Xbox One ign: twitch in depth.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
since i have not used the app yet i cant say if i like it or any of that.. but i did get intrested tonight(march14) and figured i would look up how twitch works and if its an app i actually care to have and use.

the video i chose to look at and seewhat its all about.

it looks like a really good app in all...

what i still have a few questions on is:
can you pick a title(game) to watch a broadcast of specifically
can you headset chat with the person in game or are you solely a spectator.

they had mentioned a txt box for chatt... so i assume you can smartglass txt/write a message while they are in game.???

in the early part of the video they said something about it is intigrated with your friends list but does not lock you in only with friends?? this would also go back to the picking what game you choose to watch.

i really got my start at videogames watching people play and do find allot of enjoyment watching and trying to give my view of something to do.(2 eyes are better than one) it would also seel me on games that i want to see in action before i buy.. the youtube and tralers tend to just be clips of the good sections or highlights sometimes you want to see how a normal person plays the game.. maybe someone who is just a casual gamer.. and for me twitch seems like an option to open my eyes at more titles and play style..

so is it the case.??
anyone have any questions for those using twitch?
anyone who has it and has used it what are your thoughts?
since i have not used the app yet i cant say if i like it or any of that.. but i did get intrested tonight(march14) and figured i would look up how twitch works and if its an app i actually care to have and use.

the video i chose to look at and seewhat its all about.

it looks like a really good app in all...

what i still have a few questions on is:
can you pick a title(game) to watch a broadcast of specifically
can you headset chat with the person in game or are you solely a spectator.

they had mentioned a txt box for chatt... so i assume you can smartglass txt/write a message while they are in game.???

in the early part of the video they said something about it is intigrated with your friends list but does not lock you in only with friends?? this would also go back to the picking what game you choose to watch.

i really got my start at videogames watching people play and do find allot of enjoyment watching and trying to give my view of something to do.(2 eyes are better than one) it would also seel me on games that i want to see in action before i buy.. the youtube and tralers tend to just be clips of the good sections or highlights sometimes you want to see how a normal person plays the game.. maybe someone who is just a casual gamer.. and for me twitch seems like an option to open my eyes at more titles and play style..

so is it the case.??
anyone have any questions for those using twitch?
anyone who has it and has used it what are your thoughts?

Same thoughts. I haven't actually tried it but after seeing this I had my doubts as well. I wonder how it really works.
well i did download the app late saturday march 15...

a few things i noticed off the bat.. they may not hold true but if their is a way i couldn't find it.

1: allot of games across console/pc.. actually didn't expect it... i really thought it was a console thing and really more on the lines of a youtube channel but the play was live...
2: you can NOT search by console/pc stream.. and unless the stream discription has one your shooting in the dark to know if its a game you could join.
3: some channels have what looks like advertisement/scrolling banners and such... i almost immediately closed those and went to another channel till i ound one i was ok with watching.
4: it looks like its in snap mode till you go full screen... whne in full screen you loose the chatt/txt box..
5: without a kinect or txt/talk ability in chatt you will never type or be able to stay in a conversation..(i dont know if smarglass has any intigration on this) if not it needs to be.. i had a few questions but would never type it out how it is setup now.

my personal hangup..
the stream is on a delay.. it not a big one and thats not my hangup... my hang up is really the video quality.. games like nba2k look decent but games like titanfall/bf4 look horrible. if you have looked or watched a video of an acheivment on bf4 the graphic play back is similar to this if not worse... and its the whole game.. not just an action part.. its very grainy/blocky..

things i would like to see.
i would really like to see a breakdown in console or the ability to search one... again my goal was to see how people are playing the game. possibly persuade me to buy a game i would be on the fence about.
even the ability to search a game title... you do have the ablity to search but from what i gather its the streaming channel/name your looking for...

i would be ok with a 5-7sec delay providing a better quality playback.. even a solid 720@60fps would be ok... im not after 1080 or anything.. but what i watched on titanfall last night was absolutely horrible and the guy could play... so it would have been a real pleasure to see more than i did.. as grainy as it was/is allot ofthe intense battles were so muttled/grainy you could barley see a thing till he got outside the area.. and even than if he was trying to lock on the fight in front of him would be blurry.. i know its a fine line when steaming especially with 1000+ people watching..
i dont know if a priority stream would help.. but clump the high ping fast connections together... give them better quality.. than the guys who cant give them the current play.. like isaid i would honestly give up 100% live play to get a much better quality feedback.
well i did download the app late saturday march 15...

a few things i noticed off the bat.. they may not hold true but if their is a way i couldn't find it.

