Xbox 360 Lollipop Chainsaw Achievements


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Below are the achievements for Lollipop Chainsaw, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.

Lollipop Chainsaw Achievement List

Zombie Hunter Apprentice (5)
Buy a combo at Chop2Shop.Zom and use it
You will find Chop2Shop.Zom outlets scattered through the different stages of the game. This is where you buy what you will need like combos, costumes, upgrades, music and art. Find the first shop during the prologue, immediately after you have received the call from your mum.

Unclean and Uncool (15)
Defeated Hazmat in Prologue
You will unlock this achievement at the end of the Prologue, when you eventually defeat Hazmat. Watch out for the explosive tank that Hazmat will throw at you when he is low on health. He will be helped by some other zombies who you must also kill to unlock the achievement.

Zed’s Dead, Baby, Zed’s Dead (15)
Defeated Zed
Zed is the boss in stage 1 of the game. To defeat him, first dodge his screaming letter attacks using [B But] and hit him from behind. Repeat the same move. Use your chainsaw to destroy all the speakers he is standing on. Dodge his attacks while doing this. Once you defeat him, the achievement will unlock.

Viking Metal Rules (15)
Defeated Vikke
Vikke is the boss of stage 2 of the game. The secret lies in attacking him from the back and doing a lot of dodging. If he flies up to his perch, hold down [LT But] and then press [RT But] to shoot him down. Cut him in half and fight his upper and lower body separately. Finally, finish off by fighting his giant head. Use a Chainsaw Blaster for this fight.

Dirty Hippy (15)
Defeated Mariska
Mariska is the stage 3 boss of the game. Keep on dodging his attacks using the [B But] and use your Chainsaw Blaster to take her down. She will shoot many balloon attacks at you and you have to ensure you dodge all of them. She will also have several clones that will come at you after you defeat her. Finish them off in the same way and the achievement will unlock.

Disco's Dead (15)
Defeated Josey
Josey is the boss for stage 4 of the game. The fight consists of two parts; in the first phase, he will be flying around in his UFO. Use your Chainsaw Blaster to attack him while dodging his lasers. If you hit him well, he will crash and you can slash-attack him. In the second phase, the clock is running out so don’t waste so much time. Destroy the blue generators carefully so that they don’t shock you. Once you are done with them, go over to Josey and cut him in half to finish him.

Leapfrog Girl (10)
Leapfrogged 10 times in a row
You can easily do this during the Prologue at the start of the game. You are required to perform 10 consecutive leapfrogs in a row by pressing [B But] while standing next to a zombie. Kill all zombies except one, and do the leapfrogs and avoid other types of dodges until you have 10 in a row to unlock the achievement.

I Swear! I Did It By Mistake! (10)
Peeped under Juliet's skirt once
To peep under Juliet’s skirt, set the camera angle by moving the right thumb stick [RS] up or down so that it is closest to the ground. Hold it there for while standing still and wait until Juliet sticks her chain saw into the ground. Make sure there are no zombies or other dangers around. Once you get a good peek, the achievement will pop.

Endorsed by Cordelia (10)
Get 30 headshots
Get all the 30 headshots in one stage by going to Stage 3 (O’Bannon Farm). You can use the Chainsaw Blaster to make it easier to get the headshots. Just hold [LT But] and aim for the head. Shoot by pressing [RT But]. Once you get the headshot, the zombie’s head will pop off with pink dust flying around. Change your “Blaster Aim” to ‘manual’ to make aiming easier.

Sparkle Hunting Master (10)
Succeed in 7 zombie Sparkle Hunting
This is a combo-reward system where you get bonuses whenever you decapitate three or more zombies at once. You should go for this achievement in Star Soul mode, which you can enter by hitting [RT But] when your meter is full. You have to kill 7 zombies with one swing of your chainsaw. The best combos to use here are Holy Chainsaw, Chainsaw Paradise and Chainsaw Full Swing. You can achieve this in stage 3 or Stage 5.

