Xbox One How many hours?


Active Member
Mar 17, 2014
For those of you that have played Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, how many hours do (or did) you have in the game? I've lost track of how many days I've been playing this game for now, but I know I play at least two hours a night after work.
For those of you that have played Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, how many hours do (or did) you have in the game? I've lost track of how many days I've been playing this game for now, but I know I play at least two hours a night after work.

I've only played it for 3 hours, haven't had the change to play it again.
I played about 2 hours and it took me through fishermen's villages, jungles and forts. I enjoyed it thoroughly because the variety in terms of locations is indeed amazing.

I have never played anything like it before and I hope to play more of it on the next weekend.
ive got about 20 hours total...

i am at 40% done with storyline... ive taken all the forts, have all the upgrades to the boat(minus treasure map ones) and in general stoped playing about 2 months ago. i got on the other day and jumped in the naval battle stuff.. but the story is the same general stuff..stealth this hide hear.. the normal.. parkour hear, get stuck their..

you will find yourself playing the naval battle more than the story line.
I've honestly only played for about 45m so far. I didn't have the time to sit down and play for a long time. It's another one on my list of games to get back to and play more. I need to finish up with Ground Zereos first since I'm borrowing it from a friend though!
I've honestly only played for about 45m so far. I didn't have the time to sit down and play for a long time. It's another one on my list of games to get back to and play more. I need to finish up with Ground Zereos first since I'm borrowing it from a friend though!

I've played the game for roughly 2 hours.
I'm up to about 2 1/2 hours and have 5% done right now. We'll see. I think I may be getting more and more into it. I still really need to get Groud Zeroes done this weekend first so I can give it back to my buddy. But, well, I'm slowly getting into Black Flag's story...
Well, I have to admit that I've been playing the heck out of it since I got it. So far, I've only broken away from it to try Battlefield once (on the day the DLC was supposed to come out but didn't) and to play through the campaign on the new Metal Gear Solid. (That took me all of about 88 minutes, ha.)
According to my xbone I have 52hours. Still haven't touched multiplayer so I suspect that'll jump up when I finally get around to it.
According to my xbone I have 52hours. Still haven't touched multiplayer so I suspect that'll jump up when I finally get around to it.

I've played this for a total of 46 hours. Well I haven't finished it yet so I might play it later.
I honestly just blew through the campaign, I'd be surprised if it was more than 8 hours. I think AC3 killed it for me; I've been a fan since the first AC but AC3 was just so disappointing that it finally allowed me to get burnt out on the series.
I just got it out of the box, popped it in for about 30 minutes or so, then I turned it off. I think the game was great so far but I'm kind of getting bored of the whole walking to your objective thing. That game should be called Pedestrians Creed.
I've got about 30 hours in now, and I'm nowhere near done. I'm one of those people who gets sidetracked easily, and I tend to spend more time on side missions than the main game. There's just so much to do, man. Lol, maybe I'll finish the game at about 40 hours, who knows.
I must have put in about 70 hours playing Assassins Cread 4: Black Flag. Most of that time was used upgrading my ship. I have been taking over bases and defeating ghost ships for cash so I could max out my ship and crew.
its been about 7 weeks since ive put the disk in..

i tend to get side tracked with naval fighting and harpooning. i think the game is fun and pretty but i get frustrated with the mechanics of it. the parkour stuff kills me..

i have not played multilayer and dont think i will at any point. it revolves around the parkour play and thats what annoys me the most.

i have seen the ability to micro transaction the crap out of the game.. you can buy packs for most everything.. i am sure a few dlc packs have released but the game has run its course... they are already hard into unity or the next game for fall. i will proably play it again soon but dont think i will keep intrest.. i should take a day or 2 and grind the game and finish out the story line at least so if i go back to it i am in side missions.
I haven't played this version yet. But on the previous Assassin's Creeds, I've logged about 70-80 hours on the game. It's very fun and I like to do other things besides the missions.
I havnt been keeping track of how many hours ive played on this game but i have had it for a good few months and im pretty sure im about 60% complete, i took a good break from playing it thou i have recently gotten back into it. If i had to guess i would say atleast 15hrs.

EDIT: I was a bit off on my judgement, I checked on my console last night and supposedly i have played 72 hrs. :O

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