1: allot of games across console/pc.. actually didn't expect it... i really thought it was a console thing and really more on the lines of a youtube channel but the play was live...
2: you can NOT search by console/pc stream.. and unless the stream discription has one your shooting in the dark to know if its a game you could join.
3: some channels have what looks like advertisement/scrolling banners and such... i almost immediately closed those and went to another channel till i ound one i was ok with watching.
4: it looks like its in snap mode till you go full screen... whne in full screen you loose the chatt/txt box..
5: without a kinect or txt/talk ability in chatt you will never type or be able to stay in a conversation..(i dont know if smarglass has any intigration on this) if not it needs to be.. i had a few questions but would never type it out how it is setup now.

my personal hangup..
the stream is on a delay.. it not a big one and thats not my hangup... my hang up is really the video quality.. games like nba2k look decent but games like titanfall/bf4 look horrible. if you have looked or watched a video of an acheivment on bf4 the graphic play back is similar to this if not worse... and its the whole game.. not just an action part.. its very grainy/blocky..

things i would like to see.
i would really like to see a breakdown in console or the ability to search one... again my goal was to see how people are playing the game. possibly persuade me to buy a game i would be on the fence about.
even the ability to search a game title... you do have the ablity to search but from what i gather its the streaming channel/name your looking for...

i would be ok with a 5-7sec delay providing a better quality playback.. even a solid 720@60fps would be ok... im not after 1080 or anything.. but what i watched on titanfall last night was absolutely horrible and the guy could play... so it would have been a real pleasure to see more than i did.. as grainy as it was/is allot ofthe intense battles were so muttled/grainy you could barley see a thing till he got outside the area.. and even than if he was trying to lock on the fight in front of him would be blurry.. i know its a fine line when steaming especially with 1000+ people watching..
i dont know if a priority stream would help.. but clump the high ping fast connections together... give them better quality.. than the guys who cant give them the current play.. like isaid i would honestly give up 100% live play to get a much better quality feedback.

That pretty sums it up. I'm glad I read this. Now at least I have an idea of how this would turn out.
its not all to bad.. i have 30+ hours of watching i have 6 achievements unlocked.. only a few i still need..

if you really want to watch a game.. titanfall for example... look for 60fps 720.. the core pc guys who run invidia and such run inspector and tweek for better resolution.. once you get into a ps4/xb1 game you can really tell the difference..

i dont mind the pc guys watching.. i havnt had much chater when i say i am on xb1...

i recomend getting it... i wish they would let you do search with console and such...... but really its a good way to see a game played without paying for it off the bat ifyou are on the fence.
I see. Good to know you're giving us some good reviews on this, sc_shark. At least other Xbox One users can have some ideas on what Twitch is all about.
I see. Good to know you're giving us some good reviews on this, sc_shark. At least other Xbox One users can have some ideas on what Twitch is all about.

it is straight forward for most part.. i just really got lost on the whole pc,ps4,xb2,360,ect ect...

my biggest recomendation would be signup asap if you download... what you will figure out later than sooner.. you cant follow a stream till you create a account..(very easy) but does require a computer and to have the xb1 code at same time.

you put your xb1 given code in hear... and do a quick account create. very straight forward no paying or any surprises.. i was on sunday... liked a guys channel(8-10 viewers) but had no account.. thankfully i reaemebered part of his name and was able to track it down. and he happned to be online or i really would have never found it. since than i have watched roughly 24 hours of him playing. but ihad another guy who was playing nba 2k that i forgot so odds are iw ont be able to track him down....

as exclusive games for xb1 come out it will get better.. hopefully they will work on the compression/algorithms for twitch/game dvr so the xb1 can stream a good 720/60fps .. really its one of the nitch things when you watch pc over console that makes a difference.. the other would be the searching via console... it would really give you the ability to find players you would want to play with.

