Xbox One game updates not downloading properly


New Member
Jun 14, 2017
has anyone else had the same problem if so how did u fix it, my updates used to work but in the last month I'm lucky if they average 1 gb an hour and cant access anything while updating iv contacted help lines and internet service providers everything is connected and running at correct speed and everything iv tried hasn't solved the problem I have 2 xbox's in my house with 83 games and fear ill spend more time updating then playing can someone please help.
Just to be clear, you can't update your games while simultaneously not being able to access anything else while the games aren't updating?

If that's the case, a couple issues may contribute to the problem. First Microsoft's server may be overcrowded, virtually halting the download itself. Though this seems like a continuous issue you've been having so it may seem unlikely. The second issue could be space. 83 games are a lot of space to take up on an Xbox One. Another possible culprit could be corrupted memory. All with a chance of contributing to your failed updates.

I suggest contacting support if this problem persists in the future. On a side note, normally when my games are updating, I leave my Xbox inactive to complete the updates. Even though they can update in the background, I sometimes fear of overloading my Xbox console itself. Just a tip from me to you.