Xbox One Hideo Kojima talks MGSV Camera?


Active Member
Nov 23, 2013
Normally I'm that interested in too much techinical talk, but I thought that this interview from the man himself was pretty interesting. It all sounds pretty ambitious and it looks like he might be cutting down on all the cutscenes since they weren't my favorite part of 4. I really want to see what he's up too.

Kojima talks you listen
It’s pretty interesting how that will turn out if he makes a claim that it will be one continuing stream with gameplay and cut scenes. The thing about that is that although it sounds good, there are some games where I’m confused on whether or not I should continue playing. Like, if there’s a cut scene initiating, I have a hard time knowing when it may end if the game doesn’t make that subtle but significant distinction that it’s back to gaming for you. One game that confused the heck out of me is Beyond Two Souls (excluding the script that was probably nonexistent in the first place).

The thing with cinematic is that it’s about finding the right medium in order to satisfy players, but seeing how the MGS franchise has been infamous because of the cut scenes in general, I wonder if this will really be a necessary attempt other than Kojima being influenced by camera elitists. Either way, Kojima is already prestigious enough to take risks like this, if it’s even a risk at all honestly.
Blurring the line between cinematics and gameplay I think is a good thing since it keeps the emersion on the story as long as they are done in a non intrusive way. Being cut off in the middle of actions abruptly only ruins the gameplay. Have something subtle before transitioning like huds disappearing is best. It is great if it's true that he will be cutting down on the cutscenes because I hate long cutscenes.
Interesting. Blurring the line between cinematic and gameplay... yeah, this is going to be good. He already demonstrated his ambition of that with the demo of Ground Zeroes last year where we thought we were looking at CGI when actually, it was gameplay. Well, looking forward to what's going to be packed in for Ground Zeroes in a few months.
It’s pretty interesting how that will turn out if he makes a claim that it will be one continuing stream with gameplay and cut scenes. The thing about that is that although it sounds good, there are some games where I’m confused on whether or not I should continue playing. Like, if there’s a cut scene initiating, I have a hard time knowing when it may end if the game doesn’t make that subtle but significant distinction that it’s back to gaming for you. One game that confused the heck out of me is Beyond Two Souls (excluding the script that was probably nonexistent in the first place).

The thing with cinematic is that it’s about finding the right medium in order to satisfy players, but seeing how the MGS franchise has been infamous because of the cut scenes in general, I wonder if this will really be a necessary attempt other than Kojima being influenced by camera elitists. Either way, Kojima is already prestigious enough to take risks like this, if it’s even a risk at all honestly.

Yeah, you make some good points. All we can really do is see if Kojima can pull it off. Well, this (may be) his last MGS game, the one that he's handling so we'll see if this can truly be the masterpiece he's been waiting to make after all these years.
Normally I'm that interested in too much techinical talk, but I thought that this interview from the man himself was pretty interesting. It all sounds pretty ambitious and it looks like he might be cutting down on all the cutscenes since they weren't my favorite part of 4. I really want to see what he's up too.

Kojima talks you listen

A less-cutscene MGS? Well, this is interesting. Let's see if he's really serious about this. But hey, Kojima knows his way around things. We'll just wait and see. But wow, almost no transition huh? This is going to be interesting.
A single-camera MGS? It reminds me of those movies where there's only one camera. So that whole demo we saw in E3 last year wasn't a joke --- he's really planning to make the game almost one single-scene? Well, let's see if Kojima can pull it off.

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