Xbox One Less exclusives this generation?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Is it just me or does this generation have less exclusives than the last?

I realize that it's too early in the life cycle of the XBox One to reach such conclusions but it seems to me that game developers are going multi-platform with many of their releases. And it's normal to do so, advertising and development costs sky rocketed in the last years, they need to recuperate their costs by any means necessary.

I've noticed, but its still early days yet, once devlopers start to get used to the new hardware they'll be churning out oodles of titles
It is still early but the goodies will start to come soon enough. Its always a big push to get the console out and then let the rest of it follow along later. Plus they probably judge what to put out by how many they initially sell and the future sales of the product.
It's not that different but 360 did get a lot of early exclusives... and then lost most and only really had Halo, Gears and Forza as main exclusives.
You're right right now, but I believe that if we give the consoles more time, there's certainly going to be more exclusives. I don't really see the appeal in exclusives, because with exclusives there's going to a lot of people who can't play the title, and most of the times, that's the best games.
I definitely hope there are less exclusives this generation since I don't want to have to buy a Playstation 4 if I don't have to. That said, I think it's way too early to tell. If I had to bet I would say that there will be just as many. Console makers rely on those exclusives as an incentive to get people to pick their platform over the competitor's system. As long as that's the case I think we'll see plenty of exclusive games and franchises.
Right now it does seem that way but I think in time it will even itself out. Its all still pretty new so I believe that it won't be long before they introduce new things for us to play with.
This is way too early to talk exclusives because exclusive deals also have the idea that a company or developer knows their target market is segregated to a specific console. The 360 claimed exclusive content because the developer had the most to make off that console's players and what they lose by avoiding the other consoles was so minimal that it made sense to aggressively push for one console.

There are other considerations, such as the fact that developing on the new platforms is an art and it takes time to perfect. As time goes on exclusives will increase and then we'll get to talk about which system's is good and which one sucks. Enter a chance to go back to Prototype versus Infamous forum fights of yesterday.
Yes, I have noticed that too. They are focusing on less, but bigger and better exclusives this time around. As cost of game development is rising, they can't fail even once. So they acre creating games that are bigger and better.
Its still a bit early in the life of the consoles but something that I have realized like you said is that this generation seems to have less exclusives which I think really sucks because I really think that it is the exclusives that really give the different consoles that competitive edge over each other.
It just all comes back around to money. If I am a developer I want to have a high profit margin just like any other business. It doesn't make sense to make a title an "exclusive" unless the amount of money I'm going to make from that one console's users is so great that I would be willing to sacrifice the other console. Valve did this a few times with both Xbox and PS and it's never worked out to be that great. In the end both consoles got Portal 2 and they made sooo much money.

You have to have a perfect equation for an exclusive and we're not there yet.
There's no point in arguing which system has the better quality exclusives when they aren't even out yet...
Considering the track record of many of X1's exclusive title developers, I'm skeptical whether they can deliver (last Double Helix game has 38 metascore, last D4 game 68, last Insomniac game 61, last Dead Rising was 79).
No doubt Forza, Titanfall and Halo will objectively be good games, though.
It's just you - honestly there seem to be more exclusives this time round. I mean when I think of last cycle I can remember that Sony was focused on exclusives and that Nintendo did their own in-house work. While this time Sony and Microsoft are both trying to produce great exclusives... and Nintendo is doing in-house work - while contracting their own exclusives. So yeah - of course who knows if they'll keep this up into the cycle.
As you say, it's still very much early days so don't judge the gen quite yet, however it does seem like Devs are realising that there's more profit to be made by going multi-plat than there is by going exclusive. So you know, they're going after the money.
I'm thinking that maybe games are getting more expensive to make and companies like EA or Ubisoft wanting to maximize profit. Also securing exclusives usually involves a lot of money and neither Microsoft nor Sony is willing to take the risk. Anyway, it could be that it's still early this cycle. Actually, I think there are more exlusives this gen than last gen during the same period of time. I thought there were a lot of exclusives announced on all consoles this E3.