LEGO Marvel


Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
I am really excited with this game and the new game has 200 plus characters - 100 of them are completely new. The main characters stay and those are Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man. I am going to enjoy this game!
Yes I came to know about it and there are 8 different environments as well, to explore including Marvel's Asgard, New York, Malibu, Sokovia, Washington D.C., South Africa and Barton's Farm. It is going to be really exciting with all this new stuff!
This is such a badass concept game. Like I am a grown ass man now and there still is zero reason why I wouldn't wanna spend a week with my shoes off playing lego marvel, even if I hate it in 10 days, thats still like $6 a day to let my inner child get his chops in
LEGO and Marvel are two decent companies. Sure, they will put out something pretty strong. I love the latter for a lot of great characters they have introduced to the world.
^ The thing is how huge this game's not just some little adventure. You buy this game and you have this intense lego marvel world going on, it's not some small stupid thing, it's an actual fully-fledged game with that many cool :D
I'm sure that Lego Marvel is going to sell well, but I'm not sure it's a game that I'm going to be buying to be honest. I'll play the game if I can borrow it and I think that's what a lot of gamer's of my generation will do as well.

Maybe it's just me but the fact it's a Lego game puts me off buying it, as I haven't bought anything with the Lego brand on it since I was about eight years old, and trust me, that's quite a long time ago no, haha!
I think that anytime you introduce a game with 100 new characters in it, you are bound to have something exciting to look forward to. Add onto that my childhood fascination with LEGOs and also Marvel comics, and you have a perfect recipe for a great game. I am not expecting it to be the best game ever, but I think that it will work well for me personally.
I'm sure that the manufacturers of the game will be relying on people's memories of LEGO coupled together with the glut of superhero movies we're experiencing at the moment, and combining the two seems like they could be on to a winner as far as sales are concerned.

Will it be the best game ever made? probably not, but that doesn't mean it on't sell well, and at the end of the day that's probably more important than anything else for the software developers.
Sounds like a really fun and exciting game and for just $60 I think that the fans are in for a real treat, or as StockSwockle says, let the inner child get his chops in...;)
This is such a badass concept game. Like I am a grown ass man now and there still is zero reason why I wouldn't wanna spend a week with my shoes off playing lego marvel, even if I hate it in 10 days, thats still like $6 a day to let my inner child get his chops in
It's really not that expensive try going out those 10 days and see how much it will cost you and you probably will get bored after the third night.
I thought they were not going to add them to the new game, however, now I see that we'll see them in action, that's good to know! Thank you for sharing.
Seriously how do people play Lego video games. Like I can't even deal. I'd only buy legos for my toddler.
Because they are good! No, seriously, I have to admit that I considered them to be little silly games before trying one out. But I loved them!
Of course they are easy, but the difficulty is not what they relie on more. They have lots and lots of secret stuff to find, lots of characters to use, lots of silly humour which I actually find pretty fun and if you like the various franchise (be it Marvel, Batman, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park or whatever) you will even like it more.
Plus they are one of the best co-op games out there.
No matter how much others think these types of games are silly / childish, I'll always enjoy playing them because they're awesome!

I have to keep my inner child alive in some way, and that is - without doubt - one of the best ways. Happiness has no age and thinking otherwise is kind of silly. ;)

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