Xbox One Grand Theft Auto V coming to Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2013

The critically-acclaimed and record-breaking Grand Theft Auto V comes to a new generation this fall.

Grand Theft Auto V for Xbox One will take full advantage of the power of new generation systems to deliver the ultimate open-world experience.
This great I have already gotten the game on my xbox 360 but I think that it will be even better on the xbox one!
I find this a little annoying to be honest. I want XB One to push some awesome content. GTA V is cool, but like mentioned before, I have it on XB 360 and saw its also coming out on PC. My PC could blast away my consoles unless the code is greatly changed and made efficient. So, I'm glad that people who didn't play GTA V get a chance to do so now on a strong console. I'm sure the graphics will be good, but give us original stuff!
I think so too I was wondering as well although I know that it is great that it is coming out on the Xbox one why would they do it I mean lots of people already have the game on the Xbox 360 so I would think that you just be wasting your money if you went out and got it on the Xbox one as well.
This is good and bad news. It's good that the One gets a GTA title. It's bad that they are only going to polish the graphics and add a few negligible features that were supposed to be in the game in the first place but had to be cut for whatever reason. Developers are more focused on cashing in, than making high quality games. Where's the passion gone? I want to be excited, but I already can see what's happening here. I've been down this road so many times!
I doubt Rockstar will use Azure. They'll stick to their ****ty servers.
it should have happned earlier.... much earlier... i like the idea but i think it may be to little to late... people will buy but idk if it will get the buying numbers it would have lasty ear.
Not very excited for this news since it only came out last year and I've already bought the game. Played a lot back then and got bored so not sure if improved graphics is going to make me want to double dip without any extra things added. However, the ability to import my save to the new version is a nice touch which I think is pretty handy for those that are on the fence.
Ooooh, that is good news, I love playing Grand Theft Auto! I have been in love with that game since it first came out and I can't wait to get my hands on it again!
I think that this is great news! There are plenty of people that didn't own and XBox last generation so now they'll get the chance to play GTA V on the XBox One. Hopefully Rockstar will put some more work into the game and improve the experience even further. It'll be a shame for the new version to be outclassed by mods when it releases on PC.
Definitely a good step for Xbox One. GTA V was insane for the Xbox and for anyone to miss out on it because they picked up the new generation of consoles. I kind of doubt that it will look that much more graphically impressive but I don't really think that is what GTA was about anyway.
I really think that this game could look amazing on the Xbox one!
To be honest, i saw this coming as porting it can't have took a company like them that long to do and it would bring in a lot of money for them.
I just hope they have heists ready by the time the game is out on the Xbox one!