Xbox One Initial Xbox One game reviews


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013

Just checked out IGN this morning and noticed they reviewed DR3 (8.3), KI (8.4), Crimson Dragon (5.9), Powerstar Golf (7.0) and Lococycle (6.4). So far, all of the games are ranging from good to terrible. None of the games seemed to blow them away, however, some were really a lot of fun to play. One disturbing reoccurring comment I keep seeing in the reviews is the graphics are comparable to last-gen looks. I'm hoping when MS tier 1 titles are released, the reviews will be higher and the graphic comments will be much better.

I find that reviews are just a persons opinion. There are lots of games that got rave reviews (anyone remember Homefront?) but were grossly poor. I bet Zoo Tycoon will get poor reviews but I will find myself loving it. So don't base your buying on a personal opinion.
I find that reviews are just a persons opinion. There are lots of games that got rave reviews (anyone remember Homefront?) but were grossly poor. I bet Zoo Tycoon will get poor reviews but I will find myself loving it. So don't base your buying on a personal opinion.

Yeah.. at the end of the day, it's all about what you like. If I really want a game, I'll get it regardless of reviews. I feel like reading reviews makes me notice flaws in a game that I wouldn't normally notice, which affects my view of the game. I've been hearing that some games are not 1080p on the Xbone, but, if no one had told me that, I'd play the game, enjoy it, and be none the wiser. I'll still play and enjoy those games, but now it's in my head that the resolution is slightly less than it could be. Not a big deal at all.
I take all reviews with a grain of salt. Take Ryse for example, I saw one review calling it the flagship game for the Xbox One and in another someone said it was as much fun as pressing buttons like dialing a phone. I mean how much different can you get?

I try to watch as many YT videos as I can, if any available, and go from there.
True and I know in time, games are only going to get better. Titanfall is a great example. That game will be the "Halo" of the system... Until Halo comes out for the system. lol!
