Xbox One Metal Gear Solid V confirmed!


Former Moderator
Dec 16, 2012
For those of you who are Metal Gear fans, get excited as METAL GEAR SOLID V is official!

Here is the debut trailer:


A little info on the game: Snake’s been in a coma for nine years. Kojima said that Snake’s movement is constrained because of that coma. The opening parts of the game will therefore be linear. It will then switch to an open-world type of game.
Really looking forward to this one! Really happy it's coming to the 360 and it's apparently an open-world game like Ground Zeroes. The thing is, I'm not really sure what Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain actually are. Kojima has said that they both are Metal Gear Solid V, making it sound like Ground Zeroes is the prologue chapter and that Phantom Pain is the main game (similar to how MGS2 did it with the Tank/Plant chapters and MGS3 with the Virtuous Mission/Snake Eater Operation chapters) but apparently Konami has confirmed that they are actually separate games.

I would actually prefer them to be separate games. Two big open-world Metal Gear Solid games are better than one, anyway!
Is it true that the voice actor will be different?
Apparently, yes. David Hayter will, apparently, not be reprising his role as Big Boss again. I personally do not see such a big deal with it, however, as Big Boss was NOT voiced by Hayter in MGS4. I expect that Richard Doyle will be reprising his role as Big Boss for The Phantom Pain. Perhaps for consistency we could say that Hayter is young Big Boss and Doyle is old Big Boss. This, of course, doesn't really work if Hayter doesn't come back for Ground Zeroes at least, since Ground Zeroes is right after Peace Walker and Phantom Pain is 9 years after Ground Zeroes.
Just to add on what Claptrap said, apparently David Hayter wasn't even asked to return to lend his voice.
This looks amazing! I've always wanted to get into the metal gear solid games but I never owned any and when I did play them I was wayyyy too young and found it really difficult. Gotta get this for sure!
Thank you God, best Eastern present ever :D
I've always been such a huge Metal Gear Solid fan, I've ripped the HD Collection apart, and now it's time to get my hands on the next one!
I've been waiting for this for far to long . You have no idea how I'm excited about this. Four was my favorite one and the sequel will definitively be better.
I'm a little bit unclear on something here. I've always loved the MGS series, and have played the 4 games in the main series. I have not, however played any of the other games in the franchise, and i feel like I'm missing the elephant in the room here. I was under the impression that Snake had only weeks left to live at the end of MGS4. Is this really the same Snake, or does this take place between the events of MGS2 and MGS4? Maybe, its way more obvious, and this is just a continuation of Big Boss's story, and not the clone Snake from those other games? I could really use some clarification here.. lol Would somebody please explain this to me in a little bit more detail? Either way though, so excited for this!!
Is this really the same Snake, or does this take place between the events of MGS2 and MGS4? Maybe, its way more obvious, and this is just a continuation of Big Boss's story, and not the clone Snake from those other games?

This is indeed NOT Solid Snake, it is NAKED Snake, better known as Big Boss. This is how Big Boss' story chronology is so far: MGS3 > Portable Ops > Peace Walker > Ground Zeroes > Phantom Pain.

So, yes, this is not starring one of Big Boss' clones bug Big Boss himself. However, I have the feeling that his clones will start to be made at some point the Phantom Pain story...
The FOX Engine looks amazing, Hideo Kojima strikes again with genius on the gaming industry. Incredible how one Japanese dude can come up with such great ideas.

Also, finally we will be able to play in a Microsoft console, aside from the HD collections.
Also, finally we will be able to play in a Microsoft console, aside from the HD collections.
Well, wasn't MGS2: Substance on the original Xbox? Was exclusive for a bit first too or something, no? Don't really remember too well, but I do think it was on the Xbox.
I loved the trailer! Thanks for the share. Who needs an Xbox 720 if games already look as beautiful as this? It seems like there will be an opponent that looks like the Red Skull from Captain America. And who is the person wearing a mask? Is that Psycho Mantis? The game is looking pretty good and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
The only Metal Gear Solid I could do was MGS4. I will buy Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection for to be sure understand everything.
For nothing in the world I would not miss Metal Gear Solid 5. It looks to me too epic to miss.
I am surprised at the announcement on Xbox one, but better. I do not think it will be a launch title.:( Too bad, I would have liked to try the game on PS4 day one.

Kojima had indeed succeeded his Teasing, even if everyone doubted.:rolleyes:

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