Xbox One Matchmaking is always running


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
Instead of sitting around in the lobby waiting for a match to be found, you can now play some other games while matchmaking is running in the background. If you decide you want to play multiplayer, the game will most likely already be found, and pair you with people similar to you now with the new reputation system.

"Today, typically what happens on Xbox 360 is you go into matchmaking, and you’re sitting around in a lobby waiting — you’re sitting and not playing a game,” said Whitten. “The question is why can’t you be running the matches that you like — that are really tailored to you — always in the background so that whenever you’re ready there is a match that is ready for you. There are always more matches.”

Via VentureBeat
That is definitely some good news! It really seems like the system running in the background will potentially save hours and hours of time wasted on waiting in lobbies - something I particularly loathe about playing multiplayer matches - which translates into much less frustration, too. The only issue is, since the Xbox One essentially doubles as a Microsoft computer in quite a few ragards, the computing responsible for making this happen will run like a background process that could potentially waste resources that would otherwise be spent on the game you are currently playing. I wonder how much it consumes?
Another one of those things that you wonder how the hell no one thought about this before. it's such a great addition to gaming, that everyone should adapt it in some way, it just gives more satisfaction to each game when you can enjoy both types of gameplay at the same time.
That's a pretty cool feature. I think the whole idea of instantaneous movement is a good feature to invest in. Both consoles have done a good job at showing us that. Can't wait to see just how smooth everything is when I get my hands on it. I feel like download times, matchmaking screens and game start-up screens have taken a large chunk of my gaming time in total.
That's kind of a neat feature, being able to wait for a mutliplayer game to connect while you play some other game. If they make it really easy to switch from games back and forth I could see it being a pretty amazing feature.
Wow, that is definitely an exciting feature, and I'm sure this will come in handy and be useful to many gamers. I'm certain that everyone can relate to not being able to find a game when you want to play online and not only that, if you do happen to find a game, it will most likely be in a room with one or two trolls. Hopefully this puts an end to all that and gamers will no longer have to worry about wasting time trying to find a good match.
A feature that I can truly appreciate. Two thumbs up for that spot of genius. I do dislike just waiting in lobbies. But this is a new age so it is hard to tell what all new and interesting features they will surprise us with next. I can hardly wait to find out myself, how about you?
They definitely needed to do some overhalls on the matchmaking system from the 360. I don't remember the last time I actually left a rating for someone so I hope that they let you do that without having to traverse many menus. It'd be nice to have a larger rating system so if you get a bad rating it won't weight you down. Maybe drop your lowest grade kind of thing.

I'm kind of interested in seeing how people's systems handle all the multitasking that is going on. Bandwidth at rural areas is another issue that I could see having an affect on things.
I've never really had problems with lobbies on the 360 or the PS3. It usually only takes a couple of seconds to find the server, but I guess if they can make it just that little bit faster than credit is due to them. But how does this relate to hardware usage? Because if having this always running on will impact on how the console performs then I think that it's a bit of an unnecessary feature, because the current system seems to work pretty well.
Hm, that's good for the people that really asked for it I suppose. Personally I never really had in issue in games I played multiplayer finding a match after a few refreshes. I know people have had long wait times for the purpose of waiting to fight a specific person or clan, but outside of that I can't say any moderately supported community was in dire need of it.

Still, to take the opportunity and reduce the wait to nothing is all good news and I'll take it. Hopefully the popups can be toggled within reason. I don't want to be notified when I'm not actually looking.
Another thing that needs to be done with match making includes the skill level and if people are in parties. I mean, I know there's only so much you can do, especially if there's no community for the game, but you want to play with mostly the same level players. The last thing you want to do in a FPS is to fight a team of people in a party, but then again how often are teams partied up.

All in all, there's a lot of things that could make it better but its all about execution now, so do well Microsoft!
Yeah, this seems like a long time coming to me. I mean, I remember waiting and staring at the matchmaking screen in Halo 2 on the original Xbox. I was a little surprised it wasn't implemented for the 360 honestly. But hey, as they say, better late than never! Of course whenever there is a system like this, you inevitably get engaged in whatever single-player thing you were doing, then when a match pops up you can't decide to go or not...
This is actually a great idea. There have been some games where it's taken a while, and I've always wondered why this isn't possible. I applaud this.

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