eating chips and stuff while im gaming because i have ocd and when i do eat chips or popcorn while gaming, i just feel like i need to get up every minute to wash my hands and wipe off my controller/keyboard haha
Back in the day I would stay up and game most of the night and game. Around 12 to 1 I'd get pretty hungry. White Castle would be calling my name. So good...but oh so horrible. Now I try to watch what I eat a bit more.
I try not too eat anything too greasy or dripping and sloppy because it ends up all over everything. Peanuts are good and generally any food that I can eat with one hand is the best!
I usually just drink a can of coke or a mug of tea. Tea can be really tasty and it does have caffeine as well so it helps keep you up during those long gaming sessions. Plus it's healthy too.
I'll eat anything and everything I can find in my fridge and cupboard haha! I usually just keep some tissues or napkins next to me so I can clean my hands before I play or use the controller. I hate dirtying my controller because I've been eating then don't clean my hands and then I touch the controller.
Generally anything that doesn't get my hands dirty or make crumbs. usually I get my greens in while I'm gaming, as I sort of zone out if I'm eating anything while focused.
I don't really eat when gaming, it's just drinkg pop/milkshakes/slurpees' (wait does a slurpee count since it's somewhat solid?)
When it comes to food/drink whilst gaming, I tend to have Pepsi Max/Tea and bbq/sour cream pretzels and the odd bit of cheese.

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