Future of video gaming in the wake of recent events


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2013
North Carolina
If you are like me you are probably worried about the future of video gaming in the wake of recent events such as the Newtown, CT Massacre, and the Aurora, CO Movie Theater Shooting. Lawmakers who know nothing about video games, and the relief they can provide to gamers. I am unique in the fact that I share the same suspected mental illnesses of the Newtown, CT shooter Adam Lonza. We both have personality disorders that include Manic Bipolar, and we both have Asperger's Autism. We both play video games a lot. What is different? Well before I was admitted into the hospital many, many times I was crazy, I would go around fighting people over stupid stuff.

The problem is not video games, the problem is the broken mental healthcare system. I was admitted into 20 different hospitals on 20 different occasions in just one year alone. Why? Because they are worried about profits, not the health of the patients in the hospital. Thankfully they got it right on the 20th visit.

If you are of the voting age in the United States, I urge you to take a stand and tell Washington we are not the baby killing Hitlers of this era. Visit VideoGameVoters.org and send an e-mail to the legislators in your area. Then spread the word. We can't let Washington regulate this form of free speech that most Americans enjoy.
It's too much money being made in the video game industry so I wouldn't worry about them shutting down or getting softer on violence in video games. Their not getting any softer in television. Clearly video games are not the problem and sadly it has been school violence or school related violence before and games have still been produced with violent content. The root of the problem is not video games.
Screw them. Gaming doesn't direct me to violence while playing violent games, and a lot of my friends are playing violent games too, like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, but they've never shown any intentions to violent behavior too. Prosecutors and law makers should research their things more extensively.
While violent games and movies do help to desensitize people to a point, it's not the games that go out and commit violent crimes. It's people that commit crimes. There was a time when people who were prone to violent acts could be kept in places that would help them. Now they're allowed to leave if they want to, whether they know what's going on or not. That's where the problem is at.
I was just thinking about this a few days ago.

After looking at many of the last years technologies for gmaing like multiple monitor or 3D (id say those did not really win many crowds out there), and hearing that projectors neither have gained a huge fanbase due to their lack in contrast compared to regular monitors/tvs, i have noticed a new tv by LG that is slight curved
This is actually a reason things like this happen. The mental system is completely broken and no one is willing to step up and fix it. Insurance doesn't want to spend to much on it as the roi isn't going to be high compared to the popular diseases. Video games are just a typical crutch that simple-minded politicians rally on to ban without actually doing any work or research as to the root cause.
I'm actually worried about the future of the gaming industry. With all these controversies going around like the one about the violence, it pretty hard to imagine a censored gaming, so what will be the purpose of ESRB ratings.
But like the Internet censorship thing, I doubt this will be pushed any further. I think all the gamers around the world will be against this. Like seriously, wth is the difference from this kind of video games from action movies that actually have more violence on them.
I think that there are people in positions of authority out there that do not like gaming and do not like gamers and young people. The same types that don't like skaters, or people who play loud music or kids that hang around outside chillin'.
I think those people will do whatever they can to try and stop young people accessing games whether that's through some kind of gaming curfew, further age limited restrictions, or even having to show ID to buy games (wait, they do that already don't they?).
There are too many adults and oldies blaming games and gaming for their poor parenting skills. At the end of the day, if you don't teach your child that killing people is wrong then they go and play games where killing is fun, of course they're gonna think well, 'mom doesn't say its bad, I enjoy killing in the game, lemme try it out!' Then they kill etc and realize, oh crap! that was wrong! Then the parents are like, 'Oh Crap!' I'm a bad parent... Wait, it wasn't me, it was the violent games I bought them for Christmas!'... So, we're just back to you and your bad parenting again aren't we?.. Yes, we are...

Stop blaming the games and start parenting your kids and teaching them right from wrong!
I hate when people say that violence comes directly from games and movies, it does not make any sense. I think they need to focus on the real problem:


If there are problems at home you end up making bad decisions.
The problem does not fall with our video games, honestly, it starts at our mental health and illness care. Besides, just because there are select cases that have problems does not mean the majority should not be punished for the select few.
Video games are used as scapegoats and unfortunately, will be hounded and hounded for more and more restrictions. It's understandable why they are doing it though, for them, it's just another part of their day job, another pay check, a few more years in the office. They'd all agree to it without another thought. Disgusting.
The thing is, people will complain all they want about violence being connected to video games, and they will try to change them, but they will ultimately fail due to free speech and all. Clearly some will try to blur the lines, but, in the end, gamers will be victorious.

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