Latest BF4 Xbox One/PS4 graphics comparison

The PS4 looks a bit better but I like the details of the X1 version more. And I'd rather have high FPS than high resolution, especially for a game like this where the multiplayer is pretty much my only reason to buy this game.
I'd also like to note that the PS4 doesn't look that impressive, and it's supposed to be running on better hardware so that makes me think that the graphical difference between the X1 and the PS4 will be minimal.
Well, PS4 looks better in some scenes but I think that xBox win all the way when it comes to details and reflections. Also xbox will have MUCH better connectivity with other MS services while PS is stuck with sony. So xbox1 is the reasonable choice.
All I'm really seeing is differences in lighting, contrast and very little else. I wouldn't consider this a huge testament of the XBONE being more powerful than anything, just two different capabilities from two different machines.
Compare them with something real like an high end gaming PC.

Please sidd.....please keep going, you have been making my day go by that much faster. Please continue like you have been in other threads

Last I checked, this is still an Xbox One forum... Right???

First off I agree with Sid in the fact that a mid to high-end PC would literally blow both of these consoles out of the water in terms of FPS (frames per second) and sheer graphical horsepower! With that being said graphical console comparisons are relatively pointless considering all that is every really displayed is a difference between lighting and contrast. Until you actually purchase both games and consoles and play for yourself, you won't see the difference in terms of graphics and performance between the two consoles.
sidd, could I get you to custom build a PC for me?

I give you $500 and you give me a high end gaming PC... deal?

What PC gamers seem to not get is that while they might like to sit hunched over their desk, 18 inches from their monitor, with a keyboard under one hand, and a mouse under the other, other people want to lounge on their sofa, wireless controller in one hand, 10 feet from their 42" plasma, feet up on the coffee table, knowing that a quick "Xbox, watch TV" will switch them straight back to Strictly Come Dancing, while simultaneously pausing their game for them... (or maybe that's just me)...
From the provided example i can clearly state, that X1 is way way way better.
Of course, one does not get the whole picture of comparison by looking at a couple of snapshots. But still, come on! You can clearly see the changes in graphics, shading, colors.
From the provided example i can clearly state, that X1 is way way way better.
Of course, one does not get the whole picture of comparison by looking at a couple of snapshots. But still, come on! You can clearly see the changes in graphics, shading, colors.

Totally agree with you!
The weird thing is that, i can bet my soul, on PS4 forums people are using the same comparison, but actually inverting everything we guys post here in favor of the PS.
Seems like it all depends on which console you use\dream about
XBox is the best!
Just look at those juicy shadows, contrast and perfect color!
Oh, Microsoft - don't stop
Can't really spot that much of a difference.
They all look awesome and exceptional.
Technology, nowadays, surprises me more and more.
This says you can't play online if you have the Xbox One with people that have 360's.

The Xbox One does not allow you to play online with friends on Xbox 360. If you want to play with friends on Xbox 360 you will need an Xbox 360 console and a copy of Battlefield 4 for Xbox 360...

Stat transfer is one time and one way -- so advancements that you make in your stats and achievements on Xbox One will not be visible if you return to Xbox 360...

PS3 to PS4 migration works the same way as it does for Xbox 360 to Xbox One.

Well, that's pretty logical to me. different systems cant cooperate together. just plain difference in the game.
The Xbox One does not allow you to play online with friends on Xbox 360. If you want to play with friends on Xbox 360 you will need an Xbox 360 console and a copy of Battlefield 4 for Xbox 360...

Stat transfer is one time and one way -- so advancements that you make in your stats and achievements on Xbox One will not be visible if you return to Xbox 360...

PS3 to PS4 migration works the same way as it does for Xbox 360 to Xbox One.

Well, that's pretty logical to me. different systems cant cooperate together. just plain difference in the game.

yea just like you can see your xblive friends on 360 as online but cant join them or them join you. its not something that bothers me. right now only a few games are multip/cross platform from the 360,xb1,ps/ps4 the new big A games will 99% be for the new gen.
The Xbox One does not allow you to play online with friends on Xbox 360. If you want to play with friends on Xbox 360 you will need an Xbox 360 console and a copy of Battlefield 4 for Xbox 360...

Stat transfer is one time and one way -- so advancements that you make in your stats and achievements on Xbox One will not be visible if you return to Xbox 360...

PS3 to PS4 migration works the same way as it does for Xbox 360 to Xbox One.

Well, that's pretty logical to me. different systems cant cooperate together. just plain difference in the game.

Yea, i think its unreasonable to expect to be able to play xbox 360 players on your xbox one. You might as well try to play xbox 360 players from your PC.
Honestly, so far I haven't seen any next-gen console games that make me think "Wow! Look at those graphics!". The difference between seventh gen and eighth gen hasn't been as noticeable as sixth and seventh gen or even any other recent previous generations, imo.

I'm still dying to try out my new Xbox One as soon as it's available over here, and I'm hoping, and at the same time certain, that graphics can and will improve a lot soon. I'm not saying we should expect PC-quality stuff, but it will be a lot more noticeable.

At the end of the day, I have a console to enjoy myself and not worry over graphics. I still have my gaming PC if I feel the need to argue about graphics and benchmarks :p

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