Xbox One For those who cannot afford getting an Xbox One, read this article...


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
I'll be waiting, but not because i can or cant afford it. I'll be waiting because i no longer feel like i NEED a console on launch day. I actually didnt get a 360 until 2008 and didnt really miss not having one. I imagine the One will be the same
I'll be waiting, but not because i can or cant afford it. I'll be waiting because i no longer feel like i NEED a console on launch day. I actually didnt get a 360 until 2008 and didnt really miss not having one. I imagine the One will be the same

And the best part is, by the time the XB1 gets some of the hottest titles, you will be able to walk into a store and buy one. No need to have to wait in line or "hope" for acquiring one. Also, let us be the beta testers :)

I am from the thoughts of, if I know I am going to want something, get it why wait as it will not stop.

It's only logical that in 4-6-10-12 more months there will be more games, more online, easier to get and so on, but
you can take it further that in 2-3 years there will be even more, and in 3-4 years even more with maybe a price drop
or even console redesign. Then by then it could even be, wait for the Xbox Two or PS5.

So when do you stop waiting to get something you want and plan on buying in the first place especially if you
can have it on Day One?

This is only how I like to do things, not saying it it right for everyone or even the best way.
I almost waited for the XB1, but when reports kept saying how the systems were still available for pre-order, I decided to get one. Personally, there isn't anything coming out at launch that makes me say OMG, I need that game! However, I'm liking the TV functionality and how you can manage playing games while still watching TV and chatting.
