Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3. Weapons Guide: Heavy Weapons


Oct 25, 2012
Mass Effect 3: Weapons Guide. Heavy Weapons.

Mass Effect 3 weapon system is an expended variant of the weapon system coming from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Of course, it has a great number of unique guns but lots of them can also be found in the previous titles. Major changes have been made in the Heavy Weapons category: now you are not allowed to equip your character with them and they can only be found as pickups during missions. Luckily, in Mass Effect 3 any class can carry whichever and however many weapon types they want. The only limitation is the weight limit. For example, the Soldier can carry all five weapon types at once without exceeding carry weight, but only if properly upgraded to do so. On the top of that you can upgrade your weapon up to Level 5 making it more accurate, more powerful and less “capricious.”
Weapons in Mass Effect 3 are divided in the following categories:
1. Heavy Pistols;
2. Submachine Guns;
3. Shotguns;
4. Assault Rifles;
5. Sniper Rifles;
6. Heavy Weapons;
7. Explosives.
All guns from the following categories (except Heavy Weapon Category) can be upgraded with different modes.

Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons have lots of great things to offer for a gamer but unlike Mass Effect 2, in Mass Effect 3 they are available only in some missions on the battlefield. Usually, when you are out of ammo – you will have to drop the weapon and pick up something else as far as it is very unlikely that you are going to find something alike for the second time during the mission. On the top of all, they can’t be stored, customized, upgraded or else. Heavy weapons are like money: they come and go. In the list of interesting items you are going to find: missile launchers, grenade launchers, particle beams, flamethrowers, lightning, and cryo (freezing) guns. They are very effective when dealing with groups of enemies or some tough and heavily armored fellows. So, when you have an opportunity to use heavy armor – try to enjoy it as much as possible. You can also check out some of those in action by watching the video below.
1. Nukelauncher Cain (0:05);
2. Flamethrower (0:37);
3. Geth spitfire (0:48);
4. Reaper Blackstar (1:11);
5. Cobra Missile launcher (1:30);


Cobra Missile Launcher

Location: Multiplayer

Cobra Missile Launcher looks exactly like the M-560 Hydra and this fact might be disturbing to a certain point. However, that is not a critical problem. Unlike the M-560, Cobra Missile Launcher is a single shot launcher. It fires missiles directly at the target and it is powerful enough to destroy a target on contact. Unfortunately, it has pretty small area of effect. Cobra Missile Launcher fires fast and causes very high damage. It is powerful enough to kill your opponent with a single shot on any difficulty with a direct hit. If you are a good shooter, you can make it cause even more damage than the M-920 Cain that itself can create a 10,000 Boom! The only bad thing about the Cobra Missile Launcher is that it is very limited on ammo but with this deadliness it will be unfair to have lots of ammo hidden in the pocket. When in the fight, a very good strategy is to shoot at the ground near the intended target and not in the target itself. In this case your shot will throw the enemy back. Use this to your advantage the way you find is suitable.
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Geth Combat Software

Location: Rannoch, Geth Fighter Squadrons

Geth Combat Software is a handheld energy weapon and it can’t be used outside the location it is acquired. Also, you won’t be killing anyone with it and the only thing to worry about is the infected orange blocks. Your task is to move/destroy them to create a safe path. The gun is good only at the close range. The ammunition replenishes while the weapon is not in use. By pressing the “Fire” button you will unleash a rapid stream of shots.
Clip Size: 200.
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Geth Spitfire

Location: Rannoch, Admiral Koris

Geth Spitfire is not a true energy weapon and flings clusters of superconducting toroids. These projectiles are designed to shatter upon impact, arcing electricity between the fragments and flash-converting them to plasma. Geth Spitfire holds 200 shots and when shot in auto regime nonstop, the weapon can be a real trouble for anyone shooting back at you or simply passing buy. Considering the weapon’s nature, you won’t be interested in shooting singles: first of all – they are not that effective and secondly – when firing a period of time in a single burst, the Geth Spitfire will start firing at a faster rate causing more damage and killing more enemies. Yes, it will waste the ammo faster but there is an opportunity to find enough scattered around the room during Priority: Rannoch mission.
Clip Size: 200.
Reverse: 0.

