Xbox One kinectless xb1 $399 announced


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
Microsoft announced today that it will sell a Kinect-less version of the Xbox One, available June 9, for $399.

The package will be available "in all markets where Xbox One is sold," said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox. For purchasers of the Kinect-free Xbox One, Microsoft will offer a standalone Xbox One Kinect sensor this fall.

i have yet to even take my kinect out of the box... i did buy day 1 so i am not hurt over it... and honestly hope when i get into a new apartment at some point that i can setup my kinect and see what its all about. but for people wanting to get on a xb1 4 gaming this is a great deal/opportunity..

the next question is when do we expect to see hardware upgrades lol.. the 360 had chipset upgrades/updates thru its life.. wonder if xb1 will launch with ddr5 ram.. or a 1tb hd.. guess only time will tell.
Not sure what to feel about this news. Phil Spencer said that there'll never be a Kinectless X1 and now they announce this? I am one of the early adopters and have never been fond of the Kinect. I unplugged the thing as soon as I got everything set up. Kind of having a buyer's remorse right now, I feel that I should've waited.
Not sure what to feel about this news. Phil Spencer said that there'll never be a Kinectless X1 and now they announce this? I am one of the early adopters and have never been fond of the Kinect. I unplugged the thing as soon as I got everything set up. Kind of having a buyer's remorse right now, I feel that I should've waited.

dont feel that way.. allot of us are early adopters... i am as well. i never took my kinect out of the box due to where my xb1 is located.. i can say tho if i get in a new appartment/place i am going to try and get it hooked up and use it for the voice commands. i think the stigma of big brother, nsa ect ect really is why people are affraid of the kinect..

i watch a ton of twitch(more than i should) and i really like the video quality of the kinect.. the voice command stuff could use some polishing and games to play would help.. kinect sports just dosnt fill a void..
we really have no reason other than voice/tv tuner/command to use a kinect.. the lack of games in general is disappointing at this point and even more so if you want kinect. a few developers are making kinect games so it will be interesting to see where all that goes.
I'm really curious to see how this effects a lot of the voice based and other tech. Do you think they'll put out some sort of update to take voice commands from a headset? It seems like it would be wasteful to have voice controls built in, and not use them.
I'm really curious to see how this effects a lot of the voice based and other tech. Do you think they'll put out some sort of update to take voice commands from a headset? It seems like it would be wasteful to have voice controls built in, and not use them.

no i wouldn't think that will happen... the voice comand stuff is kinect based not headset. so i cant see them going that route.
I think this brings back the less-than-hardcore gamer. I think it's about time, and wonder why it ever shipped with the thing in the first place. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I don't think I would have gotten a Kinect if it were optional, either.
I think this brings back the less-than-hardcore gamer. I think it's about time, and wonder why it ever shipped with the thing in the first place. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I don't think I would have gotten a Kinect if it were optional, either.

I don't know though. If I am correct, most hardcore gamers got the consoles when they were released or have them already.. So the decision has already been made by most hardcore gamers whether they got the Xbox One or the PS4. I think that everyone who shunned Microsoft already won't come back because they already have a PS4. But nevertheless I am glad to see that they got rid of the Kinect and give us a choice again.
I haven't had too many good experiences with kinect, so I guess it's a good thing that they are giving new people the option. I certainly could live without it.
There goes any chance of getting some decent games for Kinect. At least if all Xbones had it some developers may have been encouraged to make use of it.
I cannot say I'm surprised at all. I knew it would be a matter of time before a cheaper xbox1 would come out without the kinnect.
I have mixed feelings about this, but I'm sure it'll help the console in the market in the long run.
I think this brings back the less-than-hardcore gamer. I think it's about time, and wonder why it ever shipped with the thing in the first place. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I don't think I would have gotten a Kinect if it were optional, either.
I think the kinect was designed for the "less then hard core gamer".

I don't know though. If I am correct, most hardcore gamers got the consoles when they were released or have them already.. So the decision has already been made by most hardcore gamers whether they got the Xbox One or the PS4. I think that everyone who shunned Microsoft already won't come back because they already have a PS4. But nevertheless I am glad to see that they got rid of the Kinect and give us a choice again.
IDK? I have a couple PS4s and now that I have watched Microsoft choke on every ridiculous thing they have said in the last year and a bit and do a 180 I will be picking up a kinect less xbox one. One thing I hope Microsoft takes from this is listen to gamers and not to some douche in a suit.
I think the kinect was designed for the "less then hard core gamer".

IDK? I have a couple PS4s and now that I have watched Microsoft choke on every ridiculous thing they have said in the last year and a bit and do a 180 I will be picking up a kinect less xbox one. One thing I hope Microsoft takes from this is listen to gamers and not to some douche in a suit.

This may be true. Either way I'm glad to see that they finally listened to us after making us buy the Kinect. I've heard that some people are saying a new PS4 will be revealed soon too to compete with the kinectless one.
This is a great things although it never should have been part of the original package in the first place. The Kinect is a great idea and I hope that one day in the near future the technology is good enough that it can be used the way it was supposed to be used. But it just doesn't really work yet. I think Angry Joe always called the Kinect and all it's games a giant beta test and he wasn't wrong. I'll be glad to get a kinect and games that use but only once it actually functions properly.
I think the kinetic wasn't really meant for hardcore gamers; but more of an answer to Nintendo's Wii, as far as I'm concerned, the Gears of War gamers, Halo gamers, CoD gamers and mass effect gamers think the kinetic is irrelevant...

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