Xbox One Forgotten Xbox IPs worth reviving for the Xbox One?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
All right, this is for those who have owned the original Xbox and those who are pretty much in tune with the history of it: any forgotten Xbox IPs worth reviving for the Xbox One? One game I know from the past of the Xbox is Breakdown. I'm sure some of you know that. I'd love to either see a reboot, an HD treatment or even a sequel to that game. I never got to play but damn was the gameplay awesome.
I'd love to see a remake of Serious Sam. In case you don't know it, it was a game back in the 90's with a quakelike experience. It had single player missions where you can get cool guns and upgrades. I really enjoyed that game back in high school.
This is technically cheating because it wasnt an XBox exclusive per say, but if they finished Shenmue on the XBox that would be AWESOME!
Definitely want to see old and cool RPG games back in the day. Something like Breath of Fire, Onimusha and Golden Sun. Well I wouldn't mind having Bloodrayne too for a change. It's been a while since I've seen the last Bloodrayne game.
How about Fuzion Frenzy? Been about 7 years since the last one, and Microsoft really could use some multi-player party titles. They could probably make great use of the Kinect too.
I absolutely want to see Genma Onimusha get remade or better still get a sequel. I have craved for a new Onimusha game since the 360 days. Another one worth having a look I think is Kameo, even thought it wasn't very good for me but it's good enough to be given another chance. What it needs are improvements, that's all.
I absolutely want to see Genma Onimusha get remade or better still get a sequel. I have craved for a new Onimusha game since the 360 days. Another one worth having a look I think is Kameo, even thought it wasn't very good for me but it's good enough to be given another chance. What it needs are improvements, that's all.

Onimusha really is something to watch out for. I hope they can really make it for Xbox One. Yeah, Kameo is also quite a good game. Played it a lot.
I absolutely want to see Genma Onimusha get remade or better still get a sequel. I have craved for a new Onimusha game since the 360 days. Another one worth having a look I think is Kameo, even thought it wasn't very good for me but it's good enough to be given another chance. What it needs are improvements, that's all.

Oh yeah, I remember Kameo. Awesome Xbox game indeed. I didn't play it but I remember seeing somebody play that. Man was that awesome.

How about Fuzion Frenzy? Been about 7 years since the last one, and Microsoft really could use some multi-player party titles. They could probably make great use of the Kinect too.

Fuzion Frenzy! They got to revive that. I didn't play that, only saw somebody playing it back then in a rental. Man would that be awesome to revive on the XB1.
Fuzion Frenzy! They got to revive that. I didn't play that, only saw somebody playing it back then in a rental. Man would that be awesome to revive on the XB1.

That was a long time ago. Well I did enjoy the game so I guess it will be a great game for Xbox One, that is, if they can revive it.
I'd love for Jade Empire to become a regular thing. I wanted Jade Empire to return for 360. A forgotten game that Microsoft should've picked up: the Vampire the Masquerade. I think a studio getting behind that and using the card game's lore would turn up a deeper RPG than Fable and closer to Deus Ex.
I'd love to see Jade Empire return. That would be a pretty cool Xbox One exclusive. Even if it isn't exclusive, for Bioware to have a trio of Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Jade Empire? I'll get behind that.
I'd love to see a remake of Serious Sam. In case you don't know it, it was a game back in the 90's with a quakelike experience. It had single player missions where you can get cool guns and upgrades. I really enjoyed that game back in high school.

There were remakes of First and Second encounter, along with a new Third Encounter, on PC and 360.
How about Full Spectrum Warrior or True Crime? Can't forget PGR either.
How about Full Spectrum Warrior or True Crime? Can't forget PGR either.

Well, Sleeping Dogs is really a sequel to True Crime. Look it up, issues made it change title.

I would like to see From Software make a new glorious Metal Wolf Chaos fpr X1.

I would say Onimusha but that was really a Playstation thing, Xbox only got the first game. Capcom should resurrect it for X1/PS4.
I would say Onimusha but that was really a Playstation thing, Xbox only got the first game. Capcom should resurrect it for X1/PS4.

I agree, they really should revive it on Xbox One or PS4.
I would say Onimusha but that was really a Playstation thing, Xbox only got the first game. Capcom should resurrect it for X1/PS4.

Onimusha is really a great game. It does deserve to be resurrected on Xbox One, but the possibilities are quite slim since it has been on PS for the longest time.
I have never even heard of The Outfit, what is that like?
I have never even heard of The Outfit, what is that like?

Makes me wonder. I never heard of this game.

I would say Onimusha but that was really a Playstation thing, Xbox only got the first game. Capcom should resurrect it for X1/PS4.

Definitely something nice to bring back.
I'd like for Xbox One to get Way of the Samurai/Samurai Western. It was a PS2 game and I think it was skipped over for PS3.