How much will the Xbox One cost?


Former Administrator
Sep 19, 2011
So now that we all know a little bit more about the Xbox One and its hardware, what do you all think the price point of the system is. I'm guessing around 400 and make their money on live. I've heard some people talk about 500 which i think is too high. What do you guys think?
I have also heard about the 500 price range. Sounds about right to me considering what they think they are giving you. I bet it would go considerably down soon after release.
"The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be less expensive at launch than their predecessors, according to comments from GameStop chief financial officer Rob Lloyd."

You can read more about this here on GameSpot. This was posted today.

"The Xbox 360 launched in 2005 for $300/$400, while the PlayStation 3 debuted in 2006 for $500/600."
Very surprised when I heard they were lowering the price of the Xbox One. Could be all just a big lie though, which I hope not. I'm guessing it will be 250-300. Just getting my hopes up that it'll be cheap. Still wondering how Sony is going to deal with this. Will their price for the ps4 be lower or higher than the Xbox One?
It could be, but we won't know for sure until E3 in 17 days. Until then everything we read and hear is just rumors.
I would say between 399$ and 499$, but i am more inclined to the 399$. Either way, i am still waiting how the price will scale to other countries.
I would say and I hope that it's not priced over $500.00USD. I do have a feeling that and it will be pretty obvious that it will be over priced for the first few months until they hype dies down.

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