Xbox One I still don't see myself buying the current gen consoles.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2014
I don't know why, I mean I wanted to, but the problem is, I think there aren't really that much games to really make me go nuts to buy a PS4 or an Xbox One. Most of the games that I think are really good are also released for the PC and I don't see that much exclusives that are really worth buying yet. Do you think it's time for me to buy one or should I wait a few more years for the games to start coming?
You could probably wait a few more months no problem. There are some exciting exclusives coming to both the Xbox One and the PS4 in the coming months. I wouldn't wait more than a year to get a current generation console, though. The PC is a great gaming solution, but not all games come to the PC. Even some non-exclusives for consoles never make their way onto the PC, which is important to keep in mind. I think you'll find yourself a little impressed with what the Xbox One is capable of, even for $400 or $500. The decision is ultimately yours, though, so don't rush into it or anything.
You could probably wait a few more months no problem. There are some exciting exclusives coming to both the Xbox One and the PS4 in the coming months. I wouldn't wait more than a year to get a current generation console, though. The PC is a great gaming solution, but not all games come to the PC. Even some non-exclusives for consoles never make their way onto the PC, which is important to keep in mind. I think you'll find yourself a little impressed with what the Xbox One is capable of, even for $400 or $500. The decision is ultimately yours, though, so don't rush into it or anything.

I'm pretty much a PC guy but the thing is, I'm really bummed out about the releases, it seems that consoles get to get more love than the PC. But I just don't see that one game that woud really make me go out and buy one. But judging by how long the 360 and the PS3 has lived, I'm guessing I'm not going to miss out a lot on the current gen.
I waited two years to get a 360, and that was because I was primarily a PC gamer. Didn’t really even use it all that much.

With the boom of price cuts to high-end GPUs, I’m not even going to bother wasting the time and money on another consoles. The last generation was a major disappointment, and I’m not investing for more heartbreak.
No worries, I'm in the same boat as you. I have no want to buy any of the new consoles... They just aren't super appealing.
I have my 360 and my PC... As you said, there aren't many exclusives that I want to play... so here I am. Not buying.

I think you should wait it out. There's no reason to buy one of the new consoles right now when you could easily wait and get a better offer.
I didn't get a 360 until 2011 or 2012... Little late on my side, but still. I didn't see a need for it immediately.
If you don't see any game at all down the line of future releases then you should just wait. There's no need to rush, actually waiting is a good thing. The prices will drop inevitably and by then maybe there'll games that pique your interests.
Just wait a little longer. Good exclusive games that are never gonna get released on PC are soon to come. That and a price cut are maybe the things you need before you buy a next gen console. As it stands right now, with little games to play and rather big prices I understand why you feel like not buying an XBox One.
Well I won't buy one till the price drops or there's a sale or something, as long there are new titles relesed for the 360 I won't be upgrading, maybe this time next year...
I didn't get a 360 until last year, I have been a pc gamer for eons. Only buy it if there is a game you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to play.. Otherwise, I'd wait awhile..
all crazy lol

i have not bought a aaa title since launch and ive got quite a few games games with gold+ a few id games and its got a ton of playability...

i miss a few apps on my 360 but past that i have not used it other than for netflix in the living room.

im not saying its a end all be all but with price drop, the bundles and the push microsoft has to deliver for the xb1 is in full swing.. have you seen the annoncments for what they are doing with the system and updates on the way... look at allthe exclusives from games con..(im not big on them but yea) they are def trying to deliver at this point.
Yeah, I agree. The present consoles need a lot of pushing up to be made worthwhile or the hardware should be sold at a lesser price, even if it would mean losses. Besides, Xbox One hasn't even released in my country yet. Xbox One needs a bigger collection of games. Backwards compatibility would have extremely boosted the sales of the 8th generation consoles a lot as the 360 has a huge collection of games. I suggest people to wait a bit to get a console if they are thinking of getting one.
You can get them refurbished on Ebay for under $350 or look on your local Craigslist, I saw one going for only $250 used recently.
Yeah, I agree. The present consoles need a lot of pushing up to be made worthwhile or the hardware should be sold at a lesser price, even if it would mean losses. Besides, Xbox One hasn't even released in my country yet. Xbox One needs a bigger collection of games. Backwards compatibility would have extremely boosted the sales of the 8th generation consoles a lot as the 360 has a huge collection of games. I suggest people to wait a bit to get a console if they are thinking of getting one.

i see an emulator down the line not really "backwards compatibility" but i dont think you will see one till they wash their hands of the 360 from a building/support standpoint
having the new 8th gen console is nice.. i actually enjoy the monthly updates the game releases and feeling like i got in on the ground flood.. i like the games with gold i got a decent library for only buying 3 games at launch and 2 from xbox id.. after iget a few bucks i can throw around i will get ea access and get another 4 games.. put it this way i have more xb1 games than 360 at this point..

everyones so hard on the new stsyems and i think allot of it is because of how they hyped the "power" of the systems people think they knew exactly how to get it all worked out and running like a top.. everyone seems to think every aspect of 360 was or should have been a easy carry over to the xb1.. things are comming fast monthy in updates..

right now is a great time to buy a new console.. bundles for 399 with a game no kinct
We waited a few months after the One came out before we bought one and still found ourselves ahead of the games. As it stands now we only have a handful of games for the One versus like 20-30 for the 360. If I had it to do over again I would just wait until the console had been out for at least a year.

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