Xbox One FX's New Animated Comedy Chozen Premieres on Xbox One


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Though the 13-episode first season of Chozen is set to debut on FX January 13 at 10:30 PM ET/PT, Xbox One owners will have access to the first episode starting today, January 6, through the system's FXNow app. Of course, there is a caveat: the app requires an Xbox Live Gold membership and a cable subscription that includes the FX channel.

Source: IGN

Interesting to see Microsoft pursing such entertainment exclusives. While the show is no major big deal I think it's a step in the right direction since if MSFT continues to get entertainment exclusives like this it will make it a very unique console.
The idea that the show is hard to define makes me interested in seeing it really. It being on X1 is a mild bonus I suppose.
Microsoft is aiming to make it the all-in-one. As in, if we want the latest in TV shows and movies, it's always the Xbox One. That's something I'm really wondering if they can pull off. Can they make the Xbox One the console that can replace cable boxes? That I'd love to see happen, if it can be done.
Having read a bit about the show itself, it seems like it could be in an Archer-vein or "distinctly FX".
I hope they could get more premiers for Xbox One. Or even some options to watch pay per view movies at a cheaper rate rather than having them on your cable provider. Well I am quite intrigued with this but hey, for now, I'd rather use my Xbox One for gaming purposes.
I hope it's a least 1/4 in the same vein as Archer. I'm sure it'll have that FX vibe to it though.

Hahahaha. Man, you just had to mention Archer. I got curious about it when Netflix kept putting it in one of the Suggestions For You tab the other day so I watched the first episode.
All I could think of when I heard Archer himself: Bob, is that you? :D Yeah, I hope this new show will have the vibes and 1/4 of Archer.
Having read a bit about the show itself, it seems like it could be in an Archer-vein or "distinctly FX".

Hahahahaha. You might be right. Shows like this are nice to see on TV. I mean, it's not that I diss the ordinary ones but it's just awesome to not define a show right away and when you see it, it's even harder than before to define XD Like Archer.
Archer is so hard to define. My girlfriend LOVES Frisky Dingo and I'll try to get her to watch Archer. It's essentially a 30 minute Frisky Dingo with a flexible story over multiple seasons. FD had multiple seasons, but really had to stick to a storyline since it only had a 15 minute block. It's the same creator even and largely the same tropes--especially with the main character. Still can't get her to watch it.

Still Archer is an awesome show. I watched it in a marathon being streamed on by someone on Justin TV and it was just great.
If FX starts plugging out more animated shows they could have another Animation Domination on their hands.
I'm actually not into the idea of the Xbox One becoming the entertainment center of the living room. Kind of makes me feel that the Xbox is losing its identity. I guess it's the trend and can't be help. If they have really good shows on I don't mind watching one or two with the X1.
Hahahahaha. You might be right. Shows like this are nice to see on TV. I mean, it's not that I diss the ordinary ones but it's just awesome to not define a show right away and when you see it, it's even harder than before to define XD Like Archer.

Oh man, Archer. That show is amazing. That's the main reason I check out FX.
I'm actually not into the idea of the Xbox One becoming the entertainment center of the living room. Kind of makes me feel that the Xbox is losing its identity. I guess it's the trend and can't be help. If they have really good shows on I don't mind watching one or two with the X1.

I saw Microsoft going in this direction when the X1 was first announced. You could say it's part of a larger plan starting with getting Xbox in a market, waiting a bit, Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, and streaming become a thing in the 3-4 years following, they get that stuff on the Xbox 360, and just wait stuff to advance a little bit more.
When you lay it out like that, it seems kind of like Microsoft had future plans for Xbox early on because Microsoft could've easily jumped into the console game earlier. The seventh generation was the perfect time to jump in for Microsoft, but they wanted the brand to get some weight on before continuing.
It was a pretty good show, but I'm really looking forward to other exclusives and programming.