twitch and elder scrolls will be a big thing i think... i know i will be watching players... i may even get on and watch metal gear,watch dogs and such... we have 8-9 gmes in then next few months.. twitch will give you a good idea of gameplay and if its a purchase you want... it may spoil a few things but in all its another good tool.
ok, Ima chime in on this. DISCLAIMER: I'm talking about using the app while in the full mode, not snapped

PC vs Consoles- As we all know by now xbone has a dvr built right in. For those of us that have used it we know that it looks like crap and while it's great for those "Yo look at this sick 4 kill no scope spree" kinda clips...If you're any sort of serious about it then you either A. have something better already or B. should be saving up for something better. Unfortunately this also applies to streaming and you can instantly tell if it's being streamed via console since it looks/sounds horrible. (granted it could also be someone with a really bad computer but usually it's just them not tweaking their broadcast app of choice ie xsplit, obs, and that other one I'm forgetting...) Microsoft hasn't given us any options for tweaking our streaming settings however so we're stuck on using whatever quality they give us. Hopefully this changes. As for figuring out which is the moment it's not very hard since there's only like 5 games on twitch that could possibly be played on the xbone and you can usually tell from the thumbnail's quality if it is.

Friends/Following - Ok so one of the rather cool features that's up is that if you're playing a game and a someone on your friends list starts streaming (granted you have to have the twitch app and they DO NOT have to be favorited) you will get a notification that X has started streaming. You can then go and watch them directly from the notfication and there'll be an option on the tab to the right of their live video that allows you to follow them. You will still get notifications via xbone if they go live however (to my knowledge) you will get them for having them on your friends list. NOT for having them followed for the twitch app.

Searching - So there are a few options when it comes to searching for games/channels on the twitch app. If you are looking for a particular game then there's a game tab right when you boot up the app. If you know the name of the streamer you want to watch then you can use the actual search tab to manually search their name. Let's say for example you look up "Cosmwright" then you would see his stream ONLY IF HE IS LIVE AT THAT MOMENT. That's the major flaw right now in the app version. You cannot view actual profiles so unless that streamer is live at the moment of searching then their stream WILL NOT show up when you search for it. Since you do have to link your xbone with your current pc account you can easily look him up there via his profile and then follow him their and he'll show up on your following list on your xbone.

Ads - Ok so I'm gonna be real brief on this one. Ads work on twitch the same way they do on youtube. If someone has ads then they are partnered and it's one of the ways they make money. HOWEVER you must remember they are usually partnered for a reason and usually this is because of popularity and quality of content. Whether or not that's enough to watch a 20 second ad is up to you however.

Delay - Streaming will always have delay, it just comes with the territory. Right now streams are usually 20-30s ahead of where chat is (so saying "do this here" is useless as they've more or likely already gotten passed it) delay wasn't this bad forever however and twitch's delay used to be much shorter then that but they recently changed it to the 20-30 to "make it more stable" This is a twitch issue, not microsoft. As you continue to watch a stream it will continue to get more and more delayed. The way to fix this is to simply refresh the stream which on xbone is just backing out of it then reselecting it.

Chat - Chat was just recently enabled on xbone with the march update. It is purely text based since having it mic based would be horrible for the streams that pull in thousands of people at once. I'm not sure if it's integrated on smartglass but really it's not hard to just type it out via the controller...just don't try writing a paragraph... Also twitch faces are possible on xbone chat so you can express your inner FrankerZ

