Xbox One Microsoft changing XBOX ONE DRM Restrictions


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
1. Doesn't always have to be online
2. You do not have to check in every 24 hours
3. Backwards compatible
4. Region locks have been taken away
5. All games will be the same offline and online
6. You can trade game or let friends borrow your games without any restrictions
While that is GREAT news, I wanted to see how many sales the Xbox One would actually have. Judging from the Amazon bestsellers, it was passing PS4 in terms of sales before. But with this change, I really do believe that Xbox One will now pass the PS4 in sales. They have way better exclusives in my opinion, Twitch streaming, and a bunch of other things. The only thing that's holding me back right now is the price. $500 is a bit too much, but with this complete 360 (intended pun), things are looking better for Microsoft.
Looks like they decided to do a 360 on their console.
Jokes aside, good for them on making this decision, let's hope this will let them enter the console wars once again, because competition is what promotes evolution.
Looks like they decided to do a 360 on their console.
Jokes aside, good for them on making this decision, let's hope this will let them enter the console wars once again, because competition is what promotes evolution.

Your joking, but everyone requested it. Its almost like why pay $499 to upgrade to a new console if everyone is going to complain about stuff on that new console. lol
Is it seriously backwards compatible now?!? I haven't seen that anywhere, but that's pretty huge to me! Were they seriously not including backwards compatibility because they weren't able to DRM it like they wanted to with newer games? Because that's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

I'm glad Microsoft is changing their minds on this stuff, I suspected this might happen. I guess now we'll have to be outraged at every publisher, when they announce the restrictions on their games.
Is it seriously backwards compatible now?!? I haven't seen that anywhere, but that's pretty huge to me! Were they seriously not including backwards compatibility because they weren't able to DRM it like they wanted to with newer games? Because that's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

I'm glad Microsoft is changing their minds on this stuff, I suspected this might happen. I guess now we'll have to be outraged at every publisher, when they announce the restrictions on their games.

Still won't be backwards compatible. Sorry.
It may not be backword compatible but it is console compatible. Your Xbox 360 can hook up to your Xbox one console through the HDMI ports. I'm pretty sure we will see some new things incorperated on the 360 with this cross console compadability.
I didn't think backwards compatibility was added. The HDMI port thing you mentioned, I don't think that would work really, that's just audio and video in, it wouldn't let you interact with it, like use the Xbox One controller with it or something like that, I'm pretty sure, right? I'm just saying, it's a nice idea, but I wouldn't have high expectations in that area.

I also don't understand why all games are the same online and offline now?? What happened to all of that cloud computing power they were bragging about non-stop, suddenly that's completely out the window? Weren't developers working with it already? I don't understand.
It may not be backword compatible but it is console compatible. Your Xbox 360 can hook up to your Xbox one console through the HDMI ports. I'm pretty sure we will see some new things incorperated on the 360 with this cross console compadability.

The HDMI in port is for you to plug in your cable box.
I'm using my cell phone so I can not share the article where Larry hub says the Xbox ones HDMI ports can be used from everything to connecting your Xbox 360 to windows 8 PC. When I'm off work I'll share the article so u can see for yourself.
It's great news, but I feel as if it was a desperate move from Microsoft. They really pissed off a huge segment of the gaming community, now they're trying to play damage control with this news. It's a great thing, but I almost would have liked to see them stick to their guns just to see where this issue went in the future. Who knows, maybe it would've turned out better than we expected. Either way, the news has made me get back on the Microsoft bandwagon.
The HDMI in port is for you to plug in your cable box.

There are HDMI+Ethernet cables. I haven't heard about the Xbox One being compatible with this feature though. It would make sense if they did, since it is supposed to interact seamlessly with your cable box. But the older 360s wouldn't be able to utilize this.
It's a good thing that they listened to the apparent majority and tweaked their system based on it. However, it makes them look silly, kinda. They said that the Xbone was built around it and that it was impossible to change their system, etc, etc. But then they just... changed it like that. Kinda like EA's SimCity fiasco (saying the game was processed on a server, which was a lie and playable offline.

But it's cool. They listened.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the announcement's popularity took down their servers for a bit. Does noone else find that hilarious? Imagine if every single Xbone owner had to connect at least one time for each new game? The servers would be down for a while whenever big new releases like CoD came out, making the system not work properly. Perhaps they looked into this as well and that might have affected their decisions to change, too...
I cannot post actual links till i have 25 post so i cannot share the link where larry hub talks about cross compatibility with the xbox one. Futher investigation leads me to belive that this has been done away with as this was a eairly thread and newer threads say that this wont be incorperated with the xbox one. However if u want to try to find the link yourself u can search
There are HDMI+Ethernet cables. I haven't heard about the Xbox One being compatible with this feature though. It would make sense if they did, since it is supposed to interact seamlessly with your cable box. But the older 360s wouldn't be able to utilize this.

This is not a feature with Xbox 360 consoles, its exclusively Xbox One.

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