Have things changed recently??


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
anyone else notice how much the form has changed?? or am i missing something.

the games section is now bunched together no more a-z catagory... only popular games as an option.

the news/rumor feed went away.

i guess i just got use to how it was setup... i feel oh so lost today lol.
I haven't noticed this, but then again, when I log in I typically jump straight to the new posts, or else I'll go to my profile and then navigate my way to posts I started to check up on them. It's not often that I navigate straight via the home page (unless I have something new to post about, ha!).
Minor tweaks in order to keep the place tidy and streamlined. Takes a while to get used to, but it's efficient.
Yeah, PB had decided that streamlined was a bit easier as you can use the search option if you're looking for specific things but now we don't have to worry about the forum looking empty. There were so many game boards that didn't have any posts in them because, well, the game usually sucked or was an older game that people didn't really care about as much anymore and no one was posting anything.
Its a nice change but it gets confusing with some thread titles. Like the ones that say " what was your favorite weapon in this game?", for example.
i prsonally liked the game breakdown... or at least the ability to look at them alphabetically..i think if we had more games it would move faster.. but the lack of anything since launch is a big hindrance...i mean no one can post on stuff that hasn't hit market yet.. and with all the delys/pushback on dates it kinda leaves us high and dry.

i def get lost now with the 360 talk and xb1... i have also seen posts that are same topic but in a different area... oculous rift/fb(one that comes to mind) along with the 25 indie game(one in xbox one one was in news/rumors)

i personally got to the point where i wouldnt attempt to put anything in the news/rumor because it was a day or so before it would get approved... and allot of the time i postd within 45 minutes of it hitting stream and someone less would get the post a day later..
Its a nice change but it gets confusing with some thread titles. Like the ones that say " what was your favorite weapon in this game?", for example.
I absolutely see you point. I'm going to talk to PB about it...
i personally got to the point where i wouldnt attempt to put anything in the news/rumor because it was a day or so before it would get approved... and allot of the time i postd within 45 minutes of it hitting stream and someone less would get the post a day later..

I hear ya Shark. One of the problems that we were having was having enough Moderators to actively approve things in the News & Rumors section. We have some awesome members, but not everyone wanted to be a mod and although the mods that we do have do a kick ass job, the three or four of us can't be on the boards 24/7 to get everything approved right away. We were trying to get more mods. By consolidating, I think PB was figuring that it would ease the burden a bit.
Yea, I'm partially to blame. I've been really busy the last few weeks with work stuff. I'm the interim department head while my coworker is on paternal leave so everything's been crazy. I'll be hitting the boards hard soon to help where I can.
Don't stress yourself out too much about it my man. Just take it slow and get things done at a steady pace. We can wait.
im getting use to it...

i still get a bit confused on the games section.. really thats the only thing i could see changing later when games come out... im no sure how it would be expanded but im ok with the setup now..
We are in the process of bringing back the Xbox One game boards. It will take a few days, but they will be back! Do you guys want the 360 game boards backs as well? Let me know and feel free to PM me with any concerns any of you ever have. There are going to be some changes coming, including a portal page. At the end of the day though, we want to make this a site that has everything that YOU want. Thanks for being so patient guys!! :)
no 360 game board... to confusing.. i got lost a few times with game names...

it seemed some posts would be in the game section under a game title with just a question.. i would think it was just a random question than realize it was game specific..

i would be ok with a loose game board for xb1... the ability to go to an alphabetical letter would be fine... it dosn't have to be broken down by game title..
in the old layout i got really lost on which (tom clancy) game i should post on.. you had (division) and tom clancy the division.. both had posts in it..

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