Xbox 360 Favorite Mass Effect Game


Feb 18, 2013
Which is your favorite entry in the Mass Effect series? Don't just think about gameplay or just about story, but instead take into account the overall experience offered by the games in question.
Mine is Mass Effect 2, which provided in my opinion a better story than the third one, although the gameplay was not quite as good.
Mass Effect 2 is by far the best. It has the most memorable and well designed characters, the best character missions, the best overall storyline and the scariest enemy encounters. I didn't care about the campaign of 1 and 3 like I did about the events of 2. It's just an overall great singleplayer rpg even if you don't play the other two.
I also think that the second game of the series is the best one. Not saying the others are not great, but the second one is definitely the best one and the most memorable one.
Again, I'm with Mass Effect 2. I do like ME3 and actually didn't mind the supposed "terrible ending", but overall I just enjoyed the story and characters of Mass Effect 2 more.

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