Xbox 360 Losing Weight


New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Just out of curiosity, for those of you that use the Kinect system regularly...have you ever lost any weight from playing the games? I do not believe that I play the system nearly enough to lose any weight from it, but sometimes I do feel a bit more in-shape.
I have used the exercising games pretty regularly and it is a great workout. I can't give you a position on the regular games but I do know that after a steady Fruit Ninja tournament my arms hurt.
I don't really see why when I want to sit down and relax and play a video game I should be losing weight and ultimately hurting afterward as TidalWave said.
If you want to lose weight, you could play some games that are designed to do that sort of thing like dance games or exercise games. It is said that some people who play Kinect lose weight so it is possible.
I probably don't have the right to post here yet for I just ordered my xbox today but i do own a Wii and have lost 46 pounds juicing and using the Wii. I bought the Xbox strictly for exercising while having fun, although it is coming with Fable and Hunting.
Not really, no. I don't even need to lose weight, I consider myself pretty fit. The games on kinect do have that effect though, even if you think you're just playing a game, you do end up burning some calories, which is a good thing.
When we used the Wii pretty regulerly, we lost weight. But I know with the Kinect, if you use it enough you WILL lose weight. Just like using the gym, you have to keep at it before you see any result. Good luck to all!
I have not lost any weight. Just like you I feel a bit more in shape. I find the Kinect gets my cardios going. I find it helps me to breath better. I just feel super good after playing the Kinect. I am going to look into getting some of these dance games and some of these workout games. I think this would assist me in losing weight.
Ive tried kinect for 2 weeks to lose weight, and to be honest, I only lost 5 pounds. This included a meal plan. Either I did something wrong, or the kinect is useless when it comes to fitness. Yes, it does assist you in losing weigh, but if you think about it, 5 pounds in 2 weeks isnt really that much xD
Ive tried kinect for 2 weeks to lose weight, and to be honest, I only lost 5 pounds. This included a meal plan. Either I did something wrong, or the kinect is useless when it comes to fitness. Yes, it does assist you in losing weigh, but if you think about it, 5 pounds in 2 weeks isnt really that much xD

In my opinion 5 pounds in 2 weeks is a lot! That is if you actually lost real fat and wouldn't gain it back the next day. i can lose 5 pounds in a single day, but that will most likely all be because of a lack of water and such. If your getting all your nutrients and still losing 5 pounds every 2 weeks you should be proud and continue doing it :)
Using kinect to lose weight is pointless.
Why not just do it the regular way?
Do daily situps, pushups, go outside and jog.

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