Xbox 360 Map editor


Feb 6, 2013
When I heard that even the Xbox version would have access to the map editor I got really excited! Map editors have always been my thing, this all the way back to the old Age of Empires games. Any game that has a map editor/custom story editor or a world editor of some sort instantly captures my attention. And I have to say, they did a really good job on this one, it is one of the easiest map editors that I have ever come across. The user-friendliness and simplistic UI works like a charm while still allowing advanced things to be created with ease.

Anyone else who has been playing around in the map editor for hours upon hours?
I've just been making my way through the campaign. I honestly didn't ever pay attention to the fact that it has a map editor. So I take it you like the multiplayer? I hadn't tried it yet-I heard from a few friends that the multiplayer was pretty terrible.

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