Xbox 360 Favorite thing to do in Minecraft?

I like to copy some of Roosterteeths games. Like, I make a giant target on the ground, fly all the way up to the sky, and shoot downward with my bow and arrow. It's pretty fun when you get used to it!
I like to duplicate tnt with the duplication glitch and I put so much of it underground. Then I make a long line of redstone and redstone torches that lead to all of the tnt. I put a button at the beginning of it which triggers the explosion. So when I press the button, I wait a few second then BOOM!
I start up a new world on creative mode, then fill the whole place up with TNT as far as I can see. I place them underground, in the sky, you name it. Once I'm satisfied with placing as much TNT as I possibly can, I light it up. Multiple minutes of repetitive work, for seconds of pleasure.

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