Xbox One Metal Gear too "sexy"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
I couldn't find a proper forum for this, so if it doesn't belong here let me know!

Recently a Halo dev from 343 studios tweeted that a female sniper character in the new "Metal Gear" game is "disgusting" and claimed one of the things wrong with gaming today are too many "man children" making games. The character in question was encouraged by Hideo Kojima to be "erotic". He later said he didn't mean erotic, but "sexy". I'm not sure if he understands the two are about the same, but that's another story.

My question to you is, do you think women in games are overly sexualized? I've often used the theory that it's in a game, therefore not real. So what's the big deal? But do we say this as a blanket statement to do ANYTHING in games even if the moral compass is pointing in the wrong direction?

If this were coming from a member of the media or political figure, I wouldn't give it a second thought. We all know their agenda when it comes to games. But coming from a dev of one of the most popular games of all time lends a little more weight to it. And, to be clear, I don't personally think it should be a big deal. Women are sexualized in everything from sports, and music to trying to make us buy Axe body gel! And these women are real. A digitized version of a pair of half uncovered breasts shouldn't really be an issue.

But that's just MY opinion. What about yours?
No, I don't think it's too sexy. It's meant to be played by mature gamers. You will get a bit of sexism, violence and racism in every game just like real life.
It doesn't bother me any. I figure this day and age unless your playing DS, or a Lego game or one aimed at kids most of the games that people play probobly have women in tight armor or jumpsuits or metal bikinis or whatever. It's like a movie. It's fantasy.
I think the thing is... Have you ever heard the saying - "you are what you eat"? It's like that - when all the popular media you consume downgrades females into bouncing boobs and tight rear ends eventually you're going to end up with a set of folks who can't see past that. So you have females trying to enter gaming as both consumers and developers and whatever else, but they're finding that their viewpoints and such are being ignored because "T&A" is all they're good for. Does that mean guys who game aren't capable of seeing females as individuals? No, but it does mean that sometimes it all comes across as a boy's club that happens to be really sexist. Remember the Tomb Raider reboot rape issue? It got really ugly, really fast.
Just because mature themes are acceptable doesn't mean the objectification of women are. It's fine to have a character who is sexily dressed, but when you're doing it for no other reason than to make her sexy in order to boost sales, I think you should show yourself the door. Video Games are an art form, not some place where you can try and exploit the female form for sales of figurines and artwork. It's frankly disgusting to design female characters just for the sake of being 'erotic'.
Boo hoo, my feeling are hurt because of a pair of digital tits. Damn, when did developers started being a bunch of little girls? What are they expecting from acting like this? That women will like them for their "white knight acts"? Are they really pulling this sort of stuff in a field where you 80% of profit comes from games where you kill hundreds of people?

And the problem is a girl with revealing clothes?
I think overt sexualization is low-brow, but games are rated according to their content, not to mention you can know what to expect in the text by the rating. I think the main problem with gaming is the copy/paste mediocrity we're being handed, which, incidentally, 343 is guilty of. Don't get me wrong, Halo 4 is just fine, but it is undeniably a victim of the CoDzilla.
I think the thing is... Have you ever heard the saying - "you are what you eat"? It's like that - when all the popular media you consume downgrades females into bouncing boobs and tight rear ends eventually you're going to end up with a set of folks who can't see past that. So you have females trying to enter gaming as both consumers and developers and whatever else, but they're finding that their viewpoints and such are being ignored because "T&A" is all they're good for. Does that mean guys who game aren't capable of seeing females as individuals? No, but it does mean that sometimes it all comes across as a boy's club that happens to be really sexist. Remember the Tomb Raider reboot rape issue? It got really ugly, really fast.

Yes. You touched on something I didn't consider before posting this. What about female developers? In a mainly male dominated environment (such as video games), a woman has to have thick skin sometimes. Bur that shouldn't mean she shouldn't have a say in what goes into a game or the direction it can take. I can't really believe in this day and age a major developer doesn't have SOME female employees working on their titles.

From the consumer standpoint, there's a line between making a mature game for the majority of your audience (males) and not alienating the rest of your potential customers. And while the question "should we have half naked women just for the sake of it" could be argued either way, developers need to ask "How much money could we lose by having half naked women"? It personally doesn't bother me, but I can see where females may be upset at the stereotype.
I think the thing is... Have you ever heard the saying - "you are what you eat"? It's like that - when all the popular media you consume downgrades females into bouncing boobs and tight rear ends eventually you're going to end up with a set of folks who can't see past that. So you have females trying to enter gaming as both consumers and developers and whatever else, but they're finding that their viewpoints and such are being ignored because "T&A" is all they're good for. Does that mean guys who game aren't capable of seeing females as individuals? No, but it does mean that sometimes it all comes across as a boy's club that happens to be really sexist. Remember the Tomb Raider reboot rape issue? It got really ugly, really fast.

Very true...the fact that women are oversexualized in real life as well does NOT make it even a little bit better. It's disappointing to me as a woman because I enjoy the majority of games my husband does, I don't mind the occasional portrayal like that...but when it seems like it's all we'll ever get? It is a little sad. And I think it does send the wrong message.
Boo hoo, my feeling are hurt because of a pair of digital tits. Damn, when did developers started being a bunch of little girls? What are they expecting from acting like this? That women will like them for their "white knight acts"? Are they really pulling this sort of stuff in a field where you 80% of profit comes from games where you kill hundreds of people?

