Is PlayStation 3 really ahead of Xbox 360?


Active Member
Oct 19, 2012
I was reading a comparison between these two great gaming consoles and found out from that article that PS3 is better. Since I can't claim to have experience with both consoles, I can't therefore refute this analysis. I only wish that I could also get a real user with experience on both consoles to share their user experience.

Please inform further and thanks in advance!
The ps3 has some better features like a blue ray player built in and better graphics than the 360 but their live sucks compared to xbox live.. its free but you really do get what you pay for... really bad servers, hacked constantly... no real content like xbox provides. all in all I would choose my xbox over it any day, my gf brought her ps3 over one time for dj hero... ended Up bringing it back to her after I was bored Lol, didnt wanna have it
Ok, there are a few things wrong here. First off, live has the same lag as psn does. Because they both run via peer to peer. So their servers aren't any better or worse than PSN's. Second, despite what most may tell you, Live gets hacked just as much.It's just Microsoft doesn't care about the customers enough to turn it off and fix it the way Sony tried to. There was even someone trying to teach yet another way to hack accounts. Thankfully, he got banned. The only feature worth mentioning that Live has would be the cross game chat. And even that, the Vita gets free so it's a good guess the PS 4 will get that free as well.

Next, no the PS3 doesn't always have better graphics. Because there have been numerous games where the 360 did in fact have a graphical edge. That is more dependent on the developer at the time who has the better graphical output.

Now, if you want to say which is "better", then that is based on your own preference. The idea of "better" is opinion, not fact.
I beg to politely differ with @crossunitedfate's conclusion that there can't be a way to state for a fact which Gaming console does qualifies to be termed 'better'. What if you were to compare the two great Gaming Consoles using certain parameters? Certainly there would be an overall winner!

An Example is what this friend did:

What do you say now?
I actually love both consoles because I have a lot of fun with both. I don't do any graphics comparisons with the same games released on both consoles (i.e. NBA 2k13 for PS3 vs. NBA 2k13 for the Xbox360). What's important to me are the exclusive games that are offered by the consoles. I love Halo, Gears of War, Forza and DOA for the Xbox 360 while I also love Uncharted, Little Big Planet, God of War and Gran Turismo for the PS3. Both of them are great in my opinion.
I don't have a PS3 and a lot of the people I know that bought one right out of the gate decided to sell it and get an Xbox. The only fact I can see that supports which is "better" is that Xbox 360 has marginally higher sales numbers. I prefer my Xbox. I think like Cross said better is subjective and based on the user.
I beg to politely differ with Crossunitedfate's conclusion that there can't be a way to state for a fact which Gaming console does qualifies to be termed 'better'. What if you were to compare the two great Gaming Consoles using certain parameters? Certainly there would be an overall winner!

An Example is what this friend did:

What do you say now?

lol you can disagree. But that doesn't change anything. Nor does that link. And do you know why? Because the term "better" is both subjective and opinionated. You're sitting here saying "let's compare based on paramaters". Someone else can sit here and say "let's compare based on quality of content".

That's the reality.
'Better' is always going to be subjective. Ahead, however, is not.
The PS3 is not ahead of the xBox in any way, shape or form.
Hardware wise, they win with graphics and the BRD player, but everything else is pretty much dead even
Next Gen wise, the Kinect owns everything it comes close to.
Portability wise, you can't come close to the 360. Throw your stuff onto a thumb drive and you're good to go.

I own all 3 'next gen' boxes. Wii for nostalgia reasons (SM, etc). PS3 because I finally wanted to play it again. 360 because it's my base now. Originally, I purchased the PS3, then the 360, and had both ripped off. Coming back, I found the 360 was the more essential and easy to use console, so I bought it. Then, close to 2 years later, replaced the PS3, just for the platformers.

Honestly, the 360 is the more mature, advanced console.
Xbox has a better dashboard IMO
PS+ is equivalent to XBL so unless you are going for straight just online play there is no difference
I have found more exclusives for PS3
Hardware wise I haven't noticed a playable difference
Playstation Plus is nowhere near the equivalent of XBL. PS Plus is continuously giving games on a daily basis as well as free themes and avatars. Most of the stuff that comes in XBL you can already do on normal psn without paying into plus or on your computer.
To have an opinion and even then its only an opinion, you need to have owned both consoles, i had a ps 3 for a while i ended up selling it.
It didnt do anything for me, it never grabbed my attention and no its not better at graphics, its how the game is written and applied.
I have a Wii and that will never be in the same league as the XBOX or PS3 but personally its still better than the PS3
lol you can disagree. But that doesn't change anything. Nor does that link. And do you know why? Because the term "better" is both subjective and opinionated. You're sitting here saying "let's compare based on paramaters". Someone else can sit here and say "let's compare based on quality of content".

That's the reality.

Oh! I get your point now. You and I were actually reading from the same page (may be at different pace:D) Using any parameter or means there must be a way of telling which console is better!
Reading from the mood of the debate, it isn't far-fetched to assume that the PS3 is ahead of XBox 360 in most ways. Taking an example of the things PS provides freely and which aren't free on the XBox...Any Objections?
I have owned both consoles and I never saw much between them in graphics or gameplay. I think I prefer the ps3 controller but that's just a personal preference. One thing I really did like about my PS3 was how easy it was to network. I had trouble connecting my XBox 360 to my home network. Not sure why.
Microsoft said for December they sold 1.4 Million Units of the Xbox 360 to Sonys 490k units. That's a lot of new gamers if you ask me in general. Gets me excited knowing that gaming on such a great systems are so active in new gamers.
Little known fact when it comes to reported sales data. Sony counts their systems as sold when the retailer purchases them. Microsoft has always waited until the retailer has reported their sales numbers to count actual units sold. So, all of the Ps3 and Vita systems sitting collecting dust in the back rooms of your local game store have "already been sold". The only reason I know this, is because (in a former life) I have managed in a retail environment and dealt first hand with representatives of all 3 major players in the market.

- me
You know, I think it all depends on the type of gamer you are. Xbox is more for the serious and more expressive gamers because you have a bigger and better community and better customization features. PSN is more for the relaxed gamers, since they have a smaller community and not a lot of customization options.
I think they are pretty similar in the technical side, first party developers like Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica are making the difference with games like God of war 3 and uncharted games, the they really know how to use the hardware of the ps3.

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