Xbox One How much Do you Spend on Games?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2014
I've bought so many games throughout my gaming lifetime and I've been trying to slow things down. I mean, each new release costs around $50-$60 and that adds up in the long run. How much have you guys spent on games?
I don't really count. But I prefer to wait a bit before buying a game. Of course there are some exceptions. For example I will buy Watchdogs now because I really want the game. But it's like two up to five game a year if it's a good one. I prefer to buy it when the price goes lower. I'm a big fan of occasion store but they have some hard time now with all these buy online games =(
Yeah I try to do that too. However, most of the time I just can't control myself because I want to play the game so much. Most of the time i just buy it for full price rather than wait a couple months for $20 off.
for me it depends on the game and the experiance..

multiplayer: i am usually pre order/day1.. if i get in late i get frustrated because im trying to catch up.. and with streaming/youtube and such it ruins the experience for me. i am going to watch/see what its about if i dont buy. so i tend to pay the 60bux and get my use out of the game.

solo games: im either on board from the start or i wait for a deal... im not the typical 2 month waiter.. its usually like a year or so... or if they drop it on live/marketplace to a few bux... i still tend to watch clips but thats more to see how it plays out.. so im either 60bux or like 30...

i will say i am liking how xblive marketplace is trying to act similar to steam... even with new games they will drop prices semi quick to keep it selling and get a good base of players.. but i am even more impressed with a few of the nitch/newer stuff.. trials fusion, child of light,max brotherhood they are cheaper games and offer quite a bit at a fair price. i know the big box games are always going to pull top dollar but i have gotten allot of fun out of trials fusion and with the map builder peoplewho enjoy the game will continue it.. the core game is good..
I will usually only buy games I know I am going to play multiple times and keep forever when they come out. If not I will get them while there is a sale somewhere or if I can find them for cheaper on Craigslist I will also do that. I guess on average I pay $40 for a game.
I'm buying around two games per month so I guess that means 1000$+ per year, if I'd pay full price. Usually I pre-order or buy on release day only games that I hold dear, like it just happened with Wolfenstein The New Order / Watch Dogs - for the rest I wait for a price drop. P.S. - I didn't include the low priced indie games in this estimation.
Frigging spam...

Anyway, I don't spend much on games. I usually save a couple dollars on the side for cheap indie games in sales or bundles but don't buy many new releases.

This year has been the year I've spent the most, actually. Dark Souls 2 PC for $40, Borderlands 2 Vita for $40, Muramasa Rebirth for $10, Starbound and Mercenary Kings for $15 each and a couple cheap bundles... oh and $50 for the year of PS+.

Only other game looking forward to is Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, which I'm hoping to preorder for $60. And as I said, this is an odd year because I rarely buy so many games but it's been a good year!
i would say i spent about 300 a year on games..that would include season passes... that really translates to 4 big games and 2 season passes...

at this moment i have 5 games on the xb1.. 3 games at launch and 2 marketplace game.. 0 dlc/season passes..

i can see me spending 450-500 this year and possibly 500 next year.. not including free games...

i would say most every xb1 owner will have between 30-40 games come next june... 24 games with gold + 10 big title games.. cod/bf/titanfall/starwars/halo/division to name a few.. that would assume they are xb1 launch consoles.. i am by far not a normal gamer and i am at 5 games since launch... i can see me getting at least 2-3 more marketplace games and possibly 2 big title games before the first year is up.. that would put me at 9-11 games in 1 year minus gwg... figure from june till november we will get 10 free gwg games.. thats 20 games in 1 year... and i feel thats an average.
prob alot now that season passes are the norm. I mean I don't really think about it but I'd guess well over 1g
I used to buy a crap ton of games and ended up not even touching half of them. Nowadays, I reduced my gaming to only buy one game a month mostly for financial benefits. Other than this, it's also because I don't feel as excited for games as I used to anymore. I try to only choose the games that I know I'm going to complete now instead of playing every game for a few hours only. October this year is huge so I'll make an exception and pick two and leave the other one for December when the drought hits.
the most i spent on a single game was $62 and it was a new release of the game.
Depends, I think the most I have spent on video games in one year was maybe 400$ ,excluding console purchases.
When it comes to games I probably average between 50 and 75 dollars a month. I only buy a handful of new releases each year, usually only highly anticipated games and otherwise wait for price drops. So most of the games I buy I usually spend twenty or thirty dollars on though at the cost of being a bit behind everyone else. I also use Steam a lot rather than exclusively consoles and that keep my overall costs down.
Lately I've been spending between $60 and $180 on games. This usually means 1 to 3 games a year. I used to spend much more but I don't play much anymore. I still love gaming though and still find time.