Gunn Struck (10)
Struck by lightning 10 times
Play this on Easy mode so that you can use lollipops to stay alive. Towards the end of Stage 2 , lightning will be striking through the roof sections. Just walk into a lightning strike so that you get struck. Replenish your health with lollipops and repeat until the achievement unlocks.

Super Shopper (15)
Spend 10,000 medals at Chop2Shop.Zom.
Spend 10,000 medals at the Chop2Shop.Zom by purchasing items that you will need when going for other achievements. These include BGMs, combos and upgrading Julliet. Sparkle Hunting kills will give you lots of medals so you should invest in the Holy Chain combo and use it on crowds of zombies. Towards the end of Stages 3 and 5, there will be a wave of 32 zombies who you should target as you work towards this achievement.

Love Nick (15)
Kissed Nick 100 times
Nick is a decapitated head who is also Juliet’s boyfriend! You will need to use 100 Nick Tickets on this time-consuming achievement. Click [LS] to use a Nick Ticket and a Roullete game will come up. When you land on a Nick Move, a cutscene will show Juliet kissing Nick once.

JULIET51 (15)
51 successful dropkicks
For any dropkick to be counted here, it must make physical contact with a zombie. Press [B But] followed by [X But] to perform a drop kick. This will make the zombies groggy so that you can behead them easily. Get an opportunity to perform many of these halfway through the Prologue.

International Zombie Hunter (15)
Registered in world leaderboards for all stages
In order to register in the world leader-boards, you need to connect to Xbox LIVE first. Go to the Stage select map menu to enable you to access Ranking Mode by pressing [X But]. The map will turn dark red, and you can go ahead and play all the 7 stages from start to finish under Rank Mode using Normal difficulty or higher. Save your score when prompted and you will get registered on the world leader-boards.

Groovy Hunter (10)
Kill 500 zombies
This is easy as you will unlock it as you play along. Zombie kills are carried over to the next playthrough so the number will not reset. As you go about completing the game, Surpassing Dad’s Score, or acquiring all the collectibles. You will reach 300 kills soon enough.

Zombie Slayer?! (30)
Kill 3,000 zombies
This is easy as you will unlock it as you play along. Zombie kills are carried over to the next playthrough so the number will not reset. As you go about completing the game, Surpassing Dad’s Score, or acquiring all the collectibles. You will reach 300 kills soon enough. A good place to get plenty of kills is Stage 3 which you can play repeatedly and get 500 kills with each playthrough.

Rich Hunter (10)
Pick up 1,000 zombie medals.
Each time you kill a zombie, they will drop a variety of gold and platinum medals. You will also come across some lying around stages, while other you will be given by your classmates when you save them. Use the medals to unlock upgrades like extra costumes for Juliet, music, new combos and so on.

Millionaire Hunter (30)
Pick up 10,000 zombie medals
Each time you kill a zombie, they will drop a variety of gold and platinum medals. You will also come across some lying around stages, while other you will be given by your classmates when you save them. Use the medals to unlock upgrades like extra costumes for Juliet, music, new combos and so on. You can farm for the medals using the Nick Shake. Once you have purchased this skill, press [LS] to land on Nick Shake during Nick roulette so that Juliet can shake lollipops and medals out of Nick.

San Romero Knights Savior (30)
Rescued All Classmates
You have 21 classmates to save in total throughout the game. Classmates that are savable will have a SOS next to them. If you don’t miss any of them during your playthroughs, you will unlock this achievement in stage 5, where the last two classmates are found.

Lollipop Addict (30)
Collected all lollipop wrappers
The game has a total of 40 collectible wrappers which you must collect all in order to unlock this achievement. These collectible wrappers are golden-colored, and should not be confused with the Lollipop Health pick ups. There are some which you will only find when you are playing on Hard difficulty. The wrappers are numbered so you can check to see which ones are missing.

Always On The Phone (30)
Collected all telephone messages
You will unlock this achievement once you have received all 21 telephone messages in the game. As you progress through the main story, Juliet will receive phone calls from her family members from time to time about different things. If you want to hear the messages, go to Juliet’s Room and use [Y But] to select telephone messages.

