Xbox One Got the Forza Xbox One controller


Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
I was browsing Amazon and chanced upon the Forza Xbox One controller and bought it. It's arrived and I love it especially the grips on the back. It is way better than the stock controller and the color is navy blue - my favorite color.
I still have a standard One controller but my hubby has a COD controller for his. I'm not a fan of the Call of Duty franchise but for some reason I really like his controller better. I don't know if there are subtle differences in quality (like the COD controller was made better?) or if it's just aesthetics. I can't tell him though because I give him such a hard time about raging at COD -- I can't let him know there's something COD-related that I actually like, ha.
is that the blue one with the grips on the rear? sounds like a good purchase.. does it offer/have the 3.5mm headphone jack or do you still need an adapter.?
What I like about this controller is the audio plug at the bottom that enables me to pair it with any of my several headphones. For some reason my Apple ear buds did not work when I tried them with it but no worries, another one worked!
I was contemplating getting it, but didn't really see the point as I love my Halo and Advanced Warfare controllers, visuals wise anyway. I think after reading this thread I could invest in one. But not before I save enough money for one of those beautiful elite controllers. Tax makes it quite expensive in my country and rather rare at the same time so I like to think of controllers as investments more than additions to my gaming setup. This is one of the reasons I hate an Xbox as opposed to a Playstation. The additional designs for the peripherals and consoles themselves are so much better.
Nice, what are your impressions on the gameplay so far? Any input lag, discomfort, etc? How's the weighting on it?
Thе $150 Xbоx Оnе Еlitе wаs rеlеаsеd in Оctоbеr. It will bе bundlеd in thе nеw Xbоx Оnе Еlitе cоnsоlе bundlе stаrting lаtеr this mоnth; thе cоnsоlе includеd in thе pаckаgеbооts up 20 pеrcеnt fаstеrthаn thе еxisting mоdеl.