And the problem is a girl with revealing clothes?

Actually the issue is the kind of attitude your post is exhibiting, and that's why folks are getting so sick of this. Look at your insults - "a bunch of little girls". And you're assuming that this is "white knighting" versus just being a mature adult. Then you try to move the goal posts by saying that because there are violent video games "a bit of" sexism is okay. It really isn't. It's just really annoying and it provides a toehold for all the Tipper Gores and Jack Thompsons to attack the industry. On top of that why shouldn't females be given something more then the position of vamp, arm candy, or damsel in distress? Would Drake have been a more effective hero if all he wore was a pair of speedos? Should Chief have spent all his time lying about in suggestive positions? Would Isaac be more interesting if all the focus when on jiggle physics? No. But that's all just about all females have to look forward to and it's just really, really, really annoying.

Yes. You touched on something I didn't consider before posting this. What about female developers? In a mainly male dominated environment (such as video games), a woman has to have thick skin sometimes. Bur that shouldn't mean she shouldn't have a say in what goes into a game or the direction it can take. I can't really believe in this day and age a major developer doesn't have SOME female employees working on their titles.

From the consumer standpoint, there's a line between making a mature game for the majority of your audience (males) and not alienating the rest of your potential customers. And while the question "should we have half naked women just for the sake of it" could be argued either way, developers need to ask "How much money could we lose by having half naked women"? It personally doesn't bother me, but I can see where females may be upset at the stereotype.

From the developer position - I recall some discussion of this a while ago, but it got completely derailed because no one apparently cares. And there is apparently a large percentage of guys who still believe girls have cooties and are far too stupid to figure out how controllers work... therefore they should either learn their place or GTFO. It was really depressing and sickening, although it does explain the stereotype of gamers as mannerless man-children who will never get a woman. Seriously.

From the consumer position - according to statistics females make up almost half of gamers now and that appears to be growing. Besides which not every guy or even most guys are looking at females as only sex items. So saying that companies do this just because guys totally only want that? I don't really believe that's true. Besides which considering a significant number of games are bought and paid for as gifts by moms, wives, girlfriends, sisters, cousins, aunts, grandmothers, and friends who happen to be girls... you'd think they would at least pretend to care about how females would feel about this.

Very true...the fact that women are oversexualized in real life as well does NOT make it even a little bit better. It's disappointing to me as a woman because I enjoy the majority of games my husband does, I don't mind the occasional portrayal like that...but when it seems like it's all we'll ever get? It is a little sad. And I think it does send the wrong message.

I'm sorry you aren't being better represented, but I can identify with your feeling of sadness considering that there seems to be a significant drag on every step forward we seem to take. Of course, it could be worse - in the comic book realm this isn't even on the agenda. Which might explain why I don't really read comics like I used to.
I think it is all part of the allure of the game to make the women as attractive and voluptuous as possible. Maybe I am just speaking for myself, but while I am playing the game, I do not get erotic thoughts in my head. All I know is that the women are pleasing to the eye. I realize there are people who enjoy anime and/or cartoon porn. While that doesn't interest me, I still think that there is a huge difference in feeling between playing a game and watching a video.
People just like to whine too friggin' much about this stuff nowadays. Dragon's Crown came out and the world didn't end (and why did people only complain about the busty sorcereress anyway but not about the extremely muscular, almost naked men? they didn't even complain about the Amazon that much, just the Sorceress!) so I guess now they have to move on and to another upcoming game.

Did anyone complain about Beauty and the Beast (or whatever they're called) Unit in MGS4? Because I don't remember hearing anything about that and they were much worse than Quiet is.

Plus, the motion capture actress has said that there's good reasons for why Quiet is dressed like that but since they are a plot point it would be spoilers and so she can't discuss them at the moment. We don't even know anything about Quiet yet! And Metal Gear Solid has always had over-the-top designs for both its male and female characters (and hell, its everything is over-the-top. Anyone remember EVA in MGS3? And how there were very good plot reasons for why she shows so much cleavage and acts in such a suggestive way? So I'm against complaining so much until we at least know what Quiet's place in the story even is.
A simple answer would be no. Like alycat32 said, some people need to whine about something. Haters gonna hate it for no apparent reason.
The woman in MGS have always been "sexualized" but they use it as part of their allure and charm, kind of making them like Bond girls even.
I'm not complaining that's for sure. I mean the game is rated "M" for a reason. I don't think a 5 year old and his developing mind should be allowed to play. As for the revealing clothing, who cares? If it's too much for you don't play the game and return it.
The bottom line is, sex sells. Period. There is nothing wrong with sexy women, in fact, I love sexy women. I love video games, and I love Metal Gear Solid in general. Bring on the sexy digital girls in MGS5!

What really bothers me, is people who feel the need to suppress things around them due to their own reservations or opinions. If anyone doesn't like the sex appeal in a certain game, no one is going to force them to play the game or watch it being played. They should just carry on and play their conservative games, and let us play our sexy game. Live and let live.
I don't mind them that much. But I think games like Dead Or Alive with their 'boob physics' is kind of a little iffy for me, but then again that part of the game is made entirely as joke. But for more serious games, I don't really mind them too much unless their sticking it to my face. If a game shows too much eroticism and doesn't add up to the game itself other than just an encouragement for your boner, then I say it's crossing the line to the borders of being stupid.
Metal Gear has always had sexy women but they were always really neat characters with really interesting backgrounds. The Boss is the best woman character in gaming imo..

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