Games with Gold for July 16: Assassin's Creed II

its a game i am looking forward to playing.. i was told the 2nd is the first assasins creed i needed to play as the first wasnt that great. with the xb live sale of ac3 on sale for the 4th for 20bux i almost bit the bullet but figured i would hold out till i got the free xbl free play. kind of wish they would have stacked the ac2/ac3 closer together with the sale. if i got into the game i wouldhave purchased ac3 even if i didnt play till i beat or played thu ac2

if xb1/xbl keeps this up they will be selling games on marketplace allot more.. especially with the sale of good games.
That's awesome! I have never played any of the Assassins Creed games, so II would be a reasonable start for me, unless you would have to play I in order to know what's going on which I highly doubt. Thanks for this, hopefully it won't be too hard for me since it is a stealthy game.
I am very excited about this too! It's funny cause I was actually going to buy either assassins creed 1 or 2 this week as my wife is writing a novel on rome and I thought watching me play assassins creed might give her some ideas.

Big thumbs up to Microsoft for this one ;)
That's awesome! I have never played any of the Assassins Creed games, so II would be a reasonable start for me, unless you would have to play I in order to know what's going on which I highly doubt. Thanks for this, hopefully it won't be too hard for me since it is a stealthy game.

I'm in the same boat. I will definitely download it and give it a try. I had never played any Fable games and I enjoyed Fable III even though the consensus on the Internet is that it's a bad game. Seriously, who can pass up free games?
i actually liked fable3... as a free download... up to the point i played for 3 days straight and really figured out the ins and outs of the game. i became king(which to me is the half way point of the game) and am building my empire... fortunatly for me i was smart and played it the cheating way(unknowingly) and realy have no reason to play now... every 5 minutes i make tons of money. ive already replenished my kingdom vault and can save most all villages in the 365 days till the attack.

being assins creed will be my first stealth game im a bit excited for it so i can get the general gameplay and way it pls down a little bit before ac4 releases on 1... i was holding off on the titles but im happy ill get to see if i really want it or to put that money on another title i may enjoy more..
This is good for me, because I was underwhelmed by the first game and have yet to play another AC game. I always thought it was a bit of a shame, because the plot was actually pretty good, but the game itself was hard for me to replay. I hope the sequels are much better in that respect, because I've been told that they are, but maintained my skepticism.
Assassin's Creed II was definitely an improvement over the first game. Both Brotherhood and Revelations were very similar in gameplay, but I loved all three nonetheless. This works out pretty well for me since I had to sell my copy to save money for a new hard drive a while back, but I never got to play any of the DLC either.
I'm in the same boat. I will definitely download it and give it a try. I had never played any Fable games and I enjoyed Fable III even though the consensus on the Internet is that it's a bad game. Seriously, who can pass up free games?

Technically, it isn't free since you're paying for Xbox Gold Membership, but yeah! Free games! I have never played any of the Fable series, but after playing the free Fable III, I loved it! I love how you can play fetch with your dog, and interact with him, I have to say I spent a decent amount of time on that.
well considering I was paying for gold way before they started doing "free" games thing it sure feels free haha
Well, free is free. I used the special deal to get 6 months of Gold for the price of 3, which still rounded out to a little under $5/month. It's worth it to get the games, though. So far I'm enjoying the games they're releasing and I'm looking forward to the ones they'll release in the future.
It's good that Microsoft is trying to appeal to players by giving free games, but on the side of Sony ... It is a little better.

AC2, it's still an old game, but right now, Sony is offering Battlefield 3, NFS Most Wanted and Mafia 2 and more to its subscribers.

Microsoft needs to review its benefits I think.
not such a fan of the ac2 game play... i could really do without the futuristic time travel aspect of the game. kinda has me worried with the ac4 title due on xb1 on launch day. i am still quite anticipating it but after playing ac2 last few days im like ehhh at the story and a few aspects.
There's no time travel involved. They're tapping into Desmond's genetic memory and basically running a simulation. There are a lot of scientific theories at work, here; they aren't necessarily true, but they're based in reality.
Assassins Creed 2 was definitely the best game in the series for me. The storyline was interesting and the mechanics were all the good stuff taken from AC1, without all of the bad stuff and with the addition of some new really great features. I feel like after AC2 the series has significantly degraded. The game became an annual release and every year it was getting progressively worse up to the point where I stopped caring.
There's no time travel involved. They're tapping into Desmond's genetic memory and basically running a simulation. There are a lot of scientific theories at work, here; they aren't necessarily true, but they're based in reality.

i havnt looked into the story line or even had a rumor pass the news feed about story line. i hope the game is not based on some 20th century based time travel.. the whole reason i have an intrest in ac4 is the pirate aspect. the whole ac3 looked quite good and the whole cival war aspect was almost a sell to me.

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