Xbox One June update confirmed to have external storage support and more


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013

The Xbox One will support up to two external USB 3.0 hard drives that are at least 256 GB in size starting with the June update, which is expected to be released around the time of Microsoft’s E3 media briefing on June 9. A maximum size was not given but Xbox LIVE Director of Programming Larry Hyrb mentioned that he's been using a 4TB hard drive.

The update will also allow users to find friends by their real name in addition to the traditional gamertag method. Real names will be available in the friends list and Microsoft will also allow more sharing options to include just a subset of friends as a new option to go along with friends of friends or nobody.

martGlass will also be update to become even more of a universal remote for the Xbox One than before. Users will have full access to the OneGuide using their smartphone or tablet including the ability to change channels and set DVR recording as long as you are in a supported market.

As mentioned before, there are major changes coming to the Xbox LIVE Gold with this update. This includes the ability for non-Gold subscribers to use all of the entertainment apps, the Games with Gold program moving up to the Xbox One and Deals with Gold offering discounts on games.

The ability to automatically sign-in to a default gamertag when you turn the console on will be added.

so far the june update is the biggest and best one on paper to date imo... it addresses a ton of wants,needs,changes.. external hd,smartglass,gamertag,live changes.. all are great things.. way to go microsoft..
Yea I agree. I'm a bit bored of using the kinect so auto sign in will be welcome.
Yea I agree. I'm a bit bored of using the kinect so auto sign in will be welcome.

i have never used the kinect.. so its not really a big deal.. if you dont have one hooked up your going to have a controller or smart glass in your hand.. both of which make it easy to login.. smartglass as soon as its connected auto login's(only issue with smartglass is you cant turn the system on from it) as far as controller login the auto will be nice for single people or a family where the kid only playso r 1 member and everyone plays off of that.. otherwise your switching users..

new photo of external hd ui
It's very nice to have an extra storage. With files being bigger and bigger additional space will be wecolme !
yeah i totally agree with you guys. this update would make it so much better.
Its kinda unsettling that they are releasing such a short memory based USB external memory drive. I feel M$ is just trying to nickle and dime everyone on Accessories. 256 GB is nothing not to mention its more than likely not going to be 256 GB after its uploaded into your system. So now your probley going to have to spend way more money to get 2 USB memory sticks that combined with your system Dont even reach 1 TB. Then the article brags that Larry hub has a 4 TB upgrade to his system. Really. What a waist of USB ports. They have the technology so where is are next gen 4TB upgrade??? Or let's just pedal all our cash on a bunch of 256 GB USB devices to full fill our memory needs. Pretty weak if u ask me.
the minimum size external hd is 256gb... they have not announced a maximum.. i plan on 1 4-5tb external for my system.
Its kinda unsettling that they are releasing such a short memory based USB external memory drive. I feel M$ is just trying to nickle and dime everyone on Accessories. 256 GB is nothing not to mention its more than likely not going to be 256 GB after its uploaded into your system. So now your probley going to have to spend way more money to get 2 USB memory sticks that combined with your system Dont even reach 1 TB. Then the article brags that Larry hub has a 4 TB upgrade to his system. Really. What a waist of USB ports. They have the technology so where is are next gen 4TB upgrade??? Or let's just pedal all our cash on a bunch of 256 GB USB devices to full fill our memory needs. Pretty weak if u ask me.
Yeah, this is exactly how I felt when reading this. ugh.
Finally, external hdd support. Now Microsoft is starting to listen to the consumers. Although they screwed up big time with the X1 policies before I'm glad that they are rectifying and try to be better. Their recent decisions have certainly restored my faith in the X1.
Sounds like a pretty good update, many great additions though I wonder why auto sign in was not included from the beginning.
That external storage is going to be the greatest thing. NOW I can play all the games I want, rent from Redbox, Gamefly, whatever, and not worry that my system is cluttered with tons of data from tons of games that I only played once (but might play again someday so I don't wanna delete it!)

There is nothing worse than replaying a game you've already played JUST to get to the point you haven't played yet because it isn't on your system.
There is nothing worse than replaying a game you've already played JUST to get to the point you haven't played yet because it isn't on your system.[/QUOTE]

It's also great for those of us that have crappy internet connections! Redowloading games is just terrible.
At last, I agree with everyone that the auto sign in will make things much easier. External storage is the best part though, that is going to make a big difference for me.
They seem to be wanting to find all kinds of ways to pick money of us. I am glad to hear about the auto sign in, without it its kind of a pain in the neck.

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