Xbox One Final Fantasy XIV Not coming to Xbox One


Nov 21, 2013
I read a while ago that this game would never be coming to Xbox One because of some conflict where Xbox players would require a separate server from PC and PS3 players. I think this is a shame. I really want to try this game but I don't want to purchase a PS3 or install it on my computer to do so.

I seem to remember Final Fantasy XI being available on 360, so I wonder why there is an issue this time around.
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Yeah, I wonder that myself. It's probably the familiarity Square has with PC and PS3 when it comes to server-based multiplayer games. Think about it: their other MMO-based game, Dragon Quest X, was first put on the Wii, then Wii U and now PC. Yet, why no Xbox? Then yes, FFXIV which has been put to the PS3 and PC. They might not have enough resources to make something for the Xbox players.

Could be FFXI was there best attempt to try and see if they can make it for the 360. Seems whatever was the result with putting FFXI had them decide not to make an Xbox One version for FFXI. But we'll see if FFXIV's reboot and success can give Xbox One gamers a chance at the Realm Reborn.
I think it will be a hit. There are so many hardcore X-Box gamers that only use X-Box but they are missing out on some of the best games i've ever played on Play Station. I think that it is not only a good choice but it is a smart business move because they are branching out.

IMO X-Box needs more Role-playing games, it seems like X-Box is lacking in that department. I also think that the Japanese RPG's always have the best stories also. Where the American RPG's are just about graphics, violence and are usually pretty short.
I remember playing FFIV when it first came out on PC. It was such a bad that I stopped playing after 2 hours and forgot it existed. I've heard good things about the new FFIV though, so I'll definitely give this a try. It's also one of the few RPG games on Xbox so I hope it's decent.
I like that Final Fantasy is coming to the Xbox One. I've had friends come to my place to try the series because they are die-hard Xbox fans. This is the best chance that the series has right now to win an Xbox audience and see if fans are interested. They've been connected to Sony for so long that I can't help but hope that things go smoothly. If it doesn't the Xbox might never see another Final Fantasy game again.
You know, I never knew about Final Fantasy being online in the first place. I guess it has been that long since I've played an FF title.

I don't see why separate servers are ever needed for the same game. On the surface level it seems fundamentally illogical. But I guess money/exclusivity factors into it.
You know, I never knew about Final Fantasy being online in the first place. I guess it has been that long since I've played an FF title.

I don't see why separate servers are ever needed for the same game. On the surface level it seems fundamentally illogical. But I guess money/exclusivity factors into it.

It began with FFXI. It was during the PS2 era they did it. Then they moved it into PC. Then FF14 came. That's what we're talking about now. FF14 originally had a prior version but it sorta failed so Square revamped it and made A Realm Reborn. Well, Square's got factors. You might be right about the money/exclusivity factors.
I couldn't believe this when I read this, they're really denying themselves a ton of subscribers. I understand the technical limitations, but I'm pretty sure some developer will find a way to link the two consoles in online play eventually, so why not Square Enix? Bah. Ah well, it looks like this is another sign that Playstation will likely be the console with more/better JRPG's this gen as well.
It's one of those things that I had hoped would happen. If Final Fantasy was on the Xbox One that would introduce a whole new group of gamers to it. There are plenty of kids out there who are hardcore Xbox fans and have never played a final fantasy as a result. And the series has had some major hits, so it's a shame that this isn't going to happen. Hopefully Square changes their minds.
It's one of those things that I had hoped would happen. If Final Fantasy was on the Xbox One that would introduce a whole new group of gamers to it. There are plenty of kids out there who are hardcore Xbox fans and have never played a final fantasy as a result. And the series has had some major hits, so it's a shame that this isn't going to happen. Hopefully Square changes their minds.

The thing is, Final Fantasy XI never really took off on the Xbox. I'd be surprised if Xbox players ever accounted for more than 10% of FFXI's player population. Maybe this is factoring into Square Enix's decision to not bother with FFXIV on Xbox One.
I couldn't believe this when I read this, they're really denying themselves a ton of subscribers. I understand the technical limitations, but I'm pretty sure some developer will find a way to link the two consoles in online play eventually, so why not Square Enix? Bah. Ah well, it looks like this is another sign that Playstation will likely be the console with more/better JRPG's this gen as well.

Yup, the last part is true. I remember when FFXIII first came out to PS3 and 360, more copies were sold on PS3 than 360. It shows that the Xbox players just weren't into it. That could also be the factor why there is never going to be a FFXIV on Xbox One. And StormTrooper is right: FF never took off on Xbox. We got to take into account that if there is no FF coming to Xbox One, then Square knows it's not making anything good out of it. Well, let's see with FF15.
I read a while ago that this game would never be coming to Xbox One because of some conflict where Xbox players would require a separate server from PC and PS3 players. I think this is a shame. I really want to try this game but I don't want to purchase a PS3 or install it on my computer to do so.

I seem to remember Final Fantasy XI being available on 360, so I wonder why there is an issue this time around.

I think MS should open its servers to all gaming platform possibilities. Anyone from any game system or computer should be able to play together. Doesn't make much sense.

I think MS should open its servers to all gaming platform possibilities. Anyone from any game system or computer should be able to play together. Doesn't make much sense.

You say it man. You're right. Microsoft should allow flexibility to all gaming platforms.
Oh man. I was looking forward to this game. Such a bummer. I hope that their project for Final Fantasy 15 won't be put on hold. I'm still hoping they could change their minds on this. Final Fantasy 15 would be quite incomplete without 14 coming out.

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