Xbox 360 Is there a minimum age to start playing?

Nov 13, 2012
What would you say is the minimum age for a child to start playing on a 360? Kids want to be grown ups so fast that even 3 year olds start crying when you don't let them play.
What do you think? What's the minimum age to start playing, in your opinion?
If you mean games in general, I couldn't really tell you. I started at like 4/5/6 and I've never had a problem. All I have is memories from it!

If you mean a mature rated game, it depends. I was playing GTA: Vice City at 12 and it was NO different than if I play a game of the same style/rating now at age 22. All depends on a persons maturity and a parent should be a good judge of that. Sadly, a lot aren't and it goes both ways. There's young teens that are mature and can handle it but their parents won't let them an immature ones where their parents buy them a any game under the sun. All depends on the person.
As long as a child could understand what's going on in a video game, he or she could already start playing. However, I would not recommend introducing small kids to the world of video games at a very early age. At age 5, you could introduce videogames to the child. But of course, only choose games that have an ESRB rating applicanle to the child's age bracket.
I think children should stay away from computer and console games as much as they can. Call me crazy, but I still believe it's much more important for them to read a book, play soccer outside or play catch with friends.
I suppose with some games 5 and up is a decent general idea...though of course you need to look at the individual game and limit their screentime. I'm with the last poster to a degree, though. It's so important for kids to go out and be kids, too. There's more to life than video/computer/TV time and it seems like kids today want much more of it than is necessary or even good for them.