M-451 Firestorm

Location: Attican Traverse, Krogan Team

M-451 Firestorm is a flamethrower and does what it is supposed to do: it shoots fire. It is a close range weapon that can cause lots of damage and is extremely useless when used even at middle range distances. It will be perfect for killing an approaching squad of enemies. It is very effective against armor, shields and biotic barriers. When you press the trigger, it will burn slowly at first but if you keep holding the trigger – it will burn much faster bringing much more damage.
Clip Size 250.
Reserve: 0.

M-560 Hydra

Location: Tuchanka: Bomb, Priority: Thessia, Despoina: Leviathan, Omega: Aria T'Loak.

M-560 Hydra is an amazingly effective missile launcher that can be used to neutralize a group of enemies or a heavy armored soldier. When fired, M-560 Hydra releases a barrage of miniature missiles. On impact, three shaped charges per missile explode in sequence: the first one overloads the target's kinetic barriers > the second destroys the armor > the third one detonates inside the target. M-560 Hydra is one of the deadliest weapons in the Mass Effect 3 and in your hands it can turn into a weapon of mass destruction. Like the M-920 Cain, M-560 Hydra has to be charged before it fires. But the good news is that you can hold it in the charging condition for as long as required and even if something or someone shoots back and hits you – it won’t break the charging process. M-560 Hydra is effective in any possible condition and even if you use it in close range combats – it won’t harm you or your teammates. However, it is highly recommended to use it from the distance and against grouped enemies. Otherwise, it won’t be effective enough. The weapon shoots eight missiles when is fired. Also it looks exactly like Cobra Missile Launcher and has pretty much the same features.
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M-920 Cain

Location: Priority, Earth

M-920 Cain is another insanely powerful weapon that comes to us from Mass Effect 2 and continues its insanely mind-blowing actions in the world of Mass Effect 3. M-920 Cain is a portable particle accelerator surrounding an array of dust-form element zero chambers and when used it projects a missile that can cause up to 10,000 damage which means – no matter how tough youк enemies are, they are likely to end up dead. As neutron moderators, M-920 Cain uses graphite rods. However, they require frequent replacement to sustain power but in this case the omni-tool can refabricate most heavy weapon ammunition into graphite rods. It takes a while to charge the M-920 Cain but the final result is totally worth waiting a few seconds. The bad but still the obvious thing about this weapon is that it can kill you and your teammates if the blast is close enough.
Clip Size: 100%.
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Reaper Blackstar

Location: Priority: Palaven, Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, Mahavid: Leviathan

Reaper Blackstar is a technologically advanced and amazingly powerful weapon so that even Alliance scientists can hardly assume how devastating it might be. The gun exploits an element zero core and mass effect fields to fire gravitational singularities. Gravitational singularities can also be referred to as Black Holes: they revert to their natural lethality when they impact a solid object. Scientists are still not sure about the actual impact on the target but it kind of looks like this: the weapon alters nuclei changing the chemical composition of the target, destroys organic tissue, corrodes surviving armor and leaves a visible trail of light-emitting particles. Reaper Blackstar can and should be used against group of enemies.
Clip Size: 1.
Reverse: 0.

Sync Laser

Location: Priority, Rannoch

Sync Laser is not an actual gun but it can cause heavy damage to the enemy you are fighting with. The trick is that the Sync Laser is connected with the Normandy SR-2's weapon systems and when synced with the target calls a powerful precision bombing shower from the sky. Locking on the target takes some time and you might wanna dodge around avoiding everything shot at you. Sync Laser was designed by Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh and uses reverse-engineered geth technology. But even despite its advanced technology, your enemies can and will jam the signal if you plan to use it very often. If you have a possibility to zoom in and concentrate on the target without moving – by all means do so because this will allow you to sync with the Migrant Fleet quicker and their response will be almost immediate. Here’s a video that shows how the Sync Laser works.

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