Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3: What was your final decision?


Active Member
Mar 17, 2013
East Coast
We all know that many people were complaining about the game's ending (not the choices, but the fact that there was a cliff-hanging ending)

Which choice did you make?
Mass Effect 3 is an essentially strong game that suffers from a lack of satisfying emotional and narrative closure, an issue that is prevalent with tons of entertainment today, because publishers and producers push for sooner release dates and opening for sequels.

There has been some talk that the "true" ending is coming soon, via some kind of DLC, but I would say that if this is true, the DLC will need to be a) damn good, and worth all the turmoil the original ending has put people through and b) free.

There's been a lot of talk about entitlement and, yeah, I do think that we are entitled to a proper ending. Bioware's writing team has shown they can do it before. Mass Effect 2 had an emotionally satisfying ending (Reaper dead, remaining squad helping with the Normandy repairs), but also allowed for the sequel (Reaper fleet approaching). When you advertise something as the perfect ending to a much loved trilogy, you had better deliver, otherwise you're going to kick up a ton.

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