Content - Ok this is the big one.Twitch is a website...and with that comes a wide range of entertainment (obvs all of which is video game related) Some of it is for the whole family, however most of it is for the teenage and higher demographic. There's quite a few streamers that are a lot more casual when it comes to playstyle and "dialect" There are however codes of conduct that you agree to when you sign up and the twitch staff is no stranger to standing their ground on this no matter whom it is that breaks them. There's a few sorta cliches on twitch that fall into catagories. 1. Esports (League, DotA, Counter Strike) These guys are the more professional like streams. Alot of them are sponsored by major companies and as such conduct themselves as representatives of that said company, These guys (esp League) pull in massive viewercounts and are by far the most watched genre. 2.FGC (Fighting Game Community[Marvel vs Capcom, Smash Bros, Street Fighter]) These guys fall under Esports as well but I don't count them as one group as the FGC is a lot more brash and are usually in some sorta of controversy. There's usually a tournament going on every other week as well as some channels have weekly local ones. 3. Speedrunners (Play games to complete them as fast as possible using a set of guidelines) Usually these group of players use exploits within a game to complete games as quickly as possible using a series of guildlines that differ on the game. There's usually a set few that are among them like Any% and 100% (Any% is beating it as fast as humanly possible no restrictions and 100%..well...being 100%) I could do an entire thread about speedrunning though so I'm just gonna stop here. 4. Casual Players (basically just let's players) These guys don't really get that much of a viewership unless they are already an established person (aka internet famous) However there are a few exceptions to this but it's not nearly as much, as say youtube. 5. And then there's TwitchPlaysPokemon...ya...

That's really all I can think of as of right now but if anyone has questions I can try and answer them for you.
^^^ good response on twitch as a whole^^^^^^^

for me i dont use my pc to watch twitch so my whole perspective was based off xbox one solely...

the app has great potential.. i have roughly 100 hours logged in a week.. guess you can see where i have been spending my time.. you could also say its a stress test on my xb1.. not only have i streamed twitch for 24++ hours i hve used apps in snap... gotten in party chatt's and looked around... since i dont have a kinect i even went as far as used my iphone4s in smartglass to control/chatt..

i have a few guys in my follow... most of them have in between 5-30 viewers and tend to be more personal.. they can look at and respond to you which is really only way i care to watch..

the top channels are usually so cluttered with adds,giveaway,live video of them,youtubelink and boarders it really takes away from the enjoyment of the game/gameplay... same basically goes for feature people..

i it on it before but i would love to see a breakdown of games.. put them in some catagory/order or something... i really have no clue.. but its never the same game list or placement... and i understand games will cycle out and more people will play certin ones and such.. i hve no issues watching pc gaming usually the feed is better than ps4/xb1.. but when new games come out for xb1 i would love to be able to follow/watch them.
so i got on twitch on my pc(website) and the layout is much diffrent and does have breakdowns for xbox one channels and such.. they should really concider tweeking it for console use even if its only a breadown by console or the ability to search by console.
ya, twitch (website) is way more thought out (mind you it's been there for quite a while...) layout/performance wise then xbox's. From what I've gathered xbox's app even has like a good 5 seconds of extra delay as well. Hopefully the app gets past it's infancy stage and they make it more accessible and way more stable.

Also I forgot to mention that the really popular streamers sometimes have chats that are in "subscriber mode" This means that you can't type in their chat unless you sub to their channel ($5 a month, but you do get a few perks like no ads and some cool channel exclusive emotes) I don't watch those streams as they seem rather lifeless and personally I'd never make mine sub only as I feel that defeats the purpose of twitch and is kinda a slap against the face of the very people that got you partnered.
ya, twitch (website) is way more thought out (mind you it's been there for quite a while...) layout/performance wise then xbox's. From what I've gathered xbox's app even has like a good 5 seconds of extra delay as well. Hopefully the app gets past it's infancy stage and they make it more accessible and way more stable.

Also I forgot to mention that the really popular streamers sometimes have chats that are in "subscriber mode" This means that you can't type in their chat unless you sub to their channel ($5 a month, but you do get a few perks like no ads and some cool channel exclusive emotes) I don't watch those streams as they seem rather lifeless and personally I'd never make mine sub only as I feel that defeats the purpose of twitch and is kinda a slap against the face of the very people that got you partnered.

I was never really a fan of twitch, well I don't mind trying it though.
ya, twitch (website) is way more thought out (mind you it's been there for quite a while...) layout/performance wise then xbox's. From what I've gathered xbox's app even has like a good 5 seconds of extra delay as well. Hopefully the app gets past it's infancy stage and they make it more accessible and way more stable.

