Xbox One Is cod ghost similar to titanfall discuss.!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
with cod as major as it is i figured id get a dicussion. we all know the love/hate relationship people have with cod titles.

we also know tha titanfall is created by the early developers of cod. this made me wonder/think today about how similar titanfall is to cod in general. their was an interview recently with pro cod fps players(3 of them) say it feels like no other fps to date... i find that hard to believe honestly. they hit on the double jump jetpack stuff and straffing with the mecs. but past that its a fps what could feel diffrent/new compaired to ghost/bf4 as a fps.

what no one has hinted on is close quarter mec battles. how will they interact with buildings? they have shown a few mecs fighting thru ally/streets within close quarters but were only firing directly their was no real movment to show how the mecs interact with buildings,trees or obsticles at all. i would think it is clumsey and have dead spots where you cant just move forward or side to side.

we have seen mecs in exploded buildings shooting down rubble areas targeting soldiers and soldiers shooting from roof top or general cover at mecs.

with that said i am wondering how media driven the awards are... we all know how them media can pump up sales or general chatter.. look at how big cod has become..
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No, they are different games altogether. I wouldn't even compare these two games man. Yes, it's developed by ex-COD devs, but they both play and look different.
I won't say there won't be similarities, but by the same token that doesn't mean there wouldn't be similarities anyway. I'm thinking Titanfall is going to be rather different from COD, but it will follow along certain lines of thoughts we're already familiar with. It will also most likely be a little less interactive in terms of environment then it initially appeared.
...i think the game with giant mechs, parkour maneuvers with jetpacks and fiction weapons might be a little, just a little, different from another entry on the Call of Duty franchise.
They are far from similar. The mechanics of the game are hugely different, other than holding a gun. The story is different because of the lack of a true single player experience in TF. The setting is completely different, the scale of battles will be completely different.
They are far from similar. The mechanics of the game are hugely different, other than holding a gun. The story is different because of the lack of a true single player experience in TF. The setting is completely different, the scale of battles will be completely different.

That's what I am suggesting. People just jump on to conclusions that if there is another FPS coming out, it has to be similar to the other FPS.
That's what I am suggesting. People just jump on to conclusions that if there is another FPS coming out, it has to be similar to the other FPS.

its developed by the same people who started cod its why i asked.
with cod as major as it is i figured id get a dicussion. we all know the love/hate relationship people have with cod titles.

we also know tha titanfall is created by the early developers of cod. this made me wonder/think today about how similar titanfall is to cod in general. their was an interview recently with pro cod fps players(3 of them) say it feels like no other fps to date... i find that hard to believe honestly. they hit on the double jump jetpack stuff and straffing with the mecs. but past that its a fps what could feel diffrent/new compaired to ghost/bf4 as a fps.
The very fundamental basis of the game alone sets it way further apart from other first-person shooters. Portal it ain't, but it's potentially a very interesting take on the genre, a fresh breath of air into something that has grown stale with CoD/BF/Halo sequels. If you don't find the opinion of 3 different pro players valid, I don't know who you will believe. I guess you will just have to play it for yourself to decide.
Yeah, I would barely even consider these games the same genre. COD has grown stale, even it's most fervent fans admit this, while Titanfall mixes things up and gives us something brand spanking new to enjoy. I personally can't wait.
Yeah, I would barely even consider these games the same genre. COD has grown stale, even it's most fervent fans admit this, while Titanfall mixes things up and gives us something brand spanking new to enjoy. I personally can't wait.

thats my point. its a fps its not really a new ip and its from the same core developers of cod. yes it has mecs and parko style jump packs but past that i think it could be very close cod gameplay.
Honestly I don't even know why sometimes people compare games of different titles and franchises. It's like comparing CoD to Battlefield or CoD to Halo. Who the hell does that? Those who are smart enough already know that each game has their own pros and cons, and we love each game for these specific reasons and so on. In short, Titanfall is DEFINITELY different from CoD, but the degree of difference is entirely subjective and up to the player's perspective. After all, it is an (ex)Infinity Ward game.

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