Games that make you rage!


Active Member
Mar 17, 2013
East Coast
What are some games that make you want to freak out and rage?

I hardly ever rage at games, but when I do, it's Lollipop Chainsaw. It's really easy to die while playing a minigame, and I ultimately end up just turning off the Xbox. Another game that causes me to rage when I die is Mass Effect, because there comes a certain time when you can't save, and you just get your ass kicked over and over and over and over again. It's extremely annoying.

I never rage when playing against other people, because frankly, that's pretty childish in itself. Just stop playing with that person if you're going to get that worked up.

What games make you rage, what do you do when you rage, and why?
I've only rage quit once and that was in ME2 on a side mission where there's a ton of mechs and you gotta defend some boxes. I was a low level adept playing on insainity and when it first loaded I looked,got destroyed by a barrage of missiles and just flipped out....I was in a party when that happened....they still talk about it to this day haha
Ohhh yes, I know exactly which mission you're talking about. The one where Cerberus sends you to get those boxes and those BASTARD heavy mechs are there. Man, I did that like... 7 or 8 tries because I had the wrong characters each time. I tried to time it properly, so that they'd have the right skills and what not, eventually it worked.

Sorry that your friends had to hear you rage! I try not to rage on mic, because it gets pretty loud.
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition had a lot of those moments, especially in higher difficulties of the Arcade mode. That last boss... let me tell you, it was feeds on fury and hate from everyone who plays the damn game!
Forza Motorsport. Maybe I'm just not a good driver but I find it really hard to win races. When I'm comfortably ahead of the pack, I sometimes find myself making a costly error that leaves me in the last place! That's one of the instances when I feel like throwing the controller to the screen.
Mostly, first person shooter games like COD.

Any competitive shooter where the other player display "strange" behavior - read snapping, rapid fire with single-shot weapons, no recoil, perfect aim, ESP, etc. aka all the sign of hacks. I've played enough games to know the difference between a damn good player and when something is fishy.
I don't remember the last time I raged while playing a game, really. I used to get real pissed when I was playing a rated arena match in WoW and the internet or power would go off, though. I actually broke my keyboard over my knee once, because I was the only person standing from my team against some caster and I totally had him, I was at almost full health and he was at 30ish percent and then the power went out. That was at like 2400 rating, which is pretty srs bzns as far as WoW goes.
I used to rage alot while playing Risen, an RPG game. When you're walking around exploring a cave or a dungeon, random spikes could appear at any time, would make me rage if they'd kill me. Also on a side note: "All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ".
"All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ".

OH MAN, OH MAN! Does that hit a nerve right there! That mission used to be hell before they fixed it, iirc these days there is a patch that makes Smoke so 1337 that he can hit the broad side of a barn without unloading 50 magazines at it.
hahaha I remember that mission too, it was great cause no matter what angle you tried you were just destined to repeat....
When I played COD I used to range like mad, I'd get so annoyed if I got killed in a simple way such as not checking corners before I run round and shit like that haha.

Another one is Guitar Hero, I actually broke the guitar for that because I got so annoyed I smashed it into my floor, kinda like when they destroy shit at a concert, I literally failed the final guitar battle on the highest setting right near the end, I was so pissed off because it was like my 100th try and it was the furthest I got. Upon failure without thinking I smashed it into the floor and afterwards was crying with laughter and told my parents...They weren't laughing!
Any time when I feel like the challenge is cheap rather than well-designed. An example is the final boss in Gears of War 3 on Insane; there's nothing particularly inspired about it, and while it was a cool spectacle, I feel like Epic didn't play-test it much on Insane. I might rage to myself if I'm playing online games, but never via the mic, because like you said, that's childish. Even if I'm in a party with friends, I'd rather that they don't have to listen to my frustrations. It's easy to get angry at a game like CoD that hands kills to players of all skill levels, but it comes with the territory.

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