How many gamers live in your household?

Funky Jammer

Former Moderator
Jan 9, 2013
The number can vary from 0 (you not actually playing games!) to any number of occupants that play.

I currently have two in mine.

What about you?
We currently have two in our household.
two gamers, and one is really hardcore! the hardcore one being my dad... he plays videogames nonstop after coming home from work, it's hilarious!
I have a younger sister, it's really nice because I get to play with her funny games from my own childhood, such as PSX platform titles (mainly Crash Bandicoot, she loves it, and so do I).
I wish they would go back to releasing platforming games...
Just me. My sisters played a fair bit during the 16-bit era, and they're actually responsible for me getting into gaming (at least as early as I did). As of now, I'm the only one who regularly plays games in my house.
Sadly only me. Wish there was another, but at least there is more than enough awesome people to meet on communities like these.
It depends on where I am.

Where I live now, there are two of us. When I'm visiting back home or have stayed there in the past, my sister and I are both gamers (although different types of games, systems, etc usually). My mom used to play with the Nintendo and whatnot, but now she only plays online games like cards, etc, so I don't really consider her a "gamer."
Two including myself. Though the other member of my household doesn't play as much as they use to due to working a lot now.
Two, my younger sister and me. But neither of us are very intense gamers and we kind of flit in and out of gaming, depending on our level of interest in the games we are playing at that point of time. Everyone else in my family find no point in gaming and mostly spend their time side-eying us as we game XD
Once there were three gamers in the house. Then, life went on and two moved away, leaving only me. Now, unfortunately, my husband has more time on his hands and has decided he is a gamer too. Argggghhhh! I really prefered it when I was the only one using the controllers, now, it seems, I have to fight for my right to GAME!

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