Zombie Fancier (30)
Completed the zombie album
There are 35 zombie types in the game, and you have to fight against all of them to unlock this achievement. The zombies you fight will have a purple health bar and name tags. If you come across those that have a red check mark on their names, it means you have already defeated them and it is recorded in your zombie album. Some zombies will only appear on Hard difficulty.

OMG, Music Is Soooo Coooool (30)
Collected all BGM
This achievement requires you to collect and purchase all background music. You will unlock most of the music as you play along. Some you will only get by beating Dad’s scorers or playing on harder difficulties. All you have to do is to play until all the music is available in the shop then use platinum coins to buy them.

Perfect Body (30)
Completely level up Juliet
For a complete upgrade of Juliet, you need to upgrade her health, homing distance, strength and recovery. Do this by going to the shop and selecting “Health & Upgrades”. Whenever you buy a level up item that improves one of her stats, the next level up item becomes available for purchase. A full upgrade of Juliet will require a total of 5020 medals.

Master Sushi Chef (30)
Collected all combos
There are 18 combos in total, and you will unlock them naturally as you progress through the game and complete each stage. You can find the combos at the Chop2Shop.Zom under “Awesome Skillz”. You must complete the game before you can unlock them all. Just save up enough zombie medals and use them to purchase all combos in order to unlock this achievement.

Watch Out For The Balls (10)
Dodge & Counter Zed's Electric Balls 15 times
During his 3rd phase, Zed will charge up at times and shoot 2 electric balls at you. Press [B But] to jump up and dodge them. Stand in front of Zen and wait for the balls to return, then after the prompt, press [B But] so that the balls can hit him. The balls will not damage him, but repeat 15 times and you will unlock the achievement.

Cheerleader Overboard! (10)
Succeed in QTE at edge of Vikke's ship
You will find yourself fighting Vikke at the end of Stage 2 (stadium). The fight is in three parts. In the first part, Vikke will be on the deck of the ship attacking you. Finish him by splitting him in half. Do not shoot the bottom part of his body. Instead, hit [B But] repeatedly until you chainsaw his bottom half off the ship and the achievement will unlock.

Third Eye (10)
Dodge all balloon attacks in Mariska battle
You get to fight the boss Mariska at the end of Stage 3. In the first part of the fight, she will throw balloons at you. You can simply dodge these by strafing to the left or right. In the second part of the fight, there will be a tractor moving around the arena. Just keep strafing to the left or right with the [B But] to doge the ballons. As you strafe, shoot at her to take her down.

Critical UFO Finish (10)
Funk Josey in the last 10 seconds
You get to fight the boss Josey at the end of Stage 4 and you have to defeat him with 10 seconds or less remaining on the clock. After the fight moves onto his UFO, destroy the 5 blue generators there carefully until Josey is in a ‘finish’ state. Since he will not regenerate, just wait until the last 10 seconds then perform the QTE to cut him into two and unlock this achievement.

Elephant Tamer (10)
Counter Lewis' attack 10 times
In the first part of the fight, Lewis will try to run you over with his motorcycle. Attack him continuously until his health bar reaches zero. Don’t finish him off at this time, but wait for about 20 seconds and he will get back on his motorcycle and start riding again. Do a QTE when he charges at you. Repeat 10 times to unlock the achievement.

Fingered (10)
Cut off 20 fingers during Killabilly's fight!
When you are fighting Killabilly, his giant hands will be outstretched before him. Chop off his fingers using your chainsaw attack. His fingers will keep growing back so just keep on until you’ve chopped 20.

Life Guard (15)
Rescued all classmates in Prologue
The Prologue has 3 classmates for you to rescue. You will find them as you progress with the game, and only the third might give you problems. He is to be found on a flagpole, and you have to kill the zombies that attack him as you escort him to a safe area. As long as you keep beating at the zombies, the achievement will unlock.

Accidental Vandalism (15)
Destroyed 300 objects in the game
You can decide to do this as early as Stage 1. Destroy all the chairs, lockers and desks by running into them. When you destroy the lockers, you will also find some Medals and a Collectible Lollipop.