Also I forgot to mention that the really popular streamers sometimes have chats that are in "subscriber mode" This means that you can't type in their chat unless you sub to their channel ($5 a month, but you do get a few perks like no ads and some cool channel exclusive emotes) I don't watch those streams as they seem rather lifeless and personally I'd never make mine sub only as I feel that defeats the purpose of twitch and is kinda a slap against the face of the very people that got you partnered.

those subscriber channels are a complete joke.. i jumped in one trying to find a channel with 100k watchers...(xb1 achievement) needless to say its very much hyped up personality you can tell they are really acting out for fun.. and the gameplay.. ohh god... i will say its horrible... the game the guy was playing was dark souls2... he was so busy talking to subscribers he would take 5 steps and pause and talk about something.. go another 5 talk about something else... multiple upon multiple times go into his inventory for nothing. absolutely horrible.. he was also very over the top with trying to act excited and such...
i guess i basically am on twitch to get gameplay on games i either wouldnt play,arn't on xb1 or that i am interested in..

as far as delay... its a toss up.. i think it really has to do with how many members are live/streaming.. i only come to this conclusion because the 1 channel i follow i can hold a conversation with him thru chatt and it translates to in game.. the article i read said 20-30 seconds of delay but so far in his channel i would say 10-20 at most. i can ask him where he is at(prestigue) and he will open it in a box within seconds..
also when they are in mic(chatt) i could txt chatt and he would pass it on..(my view on the subject) so im not exactly sure how much delay we are talking about.
those subscriber channels are a complete joke.. i jumped in one trying to find a channel with 100k watchers...(xb1 achievement) needless to say its very much hyped up personality you can tell they are really acting out for fun.. and the gameplay.. ohh god... i will say its horrible... the game the guy was playing was dark souls2... he was so busy talking to subscribers he would take 5 steps and pause and talk about something.. go another 5 talk about something else... multiple upon multiple times go into his inventory for nothing. absolutely horrible.. he was also very over the top with trying to act excited and such...
i guess i basically am on twitch to get gameplay on games i either wouldnt play,arn't on xb1 or that i am interested in..

as far as delay... its a toss up.. i think it really has to do with how many members are live/streaming.. i only come to this conclusion because the 1 channel i follow i can hold a conversation with him thru chatt and it translates to in game.. the article i read said 20-30 seconds of delay but so far in his channel i would say 10-20 at most. i can ask him where he is at(prestigue) and he will open it in a box within seconds..
also when they are in mic(chatt) i could txt chatt and he would pass it on..(my view on the subject) so im not exactly sure how much delay we are talking about.

My experience on Twitch in the past, if your not talking to people in chat during stream when possible they end up leaving. So I can see why a paid channel is talking to his/her viewers, to keep them in the stream. But there's definitely a line for a video game stream to determine whether its for gameplay or a questionnaire.
My experience on Twitch in the past, if your not talking to people in chat during stream when possible they end up leaving. So I can see why a paid channel is talking to his/her viewers, to keep them in the stream. But there's definitely a line for a video game stream to determine whether its for gameplay or a questionnaire.

i mean this guy was incisively rambling(imo) i am more than fine with a good gamer playing and not fully in tune with the chatt... to me the idea is to watch a good player do what they do.. i could do 5 steps talk to someone take another 5 go off topic.. i mean its really annoying.

i could see taking a few moments between round to chatt with viewers.. but to do in thru the full game interrupting it... i would be fine with even taking a few moments where your safe in a game like dark souls2 and chatting.. but when your making 0 progress and stopping every 5 minutes it kills me.
i mean this guy was incisively rambling(imo) i am more than fine with a good gamer playing and not fully in tune with the chatt... to me the idea is to watch a good player do what they do.. i could do 5 steps talk to someone take another 5 go off topic.. i mean its really annoying.

i could see taking a few moments between round to chatt with viewers.. but to do in thru the full game interrupting it... i would be fine with even taking a few moments where your safe in a game like dark souls2 and chatting.. but when your making 0 progress and stopping every 5 minutes it kills me.

Dark Souls 2 is a killer. On Dark Souls I've died on the first stage so what more on Dark Souls 2.

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