Xbox One Fps drop in battlefield 4. Broken Xbox?

New Member
Jul 20, 2014
Hi when I play bf4 the game micro stutters a lot and much fps drops. It's not fun to play because of this. Is it normal? Happens the most in conquest and other big game modes.
It could be a number of things, including your Xbox, your Internet connection, and even your television. How fast is your connection? Otherwise, I'd try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it just to see if that helps. Also, BF4 is kind of buggy, so it could be an issue that you can't actually fix. Maybe DICE will fix it with a patch if enough users are experiencing the same issues. I don't know, though.
I only get stutters when playing online and the connection gets spotty. Only happens at friends houses though - my connection here is 125Mb/sec
When playing at someone else's home, your gaming suffers? Well it could be that you are not the only one in the house online. Perhaps there are a few tablets, maybe another console, perhaps someone watching NetFlix or Amazon videos etc. How is the game when you are at home?
As a PC builder I have massive understanding on how hardware works and this new hardware is easy to understand since it's more of a PC then ever before.

The FPS issues in BF4 are directly related to the weak CPU put into these consoles. The larger number of players, the harder it is on the CPU.

While 8 cores sounds amazing, the truth of it all is different.

1) These games will not be optimized to use all 8 cores because of other tasks required to run in the background, especially on X1.

2) The major flaw. These cores are incredibly weak. Their IPC (instructions per clock) and clock speed are on the lowest of the low. An intel quad core in its current generation at idle can outperform these at max.

It has already been said by several developers that the X1/PS4 CPU is only slightly better than the PS3's CELL and the 360's triple core CPU.
Have you tried playing another game to see if the fps drops too? It's kind of odd to hear of this issue where frames drop with faulty Xbox Ones. I don't think it has anything to do with the console itself, maybe it's issue with the harddrive. The console may have been doing something in the background like installing updates and stuff while you were playing.
I think it's just the fact that.. these new consoles aren't as powerful as you think they are dude..