Go, Medal Racer, Go! (15)
Picked up all zombie medals on the rooftop with Chainsaw Dash.
When you are halfway through Stage 2 (Stadium), you will jump out of a window and land on some roof tops. Collect all the medals on the rooftop with Chain Dash by pressing [RB But]. Ensure that you do not press and hold [LS] when using Chainsaw Dash since this will slow you down. Just moving left and right is enough until you hit the ramp.

Legendary harvester (15)
Harvested all crops in the 1st field with the combine in Stage 3
Halfway through Stage 3, you will find a field full of zombies and crops. After you are put on the Combine harvester, use [RT But] to mow down 100 zombies. The [LT But] is for reverse. The trick here is to mow down all the crops first then the 100 zombies so that you unlock the achievement.

No Fear Of Heights (15)
Beat the Gondola game without shooting
The Gondola arcade game is found in Stage 4, and you have to beat it without pressing [Y But]. You have to be patient and play carefully. Midway through Stage 4, after taking out the helicopter on the roof tops, you will find an arcade machine next to the shop.

Little Sisters Are The Worst! (15)
Do not get hit by Rosalind's wrecking ball
Midway through stage 5 (Cathedral), you will come to the cutscene where Rosalind is swinging the wrecking ball around. In the first part, she will be swinging the wrecking ball in a bid to save you from the zombies. She will kill most of them but make sure you don’t get hit as you finish off the rest. In the part where Rosalind gets attacked by Zombies, you are supposed to fend off the zombies while ensuring she does not hit you.

Aced Auto-shop Class (15)
Clear all the Kill Car QTE's in a row
Get this achievement during Stage 6 when Killabilly will be throwing cars at you at the start. You get a QTE each time a car is about to hit you. Press [Y But] and build a ramp of cars and progress using the chainsaw dash.

n00b Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Prologue, surpassing Dad's score
In order to better Dad’s score, you have to finish the Prologue with a score higher than 119, 700. You can achieve this is Story mode or Ranking mode but it is better to use Ranking mode so that the bonus requirements help you make higher scores.

Beginner Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 1, surpassing Dad's score.
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 1 with a score of more than 214,500. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Intermediate Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 2, surpassing Dad's score
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 2 with a score of more than 161,100. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Advanced Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 3, surpassing Dad's score
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 3 with a score of more than 294,900. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Super Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 4, surpassing Dad's score
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 4 with a score of more than 127,600. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Excellent Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 5, surpassing Dad's score
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 5 with a score of more than 366,800. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Master Zombie Hunter (30)
Clear Stage 6, surpassing Dad's score
Beat Dad’s score by finishing stage 6 with a score of more than 80,700. It is recommended you use Ranking mode so that you use the bonus requirements to help you score higher. You can also get it on Story Mode.

Congratulations! Happy Birthday! (100)
Watched the happy ending
In order to get the Good Ending, you must have rescued all your classmates as you finish Stage 6. You will get a Bad Ending if any of your classmates are missing. There are 21 classmates in total, and if you miss any of them, you can use Stage Select option to go back and save them.

Horrid Birthday (15)
Watched the bad ending
If you fail to rescue all your classmates by the time you complete Stage 6, you will unlock the Bad Ending. There are 21 classmates in total. If you have already unlocked Good Ending, replay Stage 6 so that you get to choose Bad Ending.

Rock'n Roll Isn't Here Anymore (15)
Defeated Lewis LEGEND
This achievement forms part of the story so you cannot miss it. Lewis LEGEND is the Stage 5 boss and you have to defeat him. Since he has multiple phases, you should aim to slash him up close when he is resting. When he charges at you with his bike, knock him off using the QTE by pressing [Y But] and then slash at him when he gets up but remains docile. Repeat as he transforms until you finish him off to unlock the achievement.

I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its Ass (15)
Defeated Killabilly
Killabilly is the final boss of the game, and you have to defeat him at the end of Stage 6. When he grabs at you, use your Chainsaw Blaster to shoot him in the face. While he is lying on thr ground, cut off his fingers. Dodge and slay the zombies that come your way. When he reaches ‘finish’, he will trap you with his hand. Use the [RT But] QTE to finish him off completely.
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