Xbox One Full synch rage quit


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2014
I just want to vent out my anger with this kind of system. Most games have this but the one I'm really particular with is Assassin's Creed. I really hate it when I try my best to finish a mission, you know, go all stealthy and crafty and being an overall BAMF and then once you've finished the mission the game would go like "Oh, yeah you're a badass alright, too bad you killed that guy using a sword instead of your gun, 80% sync." I know it's part of the challenge but some of the constraints are just downright stupid and the worst thing is, when you start a mission the game doesn't tell clearly about the constraints, if you're doing a fast paced mission, let's say chasing a guy, you can't slow down and check for the constraints. I think it breaks the excitement of the game. I honestly think Ubisoft should rework that full sync system.
Well, duh? It's not something that's added in as an essential part of the game. It's put in for the completitionists among us. You can, and most people do, complete the game with less than a full sync. That's fine. It's just another way to add a little to the game, like achievements and side quests.
i really thought id play more ac black flag.. i foundm ys
elf proably 1/4 thru the game and just felt like it was soooo rehash of what i did before from what i did before to what i did at the beginning of the game... i think the new unity ac lookspromising but wont spend a dime on any abstergo madness.... so much of the game needs real updating/tweeking... i just cant get into it.
Well, duh? It's not something that's added in as an essential part of the game. It's put in for the completitionists among us. You can, and most people do, complete the game with less than a full sync. That's fine. It's just another way to add a little to the game, like achievements and side quests.

Yeah I know and for the most part I just go through the game without even trying to do the full sync. But my gripe is, maybe it's more of a personal issue on my part, is well, it's annoying sometimes when you try your best on each mission to just be perfect and once you've done it the game would just slap you right in the face. I just really hate it. But alas, I've finished the damned game 100% full sync on all areas, so that's crossed out of my gaming OCD bucket list.
I don't know I personally don't like the way it's set up.. It should be a side thing, it bothers me if the sync isn't high enough..

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