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A security system built on Microsoft's Kinect software is currently monitoring the demilitarized zone between the North and South Korean borders, reports Hankooki.
The system, developed by self-taught programmer Jae Kwan Ko, was implemented on the border last August but was revealed to the general public just last month.The software uses the Kinect's motion sensing system to track and identify what passes across the DMZ. It can distinguish the difference between humans and animals, and if it senses the former it will alert the closest outpost of its presence.
More details on how the system works are unavailable, likely due to its connection with Korean national security.
Source: Polygon
Just another testament towards the power and potential of the Kinect; hopefully this helps in deterring the naysayers. Stories like this are constantly popping up whether it be U.S. military using it for training, Nasa using it for research, or surgeons using it in procedures; the tech behind the Kinect is superb and sadly under estimated by the general public. Microsoft has built something grander than just another gaming accessory or peripheral and justified the need to getting this sort of potential out to the masses to use and help push along. Necessity is the mother of invention after all. How do you guys feel about your Kinect?