Original Xbox How many hames?


Jan 2, 2013
Throughout your experience with the original xbox, how many games do you roughly think you collected?
I've collected about 150 games, but the original Xbox had a library of hundreds of games, so I'm still backtracking and collecting any good ones I missed. Some original Xbox games can be bought for $2 on Amazon or at Goodwill but some Xbox games like the Grand Theft Auto trilogy are almost as expensive as new games. People are obsessed with everything new, but I have fun buying older Xbox and PS2 games that are really cheap nowadays.
I think I only have about 15 games for the xbox. I was more of a nintendo person and a lot of the xbox games I had were lower-rate games such as Taz from Looney tunes game.
I have collected well over 20 games for my original Xbox console. I remember when I first bought it, I was so happy! My favorite game had to be fable for Xbox. That is one game I truly enjoyed playing all the time. Of course the ever classic Halo is another great game. I believe the games for the first Xbox have been better game play wise than the newer ones. It seems developers focus to much on the aesthetics of the game and not the personality of the game. Game play is everything, if a game is fun to play I could care less about how great it looks.
I don’t have an exact number but it is around 50. Sad to say they are sitting in a box in the attic. The first game I had was the Battlefield. I still play some original Xbox games in my 360.
Not very many. I don't think I played the original Xbox at all but my brother and my dad did... I'd say we had maybe 10-15 before my cousins broke it :P They came over one day, played it and after they left my dad try to play it and it wouldn't even turn on xD
I think I only had Halo and a random Snowboard game, cant really remember the name of that game but it was really fun. Anyone who might know what that game is called? You would start on a high mountain and make your way down doing tricks to get more points.
Man, I don't even remember. Not many, though. I had like 10 or so? I had a PS2 so I used the Xbox for the few interesting exclusives like Halo, Dino Crisis 3, Genma Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden. Out of the around 10 games I had I only keep Genma Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden, but I might sell Ninja Gaiden since I got Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus on my Vita.
ive had as many as 17 a one time but got rid of most of the old ones. i have 7 at this point. i will be getting at least 5 new releases this year. my xbox says i have played 42 games.
Around 20. I currently own less than half of these, and I probably would have played a lot more if I hadn't owned every platform during that console generation.
I bought this for my young nieces and nephew. I bought a second hand one. I also purchased them a few games. They seem to like it a lot. I will be upgrading their system later when they are a little older and will appreciate it more. I think they now have six games for their original Xbox.
I physically owned like 10, but I had hundreds. I hacked my xbox using the Agent Under Fire hack, installed Evox, backed up the EEPROM and HD keys. Upgraded my HD to a 320 or so HD and joined GameFly. Needless to say, I would go through so many games in a month is was just stupid. I backed them all up and put them right back in the mail. I don't think I played every game I had, but I liked knowing I had games for any occasion.
I have always owned a Playstation instead of an Xbox. However my sisters own an Xbox and I used to often buy games because I would come round to play there too. I think I bought 10 titles that I can remember, and she owned probably about 30 herself. I think the price is the only issue that stopped me from getting more.
Around... 17 or 18 games. I used to have more, but i ended up selling them to get different ones, and only kept the ones i really liked.
Well, I don't have any anymore since I sold my original xbox years ago, but I used to have quite the collection. I'd buy games for cheap, even if they were bad. I just felt like the coolest kid in town when I was young when I literally had a library of games. I could just pop out the disc and put it another one and just go from there. I rarely had to go out and rent/buy a game since I already owned most of them, and would even rent them out to friends for extended periods of time for a few bucks or their lunch at school, haha.
I never owned the original Xbox but I always played it at my friends house. My friend had at least 50 games but I want to say maybe even closer to 100.
They had collected for years and the games consisted of ones she owned, her brother owned, and her father owned. All of which they shared.
Oh my, I can't even count, I have an entire bookshelf dedicated to all of my Xbox games. If I had to say it would be around 100. Gaming isn't a cheap hobby haha.
Oh my, I can't even count, I have an entire bookshelf dedicated to all of my Xbox games. If I had to say it would be around 100. Gaming isn't a cheap hobby haha.
That's a completely accurate statement. Gaming is definitely expensive if you're the one buying all the games at full price.
Today, if you spend $60 every game you buy, it definitely adds up quickly.
I wish I could setup all the games I've had through my career and just see how long the line goes. I'm a fan of selling the things I have to get more things though so its quite impossible to do this. I have thought about dedicating an external drive to collecting emulations of the games I've loved through out time. I bet that'd be a nice hard drive to have around for when times are slow. Anyway, I'm guessing I've had 100 physical games in my time but right now I have probably 20 at the home.

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