Xbox One Free Games with the Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Midwest US
European Xbox One preorders will include free copy of FIFA 14 -

Link is to gamespot and talks about the free game that you get when you get the One. I think I got the Indiana Jones lego game when I got my 360. I played it for about 10 minutes before I found Mass Effect. There was always the Mario/Duck Hunt game that you got with the NES that started all this wonderful free games, but if you look at it, the quality of the game has gone down as more systems released. Sonic was an amazing release and Sega was happy to give it away to keep you coming back to that franchise. I'm hoping that the One has some awesome releases that they give away with the system because we are paying more than the PS 4 is.
Are they doing this to try to alleviate European consumers after the recent delay? Because I don't really think it will work out, though it is kinda nice; soccer IS a big thing in Europe (specially in Spain, which didn't get hit by the delay! Spanish people love their soccer and FIFA). We'll see how it works out for them.
That makes sense Claptrap. I wouldn't be surprised if this was their way of saying sorry for the inconvenience. It's a noble thing to do, it'd be nice if North America gets something too, because you know, I live in North America...
Yeah I don't see why the Xbox One wouldn't come with a free game. It is just any other new system, so it would make sense for it to have a new game with it as well. I hope what ever games that allow to come free, is actually entertaining to play.
Getting Mario 64 with the N64 was so huge for gaming in general. The first 3D open environment of its kind was open to all those who bought a console.

I would be surprised to see the North American release have no games come with it. That wouldn't sit very well with people who thought it was expensive already.
I don't understand why one market gets a free game and the other markets do not. I'd love to get Fifa for free. Or even Madden. Or any game for the matter. Or at least give the pre-order customers a large discount on a game of their choice. Something. Anything.
Yeah, that's pretty lame for everyone else that only Europe is getting a game with launch. Then again they do random bundles whenever they want to. Usually around the holidays so who knows maybe everyone else is due to get a game with their system soon too.
Yeah, that's pretty lame for everyone else that only Europe is getting a game with launch. Then again they do random bundles whenever they want to. Usually around the holidays so who knows maybe everyone else is due to get a game with their system soon too.

Well considering they are paying 430£ they should get a free game in the UK. That is equal to $695! So I wouln't complain too much. Think we got a bargain
Right!Them poor Brazilians! o_O! I am cool with just the $499.99 price tag.I can have 2 games and a play and charge kit with the price of europe being charged!
So who wants a copy of FIFA 14? As if we can't buy is separately.
It would be nice for MS to offer Killer Instinct to all of the pre-order folks, not just loyal xbox fans.

Free games? I am sooo jealous. That is really unfair. If someone gets a free one? others don't - whats the point in that? everyone should be in the same position here!
Free games? I am sooo jealous. That is really unfair. If someone gets a free one? others don't - whats the point in that? everyone should be in the same position here!

It depends. such huge campaigns are ought to attract more and more customers. Xbox is not that popular in Europe as the USA, thats why they are making a "bonus" part, which is quit reasonable

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