Xbox One First in line for a Scropio


Jul 5, 2016
I will not be one of those waiting in line for a Scorpio when it is released. I never buy a console fresh on the market. Too many bugs and patches. The normal first batch of games are usually not that good anyways and it will take a year or two for the software to take advantage of the hardware.

How many of you out there will be buying a Scropio as soon as it comes out?
Nope not in a long time. My xbox one works fine and I don't see a point in getting scorpio right away.
My feelings are the same and in the past I have fell for the hype and ended up putting my name down for the latest console only to get it on launch day and it be that full of bugs that it's barely usable. On the plus side companies like Microsoft and Sony are good at releasing patches and fixes within a couple of day of the problems coming to light, but when the Scorpio comes out I will be waiting at least a few weeks till after the launch before I spend my hard earned money.
Exactly, I never do either. I am always jealous though, however, of the people that do get one day one. I like to watch the youtube videos of it, scan the reviews, and by the time I get around to buying one, it's in stock, the price might be down, and there will be plenty more games for it. Usually consoles only launch with one or two games so it simply isn't worth it.
The jealousy aspect is what gets to me as well to be honest, and while I think I'm not going to get a console (or even a game) on the day of release and I know that I can't justify buying it, when it does come out and people are playing it I'm always kicking myself because I wish that I had ordered it as well.

One example of that was when GTA San Andreas came out, and while I was a fan of the GTA series I thought I'll just hang on and wait, I was in no rush to get it. Then the first 20 reviews I saw of the game pretty much said it was the greatest game to ever come out on console and I was like...oh! By the time I rushed out to get a copy it was sold out everywhere and I was gutted that everyone I knew was playing it and raving about it and I was sat there looking like a fool!
Well you are right, it is all about finding that sweet spot where you can still get it early enough to be excited and still get a little of the hype, but also to avoid the setbacks that can often come with buying the first batch. This is usually the time when I am most of the message boards and reading reviews from customers to see what I should be expecting, and what I read is usually very helpful in letting me know what I should do. It is hard to not go out and get it though, sometimes.
The reviews that people post online as soon as a console comes out do tend to influence others into either buying something or not doing. While I think that a lot of the reviews we read aren't always legitimate, when it comes to paying that amount of money I would rather have at least some idea of what I'm expecting to get and not just buy something on the day of release and then be disappointed.